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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Week 16 - 0% chance of Rain


After work, Luke and I travelled over to Wilmcote to move some furniture for Jane. On the way back, we accidentally went to the pub to enjoy some HPA on tap! My wonderful wife had a homemade curry ready for when I got back home!

No exercise, no junkfood, beers


Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


Lucy and I used the car for work. It was open day at the college and we stayed late until 7pm. After work, the family went along for dinner at The Fieldhouse. I sampled some good beers and had a proper giggle. The only downside was that there was simply no time to exercise.

No exercise, no junkfood, booze


I got to the dojo early and used the time to get a sweat on using the heavy bag. My left knee is still very tender so I concentrated on punches, elbows and mawashi geri using my right leg (not my favourite leg.) This evening's Karate session was run by Sensei Ronnie. After I led the warm-up, I was asked to teach the white belts. I like coaching, but unfortunately it means that I don't get to train! I led them through basics followed by kata followed by some pad work. Back at home, the wife was already on the wine, so I decided to have some beers with my dinner!

Karate, no junkfood, 3 beers


Up at 6am to drop Mouse at the train station. It was a gloriously sunny start to the day but very cold - literally freezing at zero degrees.

At home, I used Youtube to find some heavy bag drills. I didn't restrict myself to Karate: I found some interesting boxing and Muay Thai drills too. I intend to try them out with my group this afternoon.

After dropping Lucy at the train station, I walked Freddie in the sunshine. The park was rather busy even though it was a very cold day. Home for lunch.

My Saturday Karate lesson was well attended by some fantastic young people ready to train hard for their grading. Sensei Gary came to have a look at their kata skills and then set instructions for the session before bowing out. I mentally binned my lesson plan and started a kata session! The standard was good but we worked hard to make it better!

At the end of the session, we did managed to do some of the heavy bag drills I'd been looking at earlier in the day. The students seemed to enjoy it and left in a good mood. The only downside to today's session was one of the family members of a late arrival who wanted to stay to watch. She was playing noisy videos on her phone - even when we kneeled to bow at the end of the lesson! Rather disrespectful...

At home, Tilly and Jake came round to watch Doctor Who. Then they stayed to talk all the way through Strictly Come Dancing. I stayed sober and grumpy.

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


It was a cold day, at zero degrees when I left the house. Happily, there was no frost or signs of ice on the roads. The four of us set off along our Nutbush High Cross route. It was very quickly apparent that keeping my road bike in the garage for a month had done it no good at all. The headset was a little stiff which affected my ability to lean the bike over in the corners - it turned in straight lines instead of a smooth arc. I fiddled about with the bike with the help of James and Roger, but I had rounded one of the bolts so it was fairly fruitless. I struggled on and took it easy on the bends.

According to BBC Weather, there was absolutely no chance (0%) of rain this morning. It started raining at about 9:30 and by the time we reached Wilmcote we were fairly soaked. My new gloves performed fantastically well in the conditions so my hands were okay. My feet were a bit chilly however. Jonnie was suffering with his hands and had a hard time warming up at the cakestop.

We ate lovely chocolate cake (my first sugary junk food for a month), James gave us some great news, we chatted to Yvonne and Jane, and then we reluctantly stepped outside again. It felt even colder now than when we had arrived! I was eager to get going and keep the pace high in order to warm up. I had to find the right balance of speed and not dropping anyone as we went along. 

About 7 miles from home, Jonnie's bike suffered a puncture to the front tyre. Roger actually helped him find the thorn and then put a new tube in. James and I had a chat and made unhelpful comments.

Jonnie and Roger fixing the bike. I helped by taking selfies.
We got back after 34 miles with a careful average of a little over 13mph. As cold and wet as I was, I made time to clean and lube the bike before putting it away. 
In the evening, Jane came over for dinner and I enjoyed a few ales!

Cycling, junkfood, beers

Needless to say, with two days without exercise and plenty of beer, this week was a training fail!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Week 15 - Club Competition


Storm Debbie made it a wet and windy morning with gusts of over 40mph. I decided to use the car to get to work! This means that I have to wait for Lucy to finish work too. By the time I got home, it was too late to start lifting weights so I made dinner for the family instead. 

No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol


Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


Cycled to work and back. Picked some weight up for an hour. Drank beer for no reason.

Weight training, no junkfood, beers


It's been a week since my last 10K run. Unfortunately, my left knee is still painful. I didn't risk going out for a run. I picked up the weights for an hour instead.

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


Friday night dojo was run by Sensei Gary. After a warm-up, we were put straight into small groups for kumite. I was very happy to win my two fights. I even had some success with reverse kick - it does work if you can do it fast enough. Unfortunately, somewhere in my two fights I suffered a cut to my left foot. I didn't notice until the floor started to feel slippy. Sensei Gary was kind enough to fetch his first aid kit so I could tape it up and carry on. Later, we worked on kata and I got to practise my competition kata - Empi (or Enpi). As usual after a good training session, I went home feeling good about things.

Dinner and beer. Life is good.

Karate, no junkfood, beers


I spent Saturday morning trying and failing to stop the bath tap from dripping. In the afternoon, I worked with Sensei Gary for the first half of my Karate session, then he let me take over for the last 30 minutes. We worked on some ippon kumite and then some competition kata until we ran out of time.

Back at home, I had to stay up late so I could collect Mouse and Hydro from a boyband concert at Resorts World. I got to bed at about midnight!

Karate, no junkfood, no booze


Up at 6:45 ready for the club Karate competition! It is one of my favourite days of the year and I am pleased to report that we had a good turnout. The only disappointment was that I was the only instructor taking part. I felt a bit self conscious to be honest. Last year we had senior grades such as Sensei Omar, Sensei Joey and Sensei Kai taking part. This year, adult black belts were few and far between. As a result, there were only 5 of us for adult kata and 3 of us for adult fighting. I claimed gold and silver respectively. There were loads of youngsters, however, and the standard was higher than ever. I was genuinely impressed by the technical ability of the students taking part, matched only by their confidence and spirit. This was the first year where I didn't witness any tears from any our young competitors!

I realised it was after midday as the fighting finished and the kata was winding down. My plumber mate was coming over to look at my leaky bath tap so I had to head back home. I waited for him while ironing and watching Australia snatch the World Cup away from India. I waited for him until about 5, sent a couple of messages, didn't get a response, gave up waiting, and then enjoyed 3 beers with my dinner. Cheers!

My knee is killing me.

Karate, no junkfood, booze


Just like last week and the week before, I didn't indulge in any junkfood, which I'm rather pleased about. I drank on three different days, and didn't go for a run. I didn't have time to exercise on Monday. I'd say an average week of training, can do better.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Week 14 - Running Again


Cycled in to work and back.

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


Cycled in to work and back. 

At the start of tonight's Karate session, the instructor in charge asked for a black belt to assist him. I raised my hand thinking he wanted to demonstrate a technique. I was told to teach kata to white, orange and red belts! So I didn't get to train tonight, but it was still good fun working with our enthusiastic beginners.

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


Cycled in to work and back.

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


I used the car for work.

Back at home, I put on my running gear, pressed play on my Spotify playlist, and started out of the door. The first song was by Frankie Valli! It was a cold start but I was wearing three layers so I soon warmed up. I was expecting trouble from the left knee, but it behaved itself for the most part. It was a lot less painful than the last time I went running (Week 7 in September.) I had a dull throb at the back of the knee after a while, nothing serious. I was feeling rather tired, however. I even considered slowing to a walk at one point. Luckily, I managed to keep going. At the 4 mile mark, Every Time I Die came on the playlist which certainly helped me to keep going! Unfortunately, it also put me in the mood for a beer! Eventually, I managed to stagger home after 10K in a very pedestrian time of 66 minutes and 57 seconds. The three layers meant that I was far too hot for most of the run.

A quick shower, and then some beers with my chicken and pasta!

I went to bed pleased that my knee wasn't hurting.

10K run, no junkfood, beer


My knee is hurting. 

It's a pain at the side of my left knee, the inside, and below the patella. Anyway, wherever it is, it's obviously strained. Running sucks. Karate tonight should be fun...

I cycled carefully into work. My knee ached. An impromptu meeting ran on for too long and I left work too late for Karate. I cycled carefully home.

Rather than put more pressure on the knee by lifting weights, I decided to go for a ride. In the dark. At rush hour. I will never do this again. I intended to do some laps at the cycle track at Tudor Grange. When I got there, I discovered it was strewn with mud and, unbelievably, people were still shuffling around the track with a dog! It wasn't even on a lead! I tried to get round but was averaging at 12.4mph. I may as well walk. I quickly gave up on that idea and decided to get back on the roads. It was so aggressive out there, the drivers almost killing themselves and each other to get home a bit quicker. I almost got hit twice in the same half mile stretch OF A CYCLING LANE! An old fella simply drove across the cycle lane to park up on his drive. I was forced to brake. When I discussed this with him, he demanded to know why I didn't have any lights! I obviously had top notch lights blazing front and back. The silly old fool shouldn't be driving. I rode away.

I eventually got home after 15 tense miles and a pathetic average of 13.6mph.


Cycling, no junkfood, beers.


Today was a busy day! After breakfast, I set about cleaning the oven. After leaving the cleaning solution to work on the grease and grime, I cycled down to B&Q to get some woodstain and some more sandpaper. Back at home, I carried on working on restoring the farmhouse chairs from last week while listening to TMS. After this, I jumped in the shower and then cycled to the dojo to deliver my Saturday afternoon class. Today, I had 19 respectful hardworking students who gave their best and showed some real development. I love to see how far they have come in the few months I've been lucky enough to teach them.

After this, I met Lucy and two of the other instructors to celebrate a Karate family member's birthday. Cheers! We had to leave sooner than I'd liked so that I could get dinner ready. Jane was coming round to sample my 24-hour curry and to watch Strictly with us! Of course, I had another beer while preparing the dinner...

Karate, no junkfood, beers


I got up at 7 ready to go cycling. It was a cold wet day. Both the Met Office and the BBC agreed that it would rain all morning and it would stay cold (between 4 and 7 degrees). I consulted with Jonnie and Roger on Whatsapp and they felt that it wouldn't be any fun in the lanes today. We'd be cold and wet almost as soon as we set off. So we cancelled the ride.

Unfortunately, poor James had left the car behind and had already started the 7 mile ride to Jonnie's place! Sorry James mate!

Back at home, I immediately got stuck into cleaning the oven while feeling guilty about not riding. After this, I carried on working on the chairs (in the garage with the door open). Later, I did an hour of weight training before mopping the kitchen floor. In the afternoon, Lucy and I ended up having one drink in the Beech House pub in Solihull. It's a lovely place but bonkers expensive. Definitely a once in a while treat!

In the evening, Lucy prepared a fantastic dinner while I enjoyed yet more beer...

Weight training, no junkfood, beers


Just the same as last week, except I managed to go for a run on Thursday. I exercised everyday, didn't have any junkfood (14 days and counting) but just couldn't resist relaxing with a beer in the evenings. I'm running the risk of letting my love of craft ale ruin my training...

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Week 13 - Half Term


Today was dry but there had been a lot of rain recently. I jumped on the race bike and headed off to the outdoor cycling track at Tudor Grange. The 0.5 mile circuit was strewn with mud, standing water and wet leaves. I couldn't really get up to speed but I could get round at over 15mph. Unfortunately, people still insist on walking dogs on a cycling track. Even when they can see I'm training there. I find it hard to believe, even as I type this, that people would let an animal loose on a cycling track, currently being used by cyclists, and then shuffle around after the dog as if it's a quite normal and acceptable thing to do. Even when I ask them "Excuse me, do you know this is a cycling track?" they don't reply, just gawp at me like I'm speaking an alien language. So then I have to navigate running dogs and their imbecile owners.

Anyway, I returned home after 15 miles at 15.6mph.

Cycling, no junkfood, no alcohol


Weight training, no junkfood, no beers


Weight training, no junkfood, no beers


I got up at 5:45am. Today I was a deputy chief invigilator at the NEC. I was responsible for a room of 122 doctors taking a professional qualification. I had a team of 5 invigilators working with me. At first, I was a little out of my comfort zone, but I felt better once I had the microphone in my hand and had the attention of the room! It was a three hour exam that started late. Then I had to count all the papers, put them in alphabetical order and check them against a list. I got home at about 3:30pm!

I did an hour of weight training before having a sit down and a chat with Sally and Lucy. Then I helped myself to a beer...

Weight training, no junkfood, beers


I woke up feeling a little rough, but not too bad. I walked Freddie in the park, and the idiot dog trotted off from me and then walked home by himself. I have no idea how he navigates his way across the busy roads or why he does it. It's not the first time. Anyway, the fresh air helped and by the evening I was firing on all cylinders and ready for Karate! 

Sensei Ronnie was in charge and we did lots of work on Kata including Hangetsu and Sochin. I still can't get the two kicks to work in the middle of Sochin - I have no idea what to with my hands. I'll keep working on it. We also did a bit of basic one-step sparring. I was lucky enough to partner Sensei Kai. He certainly put me under pressure and I like to think I kept him on his toes too.

At home - fireworks! Mouse invited her friends over, I set a fire in the fire pit, Lucy and I poured a drink or two, and I had a whale of a time letting off rockets! The young people were in fancy dress and they even enjoyed sparklers! A top notch night and only 3 beers.

Karate, no junkfood, alcohol


I cycled to the dojo. It was a very cold and wet day. However, that didn't stop my students from turning up. We focused on basics for the first half of the lesson and then turned our attention to one-step sparring. We looked at two different counter attacks to a jodan punch, working with partners. As always, heavy bag to finish!

No beers, early to bed.

Karate, no junkfood, no booze.


Up at 6:30am ready for instructors' training! When I got there, it was full of young black and brown belts, but there were only 3 of us instructors. Sadly, Sensei Ronnie decided that wasn't enough to do instructors' training. We did a fitness circuit instead. Then on to kata for the rest of the lesson. I got useful tips/info about Kata Empi which I will use in the competition on the 19th.

Back at home to do loads of ironing. I also spent a couple of hours restoring a wooden kitchen chair donated to me by neighbour Luke. It's starting to look good.

In the evening: a huge chicken dinner accompanied by some top quality ales!

Karate, no junkfood, beers


I exercised for an hour each day and managed to not eat any junkfood for the entire week. However, I didn't go for a run, and I drank beers three nights out of seven. I still feel that I made a bit of progress this week, but I need to push it harder next week as the competition gets nearer.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Week 12 - 5 days of weight training!


Cycled to work and back, an hour of weight training, no junkfood, no booze.


Cycling to work and back, an hour of weight training, no junkfood, no booze


Cycled to work and back, an hour of weight training, no junkfood, a few beers


An hour of weight training, no junkfood, no booze


Today was a teacher training day. Unfortunately, somebody decided that it was a good idea to host this 'event' at our Handsworth campus.

I drove over with Lucy and three other members of staff crammed into my car (I like driving the Nissan Juke, but there isn't much room in the back.) The CPD itself was crap but we did have a couple of useful conversations with managers. I then drove home through rush hour traffic.

I was about ready to collapse on the couch with a beer when I suddenly changed my mind and started setting up my man-cave for a workout. I spent the next hour lifting weights: curls, overhead presses, squats and dumbbell stuff, along with 300 body-weight reps too. After an hour of this, I then allowed myself a beer! And then another beer, and then another beer... You get the picture!

Weight training, no junkfood, loads of beers


I woke up with a shocking head, really not in the mood to anything. Instead of feeling sorry for myself on the couch, I made breakfast for myself and Lucy before going food shopping with her in Shirley. I felt pretty rough shuffling round the supermarket but I got through it. After this, I dropped Lucy and Mouse into Solihull, and then walked the dog in the park. I was starting to feel human again.

In the afternoon, I cycled to my Saturday afternoon Karate lesson. Today, my young people were a little slow to get started and it was hard to get them revved up. However, by the end of the lesson, they were going hard at the heavy bag and everyone seemed to go home happy.

In the evening, Lucy made a lovely dinner, I had a few drinks and the family watched Strictly. 

Karate, no junkfood, booze


Up feeling fairly relaxed after an extra hour in bed - the clocks went back last night. I met up with Jonnie and James at 9. There had been a lot of rain last night. In an effort to avoid the huge puddle on Tithe Barn Lane I took the lads along Dyers Lane. After this Jonnie took us along Cut Throat Lane and then turned left. Unfortunately, this did nothing to avoid the puddle - our mental geography had obviously let us down! We ended up tiptoeing through the deep water anyway!

We went along past the brewery, scampered up The Average Destroyer and then hurled ourselves up The Billsley Wall, all the while being mindful of the puddles and wet gravel strewn about the lanes. The conditions affected our average speed which I think was under 14mph when we rolled up to the cakestop. As always, the homemade cake was excellent, and today there was World Cup cricket on the TV. It was struggle to get back in the lanes, but the sun coming out certainly helped.

Jonnie called for a Petticoat return which was a good shout. After we had crawled out of the Lowsonford, we turned left along our Bushwood route. There was where we encountered a lot of gravel and quite a bit of traffic, but we negotiated it all safely. We got back to base after almost 40 miles and over 2000ft of climbing. I intend to use this route as part of our New Year training schedule.

I undid my good work by sinking a few ales in the evening while making a curry.

Cycling, junkfood, beers

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Week 11 - Celebrating Life


Well, the inspectors didn't visit my classroom but they did have a look at Lucy's lesson. As expected, she received a glowing report.

In the evening, I joined my wife in a party for two.

No exercise, junkfood, booze


Back in training!

Today I did an hour of weight training, didn't eat rubbish food and stayed off the booze.

Weight lifting, no junkfood, no alcohol


I cycled in to work and back. As soon as I got home, I set about lifting some weights. About 50 minutes in to the session, I set up my barbell for overhead press (military press.) I was on the very last set of 12 reps when I discovered that my arms wouldn't do as I asked them. I simply didn't have the strength to move the bar above my ears. I set it down in disbelief. It had only been a couple of weeks since I had been performing OHPs at the same weight. I gave my self a stretch for a couple of minutes and then tried again. Nope, I managed about 7 before my arms stopped working. That was the end of weight training for the day!

No exercise, no junkfood, no booze


At about 3am I woke up with a bit of a nasty pain in my neck and shoulders. It was such that I was unable to move my head for a little while. Eventually, things started to loosen a little and I could get my head off the pillow. I'd obviously done some damage to myself trying to reach for that last set of overhead presses. I got back to sleep eventually.

In the morning, I decided a rest day was in order so got in the car with Lucy. 

No exercise, no junkfood, no booze.


My neck and shoulders were still aching, so no exercise for me. After work, Lucy and I went to visit Jonnie and Sally for a little while. Jonnie and I had a beer. I continued the beer drinking when I got home...

No exercise, no junkfood, beers


Today was the day of Eric's Celebration of Life. We had an open house all day with loads of lovely family and friends coming and going. I ducked out of the house in the afternoon to teach my karate lesson.

And what a lesson it was! I pushed the young people really hard - plenty of fast-paced kicks followed by full-on kata. They responded brilliantly and I was proud of them. We finished, as always, on the heavy bag.

Back at the celebration, even more people had arrived! I jumped back in the car to fetch Lily who was promptly whisked upstairs by the girls. She missed the entire gathering! As the celebration came to an end, I dropped my mate Paul and his wife back to their hotel and then took Lily back. I eventually flopped into an armchair at 11:30pm. Everyone else still awake was well into their cups! I had a glass and a half of red wine before dragging myself off to bed.

Karate, no junkfood, a bit of wine


Cycling in the lanes with Roger, James and Jonnie. In order to avoid some flooding in the local area, we headed off on our Bushwood start and then headed south down the Widowmaker in Langley. We all noticed how the roads had been strewn with mud and gravel by the recent heavy rains. There was a nerve-racking moment during the descent off the Widowmaker when I turned a corner to find the road lumpy with rutted mud and stones. There was a 4x4 on my back wheel and I had no choice to brake slowly and hope the driver noticed (we don't have brake lights on bikes...)

Happily, I made it down okay and then Jonnie and I followed James and Roger climbing up Langley Road. We didn't catch them, in fact they increased the distance! They were kind enough to wait at the junction.

At the cakestop, we watched India vs New Zealand and had some disappointing cream cakes left over from last night's party. We took the shortest route home, getting wet socks and dirty bikes in the process.  36 miles at 13.8mph.

At home, after cleaning and lubricating the bicycle, I received a message asking me to cover the Sunday evening Karate class. It was a full class with no other instructors there. I decided to work on fitness and kata. By the end of the session, everyone had performed at least 6 kata at full speed and done almost 50 kicks, plus basic blocks up and down the hall! Everyone seemed to be getting stuck in and showed the correct attitude.

Back at home, I decided it was beer o'clock! Cheers!

Cycling, Karate, junkfood, beers

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Week 10 - Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Cycling, Lord's!

Monday - Friday

We have a sort of mock inspection happening next week. We can't be sure when the inspector will arrive or which lessons he or she will visit. So we have to be prepared. This means having lots of paperwork ready, having loads of marking completed, and planning awesome lessons. This takes time.

Each day, Lucy and I decided to stay as late as possible to get as much done as possible in readiness for the inspection. This meant that I simply didn't have time to get any exercise done and we always ate late, even when I was cooking. It also meant that I used it as an excuse to have a couple of beers with dinner each night!


I met Jonnie and James at the usual time for our weekly cycle ride, but this time we were riding on a Saturday so had to be extra aware in the lanes. We chose our quietest route away from major roads (Honiley Variant.) As far as clothing selection went, I was wearing three layers, leg warmers, hat and scarf, but had opted for my spring gloves. At first, the gloves were a bit thin and the fingers started to numb. The sun was bright and low and it was sometimes difficult to see where I was going in my £2.99 Aldi shades. 

After about an hour of this, the sun had climbed higher and was considerably warmer. My fingers warmed up, I could see where I was going, and all was well with the world. We rattled along at a good pace, the banter flowed like a fine wine, and we rolled into Wilmcote with a decent average of 14.5mph.

Today, I was tasked with checking the tyre pressures on Jane's car. She had borrowed a tiny foot-pump with a dodgy head which I couldn't fit without it leaking air. I took back up to Stuart - the very nice bloke she had borrowed it from. He just attached it and then pumped away with the air leaking out. It worked, eventually.

After fantastic cake, we sped off into the lanes. It was warm enough to remove my hat and jacket. I stuffed this up my jersey and looked like an unfortunate hunchback from an old horror story. We decided to head back via Jonnie's Shortcut up to the brewery. We were over 5 miles from Wilmcote when my phone rang. It was Jane. I had her car keys in my jersey pocket. I said good bye to the lads and headed back to Wilmcote. 

I rode the remaining 21 miles solo. I got caught in the rain on the way back and was pleased to finish the 48 miles with a half decent average of 14.4mph (Strava says 14.3mph.)

An hour later, I was in the shower and then getting ready for this afternoon's Karate session.

The emphasis of today's lesson was on basics. I pushed the students hard and kept the pressure on, making sure they gave their best. Most of them impressed me, especially the lower grades. I didn't expect the standard to be quite so high! We blasted through some kata before ending on the heavy bag.

The evening consisted of Strictly Come Dancing and a few beers!


Today, Harry had kindly invited me to join him, Jonnie and 2 other good chaps on a guided tour of Lord's Cricket Ground. The only snag being, Thomas Lord had decided to build the place in London...

Lucy volunteered to drop us of at Birmingham International to catch the slow train to Euston. Harry, wise beyond his years, had saved some money by booking a train that was due to stop at 547 stations before reaching its destination. Anyway, we started off having to stand on a packed train, but eventually managed to get seats relatively close to each other. We huddled around Jonnie's iPad and watched England struggling to dispose of Afghanistan in the World Cup. 

The trouble really started when we got to Tring (me neither). The train simply stopped and showed no sign of intending to go anywhere else. The passengers gradually left, in dribs and drabs, to stand around Tring and peer at their mobile phones. It was sort of like a scene from The Walking Dead, just without as much screaming. Jonnie had a brainwave and called up his best mate David who just happened to live nearby and drove a big powerful roomy BMW. Soon, we were hurtling along the M1, observing the speed limit, heading towards some other place I'd never heard of.

After saying goodbye to David, and visiting the world's second smelliest toilet, we found ourselves on a much less crowded train marked 'underground'. The strange thing being, it didn't actually go underground. We spilled out into the Big Smoke. Obviously, I was totally lost and at the mercy of the rest of the chaps who seemed to know the place like the backs of their hands. 

Lord's is not a big place, but it is impressive. It smells of wood and polish and of grandparents' houses. It creaks, the corridors are narrow, history peers back at you from old paintings and photographs. It's quiet.

We had a very knowledgeable guide with a dry sense of humour and the patience of Sir Geoffrey Boycott. We were shown the museum (star attraction: The Ashes), the Long Room, the player's dressing rooms, the lunch room, the Media Centre and the Scorers Box. We were told countless stories and given a myriad of facts. It was a very pleasant time and I'm very glad I was there. And yes, the pitch really does slope!

Me and Brian Lara in the Long Room

To the pub! We stepped next door to the Lord's Tavern. Lots of TV screens and eye-wateringly expensive ale. The surprising thing, and I still can't believe it, is that the landlord decided to not have the Cricket World Cup playing on the screens. Instead, we watched rugby football. Jonnie and I did find a screen outside the pub where England could be seen losing against Afghanistan, but as soon as it became too miserable to watch, we joined the others indoors.

The journey home was an experience to forget. (Just writing about it now causes a queer feeling to creep up my backbone and the keyboard to swim before my eyes.) One of the chaps checked his mobile device and announced that the difficulties with Euston Station were over. Hurrah! We all piled down to the London Underground, got totally lost, followed Harry for a bit and eventually asked a high-vis vest who told us what to do. We got to Euston Station to find that the zombie apocalypse was still in full swing: hundreds of people staring up at big screens that said delayed or cancelled in an unfriendly font. The heart sank, the stomach churned.

We slumped in plastic chairs designed to make you want to stand, and waited for an announcement. There was talk of a £200 taxi home. 

When the announcement was finally made, when we were made aware of a train for Birmingham, we launched ourselves towards the platform along with the hordes of the undead. I quickly lost contact with the chaps, but, with no time to find them, I simply hurtled along looking for a way onto the train. I could hear people falling, the slap as they hit the concrete, high-vis vests trying to make us stop running. I kept running. I got into a small group that managed to squeeze into a carriage. I even managed to get a seat!

When I got my phone out I learned that the chaps were at least three carriages away from me and there were no seats available. I was alone for the next 2 hours. Those two hours were hell. I was pinned in from the aisle, the bloke next to me wouldn't speak, and the toilet in my carriage was out of order (I would relate my journey to another carriage to find a working toilet but in doing so it would probably give me PTSD.)

I met up with the lads at the station, we got a taxi, we ate junkfood. 

And we vowed never to go anywhere ever again.


Monday, October 9, 2023

Week 9 - Summer in October


Not a good day for training. I was still in lazy mode and couldn't seem to shake myself out of it. I didn't do any exercise, but I did drink some beer.

No exercise, no junkfood, 3 beers


I didn't drink any booze today, but I didn't go to the dojo either.

No exercise, no junkfood, no beers


Back in training!

I cycled to work and back and then picked up some weights for an hour. I didn't break any records but it was a good session.

Weight training, no junkfood, no booze


After cycling home from work, I jumped in the car and Lily I went along to Solihull to watch Saw X. I have a dim recollection of watching the original Saw film, but couldn't tell you what happened or who any of the characters were. Suddenly, I'm watching part 10, having missed out the previous 8! Anyway, it wasn't as intense as I was expecting, the plot was full of holes, and some of the acting was distinctly B movie. But it was still fun, Lily enjoyed herself and it was a nice night out. 

Home late with no time to do any exercise before bed.

No exercise, no junkfood, no beers


I cycled to work, got some stuff done, but then realised how much paperwork must be completed before Ofsted arrive in the very near future. I just don't think it will be possible. However, I will give it my best shot and not get stressed about it. The trick will be to keep other members of the department, including my wife, from getting too stressed...

I cycled home, jumped in the shower, and then headed off to Sensei Ronnie's Karate session. It was all about kicks tonight. Unfortunately, I had to supervise the white belts again, but at least it was fun working with our beginners.

Back at home, I resisted a beer, ate loads of homemade spaghetti bolognese, and then drank tea while playing video games until midnight!

Karate, no junkfood, no booze.


Up before 8 to make bacon and eggs for me and Lucy. After this, the morning was dedicated to all that Ofsted paperwork I mentioned earlier. I spent about 3 hours marking initial assessments while following the Cricket World Cup.

After a healthy lunch (plaice with green beans) I walked the dog in the park. It was unseasonably warm and I strolled around in a t-shirt and getting some vitamin D on my head.

This afternoon, I planned a version of Sensei Ronnie's kicking session from yesterday. I had 13 hard-working enthusiastic young people in the dojo. They got stuck in to partner work, pad work and then the heavy bag to finish. A good atmosphere today!

Back at home, I manned the barbecue, drank a few beers, and then watched Strictly with the family.

Karate, no junkfood, beers


Up at 7 to get ready for a morning of cycling. At 9, I arrived at Jonnie's place and then, along with James, we set off to Luddington.

It was a glorious day! The warmest October day I can remember. Dry, bright and hardly a breath of wind. We took full advantage of the conditions and shot off towards Ullenhall. We were chatting but keeping the pace high too. Jonnie was feeling sprightly and even took the lead when bombing along the A4189 between the churches. As third man for that section, I realised how little effort is needed compared to working on the front. It was quite an eye opener!

By the time we were flying along Aston Cantlow we had an average of 15.3mph and an idea formed in my mind: could we reach an average of 16mph before we got through Luddington? When I first put the idea to the chaps, it was met with disbelieving sniggers. When they realised I was serious we got down to business and applied the necessary pressure to the pedals! 

It was a hard slog up to the A46. After a quick crossing, I got on the front up to the Blue Boar and dragged us along, getting a PR for myself in the process. Then it was the mile and half descent through Binton - one of the most fun things you can do on a bike! After this, James dropped a chain, we all met up at the junction, and then headed along the B439 to Luddington. 

Suddenly solo, I tried to wait for the lads but keep my speed above 16mph. Through Luddington, a van overtook me and then slowed to a halt because of walkers on the road and oncoming traffic. This helped the chaps get back on my wheel. We were bombing along, closing on our target when suddenly: bloody road works! We pulled up at the temporary traffic lights with a frustratingly close average speed of 15.9mph. Oh well, next time.

We trickled along for a bit, Jonnie and I having a chat, while James stretched his legs along the Ridgeway to Wilmcote.

I'm not sure what type of cake we had, but it was very nice. It was also nice to see India restricting Australia to a very slow run rate in the World Cup.

By now it was bright and sunny. Jonnie and I stripped down to one layer before setting off along the last 18 miles - High Cross Return. We were in high spirits as James led us along Featherbed Lane. We crawled up the steep Gospel Oak Lane climb together and then chatted down past the Armories. Through Snitterfield and then, with Jonnie off the front, I managed to drop my chain at the bottom of Wolverton Hill. James waited for me, and as soon as I had my chain back on I powered after Jonnie up the climb. I gave myself a PR trying to catch him but he made it to the top before I did!

James, as strong as ever, carried on pushing and managed to get on the wheel of a guy who had whooshed past us a little earlier! He eventually sat up so the three of us could ride together for the remainder of the ride. 

It was a gloriously bright and sunny day. A day to appreciate the beautiful countryside where we live and to enjoy the company of good mates. Back at Jonnie's place, we shook hands and I took the opportunity to snap yet another photo for this blog:

As soon as I got back, I started the ironing while watching India's slow, relentless victory over Australia in the World Cup. Jane came round for some curry and I enjoyed a few beers!

Cycling: 45 miles at 15.1mph, junkfood, 3 beers


Nope, still not training properly. Still too many beers... The 2nd Dan black belt is a long way off.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Week 8 - Birthday Boy


I cycled in to work and back. I did a weight training session and managed to set a personal record for military press. Afterwards, I decided to have a few beers while I got dinner ready.

Weight Training, no junkfood, 3 beers


I cycled to work. Within a few seconds of setting off, it started to rain. Suddenly, I was on the A34 cycling in a storm! Thunder and lightning above my head, rain lashing down. I was completely soaked by the time I got to college. All of my clothes had to go in the tumble dryer, even my pants!

I cycled home in dry clothes but soaking wet shoes - it was like sliding my feet into two dead fish...

Tonight's Karate session was great! Sensei Mark ran a no nonsense session, blasting us through some high level kata to start with and then moving on to self defence. We were asked to leave our mitts off to make it more realistic. After a few close quarter blocking and attacking techniques my arms were sore and I had taken blows to the ribs, throat and nose! By the time I got home, the bruises had started to come up nicely! 

Karate, no junkfood, no booze


I rode the bike in to work and back. I did an hour of weight training and then made dinner.

Weight Training, no junkfood, no booze


We used the car for work today. Afterwards, we went to visit our good friend Sally to help her celebrate her birthday. Of course, I had to have a few beers!

No exercise, no junkfood, 3 beers


I cycled in to work. I had some lovely birthday presents from Heather and Dodgy. Dodgy has given me a fantastic pair of winter cycling gloves - SealSkin gauntlets that look like they might be just what I need in the cold weather.

After work, I went along to the dojo. Sensei Gary was in charge and he made the lesson fun - fast-paced basics with some reaction training exercises too. We got to punch mitts out of the air!

Back at home to find a lovely surprise - Tilly, Jake and Lily had come round to help us celebrate my birthday. I had some fantastic presents including a new suit, plenty of beer, cycling clothes, aftershave and new shirts. We chatted until about 10:30 and then we all staggered off to bed yawning.

Karate, junkfood, beer


Jonnie, Roger, James and I set off on our bicycles at 9am. It was a warm morning and, once again, I had got the clothing choice wrong. I was too hot in three layers plus a hat and scarf! Jonnie had some brake issues very early on, but manged to set the front calipers so they didn't rub. 

James and I bobbed along at 15mph while Roger and Jonnie charged off the front for the first 15 miles or so. Even though Jonnie was suffering with a cold, he looked super strong this morning, and Roger is just fit! When we got to the Average Destroyer (a short, steep climb in Haselor ) James and I decided to put Jonnie and Roger under pressure so we scampered up the hill in an effort to leave them behind! We did put some distance between us and them, but we found out later that Jonnie's front wheel was loose - he hadn't tightened the quick release mechanism since he got back from Yorkshire last week. It's little wonder his brake was rubbing this morning!

We rode together for a little while before the group splintered again after crossing the A46 for the second time. Jonnie and I headed off to the cakestop and James and Roger joined us just as we arrived.

The cake was awesome - the best carrot cake we had ever sampled I reckon! After a chat about rugby with the dishwasher repair man, we headed back into the lanes. I left my jacket behind - it was far too warm. My intention on this ride was to get a gold trophy on Strava for the reverse section of the 1.44 miles of Pettiford Lane. Jonnie and James kindly volunteered to lead me out, but after a little while I realised the pace needed to be higher so I pushed on ahead solo. James managed to catch me but couldn't get in front even though he wanted to help out. Anyway, I'm pleased to report that we both got gold for the section. Mission accomplished!

After this, the chaps unknowingly dropped me for a mile or two, so I had to work hard to get back on. Jonnie proved himself to be super fit despite his cold: he roared away past a trio of horses and then shot up through Lowsonford until Bushwood Lane where he waited for us. I kept the pressure on for a little while, trying to keep a 15mph average a reality. However, both Jonnie and James were too strong and gradually left me behind. We rode together for the last few miles. 

When we were less than a mile from home. I called 'wait' at a junction. However, the car was moving a lot slower than I had anticipated. Jonnie took the opportunity to shoot out into the road while the rest of us were waiting. He scampered off solo to claim the day for the breakaway!

As soon as I got home, I walked Fred in the park. After a shower, I headed off to the dojo for my Saturday session. I started with basics, then we did two kata - Heian Nidan and Bassai Dai. We ended with pad work.

In the evening, I celebrated my birthday with family and friends. I burnt food on the barbecue while Jonnie and James supervised. I had some lovely beer and cycling-related gifts from Jonnie and Sally, Luke and James too! Lucy, Dodgy and I kept the fire pit going until almost midnight!

Cycling, Karate, junkfood, beers


I woke up feeling awful. Unfortunately, I was in no condition to go to instructor's training this month.

I managed to clean the floors, service a bicycle, and do some ironing but most of the day was spent moping about feeling poorly. 

I had some beers with my lovely chicken dinner.

No exercise, junkfood, beers


Birthdays are no good for training. I'll have to pull my socks up and get back to basics next week.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Week 7 - Riding with Craig


I cycled in to work and back.

In the evening, I did an hour of weight training. I found the 3 sets of barbell shrugs a real challenge, but got through it with much heaving and straining. Unfortunately, something in my left shoulder shifted and it was aching and stinging for the rest of the night.

Weight training, no junkfood, no booze


I stepped on the scales today. I've lost exactly half a stone since restarting my training plan. I now feel a little more motivated to keep going.

I cycled in to work and back. It was very windy on the way home and my legs were aching. In the last few minutes of the ride, I was surprised to find the whole of my left arm had started aching. It got worse at home, even in a hot shower. It was obviously something thing to do with the left shoulder strain from yesterday's weight training session.

The aching calmed down a bit in the car, and by the time I got to dojo it was okay. 

The first half of this evening's Karate session was all about hitting the pads. We had 15 seconds each to go crazy on a large kick pad. I know that Karate is meant to be about finishing a fight in one counterattack, but it was still good fun, and the kids went wild for it!

The last half of the session was dedicated to kata. At first, we went through Nijushiho, which was great and very much needed. However, we then started to do "kata races" where we had to do a basic kata as fast as possible, not worrying about technique, and the person who finished last was singled out. Even though we were told not to concern ourselves with technique, my technique was then corrected in front of the other black belts! I don't see the point of this and I hope we don't do it again. As Master Funakoshi told us: Perform kata exactly...

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


The shoulder was fine when I woke up this morning. I cycled in to work and back. Lucy was out and about in the car tonight, so it was up to me to walk Fred the dog. By the time I got back, I had to make dinner (chicken and mushroom curry) and there were no more hours in the day left for weight training or any other form of exercise. Oh well.

No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol


We drove in to work today because I had some parcels to take to the Post Office on the way home.

When we got back, I steeled myself, put my running gear on, pressed play on my Spotify, and set off on a 10K run - my first since the end of June. I didn't feel too bad at first. I was glad to get out and not have my knee explode under me! Since my left knee started aching in July, I have drastically reduced the amount of weight I use for deadlifts and squats. I've also stopped running. Tonight was an experiment to see if the knee would hold.

The knee was okay, but my fitness wasn't! I gradually got more and more tired, with my quads burning and aching after about 4 miles. I staggered home in a miserable time of 67 minutes and 18 seconds - this includes slowing to a walk twice!

I was bright red and very sweaty. After a shower, my wife fed me a homemade bolognese with wholewheat spaghetti. I had two bowlfuls!

10K run, no junkfood, no alcohol


I cycled in to work, helped cover lessons for the tutors who couldn't make it in, attended a meeting and got some marking done. I cycled home and got ready for Karate.

Tonight, I volunteered to lead the warm up. Then I was asked to teach straight away, so I didn't get a chance to train. I worked with four beginners, still in track suits and t-shirts. I was very glad to see that they were all bare foot!

Back at home, I did some more stuff for work while Lucy served up two pieces of plaice, homemade chips and mushy peas! Lovely!

I had a sober Friday night because I have a very busy day tomorrow.

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


Up at 7, picked up at 9 by Tilly and Jake. We headed down to Wilmcote to continue to clear out Eric's magnificent garage full of tools. Before that, Jake and I put up a blind in the office. It was a lovely sunny day, the ladies sat outside in the sunshine while Jake and I covered ourselves in spiders and sawdust. Tilly got stuck in and cleaned up some tools too.

We loaded Tilly's car full of tools and audio books, and then the kids drove me home in time to get ready for the dojo.

Lucy and I cycled to the Village Hotel so she could go swimming and I could teach my Karate session. This afternoon, I blasted the class through basics, then onto kata, with pads and heavy bag to finish.

After the lesson, some black belts plus wives and girlfriends had an instructors' meeting in the bar...

Much later, I tried to start watching Fear the Walking Dead, but I was too 'tired' so had to go to bed.

Karate, no junkfood, beers


I woke up at 3:11am with a crashing headache. I manged to doze off for a bit and then my alarm went of at 7am. I felt pretty rough.

After aspirin, tea, chocolate Hobnobs and muesli I was ready go. James turned up and then our mate from work Craig came along too. It's been a long time since I've ridden with Craig. We used to ride mountain bikes together when I was part of the AMBS, but that was at least 10 years ago...

Craig is currently part of a weight loss group. He has given up the booze and is now actively exercising to change his body shape. We were glad to have him along for the ride. Unfortunately, it rained almost all the way down to Wilmcote! When we arrived, we were very wet but thankfully not cold. 

However, I did get cold sitting around in the living room in my wet clothes. I was glad to get back into the lanes to get the blood pumping around my shivering body. 

Yes, it was the slowest ride for a long time, but it was great to ride with Craig again, and great to have someone 'new' join us on our Sunday ride.

I spent the afternoon ironing before heading off to the dojo. I was in charge for this session. I blasted all learners through some kicking basics before splitting them up into groups for kata. We finished with some kumite - basics for the lower grades, brown belts and black belts doing some stuff from fighting stance. I signed lots of books and there were lots of smiling faces. Unfortunately, there were still lots of outdoor shoes being worn!

Back at home, I decided it was beer o'clock!

Karate, junkfood, beers


A much better week - not too many beers, more self control and plenty of Karate!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Week 6 - 15mph


I cycled in to work. It was a lovely warm day. I was wearing two layers and was too hot by the time I got to work.

Today was the first day of real lessons with the groups of 2023/2024. It was great! I met some lovely students, had a few laughs, got some stuff done, and the working day went quick a flash!

I cycled home and then picked up some weights for an hour. I was pleased to find that I could set a new personal record for the military press. It feels great to keep pushing myself forward.

Next, I cooked a stir fry for the family before washing up and then working in the man-cave for a while. 

In the evening, I loaded up Final Fantasy 8 - my all time favourite RPG and one I haven't played for a while. I still love it!

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


I woke up in the dark. Not having sunlight in the morning has a very noticeable detrimental effect on my mood. Still, I soon cheered up with breakfast and then a bike ride into work. Lessons were good again. I like my new timetable so far.

Tonight's Karate session had a rather slow start: lots of standing around waiting for instruction. However, the second half was much better: some kumite! I was pleased that I managed to land a reverse kick on my sparring partner after feinting with my opposite leg. The black belts left the dojo shaking hands and beaming. It was great to have Sensei Joey back too.

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


I cycled in to work. Unfortunately, there was a staff shortage and I ended up with 25 students in a room designed for 15, with more trying to get in. Happily, I know that we are interviewing candidates for teaching positions in the department. The afternoon was a lot calmer.

Tonight, I did an hour of weight training and ate chicken and pasta.

Weight lifting, no junkfood, no beers


I cycled in to work. today's timetable only gives me half an hour for lunch. In that half an hour I had to enrol a student AND get ready for the afternoon lessons. I simply didn't have time to open my lunchbox! I had planned to go for a 10K run tonight, but after the cycle home I was simply far too hungry and tired. After some peanut butter and a ridiculously strong coffee I managed to lift weights for an hour instead.

I had sausages, baked beans and eggs for dinner - not recommended by health experts, but lots of protein!

Weight training, no junkfood, no booze.


Today was Eric's funeral. It was a very emotional day. The family came together and looked after each other. After a day spent being the designated driver, I raised a glass to The Boss with a large Scotch after everyone had gone to bed.

No exercise, no junkfood, alcohol


Sensei Jason joined me for today's Karate session. He was happy to let me continue with my lesson plan. Nearly everyone was wearing a new belt, so the emphasis was on learning the new kata. There was the usual problem with lateness, and the other big problem of students wearing outdoor shoes to train in. We finished with pads and heavy bag work. I was holding the pads and it seemed that every student wearing shoes managed to kick me in the arm! Still, it was a fast-paced enjoyable lesson and I enjoyed chatting with the students when I signed their books.

In the evening, I serviced and cleaned Cassie's dad's bike, dropped it off at his house and had a nice chat with him and his family. It was the first time I had met them.

Later, chicken dinner, beers and music on TV!

Karate, no junkfood, beers


It's said, mainly by Deadly Dan, that there's no such thing as the wrong weather, only the wrong clothing. Today, I certainly got my choice of outfit wrong! I set off on the bicycle ride wearing a hat, scarf, full-finger gloves, base layer, jersey and a waterproof jacket! After ten minutes, I was running with sweat!

At least today's route was flat. We had decided to ride our Honiley Route in order to take advantage of the 13mph wind from the East. We tooled along having a chat, but we also kept a decent pace. This was definitely helped by Jonnie's sudden leap on to the front while we pushed along the A4141. James and I gladly got behind him as he pulled us along the A road.

I kept an eye on the pace and noted with interest that we seemed to be getting faster as the ride went on. James hurled himself down the decent out of Norton Lindsey, pedalling all the way. I got in to a tuck but couldn't catch him. I predicted that he would set a new PR and I was right - 55 seconds, equalling my best for the same section which I set in the summer of 2016.

Not long after, Jonnie stopped for a wee, which gave me the opportunity to remove my hat and scarf!

At the cakestop, I chose coffee cake while the lads went for the lemon drizzle. I drew the chaps' attention to the fact that our average speed was 14.9mph...

Back in the lanes, I kept the pace high, encouraged James on to the big ring, and tried to do as much on the front as I could. Jonnie was strong out of Shelfield, before I took over on the main road between the churches. Unfortunately, I got it wrong and ended up off the front with the lads behind.

The average speed reached 15.2mph not longer after Wilmcote, but by the time we had struggled up Tom Hill, it was back down to 14.9.

We wasted no time in giving it the beans in the last three miles, and we were happy to achieve our goal of a 15mph average over 40 miles. Well done chaps!

Later on, after I'd finished loads of ironing, Jake, Tilly and Jane joined the rest of the family for homemade pie. Jake and I had a couple of beers to go with it.

Cycling, junkfood, beer


Still lacking some willpower, still drinking too many beers at the weekend!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Week 5 - A New Chain, a Grading, 3 Barbecues and a Sting on the Head


I spent the day inducting new students to the college. Then I went home to do an hour of weight training and to make dinner for the family.

Weight training, no junkfood, no booze


More induction.

After work, I went along to the Tuesday night Karate session. Sensei Gary blasted us through free-flow combinations. Then I was asked to teach the beginners. 

Home for a lovely dinner.

Karate, no junkfood, no booze.


Another roasting hot day!

After helping Michael with induction, I went home to get lots of eBay parcels ready. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do any exercise before I had to get the barbecue started. As I may have mentioned before, it is simply impossible to man a barbecue without a beer in one's hand!

No exercise, no junkfood, beers


I drove in to to work with a bit of a sore head. 

After work, I set to work on my Specialized bicycle and replaced the chain. After lubing it, I got my lycra on and headed out. I cycled along to the Tudor Grange Cycle Track. It was fairly quiet for the most part, although one bloke still insisted on walking his dog around it!I told him that he was walking his dog on a cycling race track, but he didn't say anything. He just walked around it like a zombie with his dog off the lead. I had to make sure I didn't hit the dog as I went past them on each lap. Idiot.

I got home after 15 miles at 16.7mph

Cycling, no junkfood, no booze.


A satisfying day at work - enrolling a student, getting our functional skills data organised, a quick meeting with the FS team, and some banter with Michael.

Sensei Gary asked me to cover this evening's Karate session. Sensei Jason was there but he asked me to carry on with my lesson plan and was happy for me to take charge.

I ran through a mock grading, from white belt through to black belt. I could have done with Martha's help but she refused to put her gi on and wanted to train in a strappy vest! She got herself in a bad mood so I had to carry on without her. At the end of the session, everyone had done combinations, kumite and a bit of kata. An hour isn't quite long enough to get everything done.

Karate, no junkfood, no booze


In the morning, Mouse and I took Lily and Fred out to Sheldon country park. We looked at aeroplanes landing, and I tried to catch grasshoppers. It was a roasting hot day! I bought ice creams for the girls and water for Fred which he didn't want.

This afternoon's Karate session was a grading. Sensei Ronnie was there and kindly gave me a role to play in the grading. I had the huge honour of handing out the belts. Afterwards, Sensei Ronnie explained, in great detail, how he decides who passes their grading, along with the importance of brown belts training in the advanced class.

This evening, Lucy, Jonnie, Sally and I went over to visit James. James did a great barbecue and had loads of quality beer on offer! We had a great time, I overdid it with the beer (as usual) and I didn't want the night to end.

Back at home, I watched the incredibly disappointing ending to The Walking Dead. It was fantastic TV for the first 5 or 6 seasons, then the quality went down from there. I'm still sad that it's over, however.

Bed just after midnight.

Karate, no junkfood, loads of beer


I woke up about 6am and felt awful. After water, aspirin and breakfast, I was ready to face the morning. I met the lads at Jonnie's place at 9. Jonnie, Roger, James and I cycled out into the rain. It was a warm rain, it was a very hot day. We rolled along on our Bushwood High Cross route. Fairly flat for 35 miles. Not too taxing. During the descent to Snitterfield, I felt something get inside my helmet and wedge itself there. Then a small pain started... I was third in line, with Jonnie behind. I braked gently so that Jonnie didn't smash into the back of me. By the time I flung off my helmet, it was too late. I had already been stung. Bee or wasp? I don't know what it was, I just know that it hurt! Jonnie was kind enough to come back to see what the mater was.

I rode on but the pain in my head got worse and worse. It was like stinging nettles but in a really concentrated area, and considerably more powerful. I could hardly wait to get to Jane's' for a sit down...

When we arrived at Wilmcote, we steeled ourselves for our first visit without Eric being there. Jane, as strong and brave as ever, poured the tea and coffee, and served the lads homemade cake. I declined the cake - I'm still trying to shift some flab.

After almost an hour, we set off into the lanes. Now it was even hotter! The big talking point was how fit Roger was! He was doing huge pulls on the front and looked really strong. A big difference to how he was 2 weeks ago. We were all very impressed. A strong rider who just happens to be in his seventies, we were very glad to get behind him on the way home.

The lads must have felt sorry for me because of my bee sting: they let me win the sprint for home.

At home, my wife requested a barbecue. I did loads of ironing, got the washing in, trod dog shit all over the house, cleared up all traces of dog shit, washed my hands, and then fired up the barbecue. And of course, there is no fire without...beer.

Cycling, no junkfood, beers


Another disappointing week as far as my training plan is concerned.