I cycled in to work. It was a lovely warm day. I was wearing two layers and was too hot by the time I got to work.
Today was the first day of real lessons with the groups of 2023/2024. It was great! I met some lovely students, had a few laughs, got some stuff done, and the working day went quick a flash!
I cycled home and then picked up some weights for an hour. I was pleased to find that I could set a new personal record for the military press. It feels great to keep pushing myself forward.
Next, I cooked a stir fry for the family before washing up and then working in the man-cave for a while.
In the evening, I loaded up Final Fantasy 8 - my all time favourite RPG and one I haven't played for a while. I still love it!
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol
I woke up in the dark. Not having sunlight in the morning has a very noticeable detrimental effect on my mood. Still, I soon cheered up with breakfast and then a bike ride into work. Lessons were good again. I like my new timetable so far.
Tonight's Karate session had a rather slow start: lots of standing around waiting for instruction. However, the second half was much better: some kumite! I was pleased that I managed to land a reverse kick on my sparring partner after feinting with my opposite leg. The black belts left the dojo shaking hands and beaming. It was great to have Sensei Joey back too.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol
I cycled in to work. Unfortunately, there was a staff shortage and I ended up with 25 students in a room designed for 15, with more trying to get in. Happily, I know that we are interviewing candidates for teaching positions in the department. The afternoon was a lot calmer.
Tonight, I did an hour of weight training and ate chicken and pasta.
Weight lifting, no junkfood, no beers
I cycled in to work. today's timetable only gives me half an hour for lunch. In that half an hour I had to enrol a student AND get ready for the afternoon lessons. I simply didn't have time to open my lunchbox! I had planned to go for a 10K run tonight, but after the cycle home I was simply far too hungry and tired. After some peanut butter and a ridiculously strong coffee I managed to lift weights for an hour instead.
I had sausages, baked beans and eggs for dinner - not recommended by health experts, but lots of protein!
Weight training, no junkfood, no booze.
Today was Eric's funeral. It was a very emotional day. The family came together and looked after each other. After a day spent being the designated driver, I raised a glass to The Boss with a large Scotch after everyone had gone to bed.
No exercise, no junkfood, alcohol
Sensei Jason joined me for today's Karate session. He was happy to let me continue with my lesson plan. Nearly everyone was wearing a new belt, so the emphasis was on learning the new kata. There was the usual problem with lateness, and the other big problem of students wearing outdoor shoes to train in. We finished with pads and heavy bag work. I was holding the pads and it seemed that every student wearing shoes managed to kick me in the arm! Still, it was a fast-paced enjoyable lesson and I enjoyed chatting with the students when I signed their books.
In the evening, I serviced and cleaned Cassie's dad's bike, dropped it off at his house and had a nice chat with him and his family. It was the first time I had met them.
Later, chicken dinner, beers and music on TV!
Karate, no junkfood, beers
It's said, mainly by Deadly Dan, that there's no such thing as the wrong weather, only the wrong clothing. Today, I certainly got my choice of outfit wrong! I set off on the bicycle ride wearing a hat, scarf, full-finger gloves, base layer, jersey and a waterproof jacket! After ten minutes, I was running with sweat!
At least today's route was flat. We had decided to ride our Honiley Route in order to take advantage of the 13mph wind from the East. We tooled along having a chat, but we also kept a decent pace. This was definitely helped by Jonnie's sudden leap on to the front while we pushed along the A4141. James and I gladly got behind him as he pulled us along the A road.
I kept an eye on the pace and noted with interest that we seemed to be getting faster as the ride went on. James hurled himself down the decent out of Norton Lindsey, pedalling all the way. I got in to a tuck but couldn't catch him. I predicted that he would set a new PR and I was right - 55 seconds, equalling my best for the same section which I set in the summer of 2016.
Not long after, Jonnie stopped for a wee, which gave me the opportunity to remove my hat and scarf!
At the cakestop, I chose coffee cake while the lads went for the lemon drizzle. I drew the chaps' attention to the fact that our average speed was 14.9mph...
Back in the lanes, I kept the pace high, encouraged James on to the big ring, and tried to do as much on the front as I could. Jonnie was strong out of Shelfield, before I took over on the main road between the churches. Unfortunately, I got it wrong and ended up off the front with the lads behind.
The average speed reached 15.2mph not longer after Wilmcote, but by the time we had struggled up Tom Hill, it was back down to 14.9.
We wasted no time in giving it the beans in the last three miles, and we were happy to achieve our goal of a 15mph average over 40 miles. Well done chaps!
Later on, after I'd finished loads of ironing, Jake, Tilly and Jane joined the rest of the family for homemade pie. Jake and I had a couple of beers to go with it.
Cycling, junkfood, beer
Still lacking some willpower, still drinking too many beers at the weekend!
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