Storm Debbie made it a wet and windy morning with gusts of over 40mph. I decided to use the car to get to work! This means that I have to wait for Lucy to finish work too. By the time I got home, it was too late to start lifting weights so I made dinner for the family instead.
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol
Cycled to work and back. Picked some weight up for an hour. Drank beer for no reason.
Weight training, no junkfood, beers
It's been a week since my last 10K run. Unfortunately, my left knee is still painful. I didn't risk going out for a run. I picked up the weights for an hour instead.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol
Friday night dojo was run by Sensei Gary. After a warm-up, we were put straight into small groups for kumite. I was very happy to win my two fights. I even had some success with reverse kick - it does work if you can do it fast enough. Unfortunately, somewhere in my two fights I suffered a cut to my left foot. I didn't notice until the floor started to feel slippy. Sensei Gary was kind enough to fetch his first aid kit so I could tape it up and carry on. Later, we worked on kata and I got to practise my competition kata - Empi (or Enpi). As usual after a good training session, I went home feeling good about things.
Dinner and beer. Life is good.
Karate, no junkfood, beers
I spent Saturday morning trying and failing to stop the bath tap from dripping. In the afternoon, I worked with Sensei Gary for the first half of my Karate session, then he let me take over for the last 30 minutes. We worked on some ippon kumite and then some competition kata until we ran out of time.
Back at home, I had to stay up late so I could collect Mouse and Hydro from a boyband concert at Resorts World. I got to bed at about midnight!
Karate, no junkfood, no booze
Up at 6:45 ready for the club Karate competition! It is one of my favourite days of the year and I am pleased to report that we had a good turnout. The only disappointment was that I was the only instructor taking part. I felt a bit self conscious to be honest. Last year we had senior grades such as Sensei Omar, Sensei Joey and Sensei Kai taking part. This year, adult black belts were few and far between. As a result, there were only 5 of us for adult kata and 3 of us for adult fighting. I claimed gold and silver respectively. There were loads of youngsters, however, and the standard was higher than ever. I was genuinely impressed by the technical ability of the students taking part, matched only by their confidence and spirit. This was the first year where I didn't witness any tears from any our young competitors!
I realised it was after midday as the fighting finished and the kata was winding down. My plumber mate was coming over to look at my leaky bath tap so I had to head back home. I waited for him while ironing and watching Australia snatch the World Cup away from India. I waited for him until about 5, sent a couple of messages, didn't get a response, gave up waiting, and then enjoyed 3 beers with my dinner. Cheers!
My knee is killing me.
Karate, no junkfood, booze
Just like last week and the week before, I didn't indulge in any junkfood, which I'm rather pleased about. I drank on three different days, and didn't go for a run. I didn't have time to exercise on Monday. I'd say an average week of training, can do better.
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