So, remember when I weighed myself last Monday and was surprised to learn that I had lost 4 pounds in a week? Well, last week I managed to put those 4 pounds back on. So I'm exactly the same weight as I was 2 weeks ago. The same weight as I was when I restarted my "training".
Zero progress.
It's not surprising really, considering the amount of fine ales I've been enjoying this summer.
After breakfast, I cycled in to work for a short while, then cycled back (9.2 miles). After this, Lucy and I did a bit of shopping in Solihull. I marvelled at the size of my belly in my reflection in shop windows. Back for a fantastic lunch of homemade Cornish pasties (good for weight loss, right? Right?)
In the afternoon, I did an hour of weight lifting. I increased the weight of the dead lifts a little, and was concerned when the left knee felt a little tight. I need to continue to take it easy until the knee has fully recovered.
In the evening, I made a top notch spaghetti bolognese for the family with loads of tomatoes, mushrooms and peppers.
And then, just to shock my liver, I drank water and tea all evening. No beer! Tonight, I started reading the Jonny Bairstow autobiography. It's very well written and already quite emotional.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol
The last day of my summer holiday. Up at 7 for a healthy breakfast. I decided to get busy straight away so I cycled down to the Post Office to drop off some parcels. When I got back, I cleaned my shower room and then went out in the sunshine to spend an hour and half washing and vacuuming the car. It's still ugly, but now it shines.
After lunch, an hour of weight training. I didn't set any records today, and I only increased the squat weight by a tiny amount. Sadly, the left knee is still a little sore when squatting.
In the evening, I went to visit Jake. We had a lovely evening reading comics, drinking beer and dining on his fantastic homemade casserole.
Back home and off to bed to read more of the Jonny Bairstow book.
Weight training, no junkfood, 3 beers
It's a great book, but the Bairstow autobiography gave me a humdinger of a nightmare last night. Still, I slept okay considering, and was up at 7 ready to return to work! It was an easy reintroduction to college life. The morning consisted of listening to presentations on Microsoft Teams, many of which were not really relevant to our department. In the afternoon, we were free to carry on with lesson/course planning and preparation. We were out of the door at four!
Back home to sling weights around for an hour and then to cook up some Mexican scrambled eggs with loads of mushrooms and peppers.
Weight training, no junkfood, no booze
Up early for the first day of enrolment. I was on the late shift so I took the opportunity to do another hour of weight training after breakfast. I felt a bit a twinge in my right trapezius muscle towards the end. I then cycled into work and arrived at 10:30.
It was manic.
We worked non-stop all day, meeting new students, welcoming back former students. Making sure they were on the right course, issuing timetables and ID cards. I didn't even get time to eat my lunch! But I did get time for two coffees and a bottle of water.
I cycled back home, jumped in the car and picked Martha up from work. She bought an impressive new bike lock from Halford's before we got home for a huge dinner of chicken and pasta!
In the evening, I watched and listened to the Birmingham Phoenix win their final game of the Hundred this year.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol
I woke up at about 5am. My right shoulder was aching and I couldn't find any position in which to get comfortable. I eventually gave up and went downstairs at 6. My shoulder was aching all day but it got better the more I moved around.
I cycled to work today. It was a busy day at college with lots to do, but still a lot calmer compared to yesterday! I cycled home in the mood for some Karate.
At the dojo, Sensei Ronnie was in charge. Martha led the warm up and then we got stuck in! Unfortunately, I was asked to teach. I took the brown and black belts through Kata Empi (Enpi?) After a bit of this, Martha felt sick and had to sit down for the rest of the lesson!
I taught a different group a couple more kata and then Sensei had us line up for some basic kumite drills. I got to do a bit at last!
At home, Martha quickly recovered and scoffed two helpings of fajitas! I stuffed my face with chicken, peppers and brown rice. Just what I needed!
Karate, no junkfood, no booze.
Up early for two breakfasts! I had bacon and eggs followed by a huge bowl of muesli. Yes, I am overweight but I'm not about to start cutting down on proper food! At the moment, I'm just trying to keep a lid on sugary foods and alcohol, and to make sure I exercise every day.
I spent the morning updating my eBay account. I had fishcakes for lunch. In the afternoon, I went along to teach my Saturday Karate group. There was a bit a trouble at the start: a big sweaty chap was doing some sort of circuit training. He made a lot of grunting noises. At 3pm, when I was about to start my lesson, I asked if he would give us the room. He was rather reluctant to leave. With the whole class watching, it took me a couple of minutes to convince him to be on his way. I hope we don't see him again next week.
The lesson went well and according to plan. The Saturday group is still not showing the necessary spirit needed to achieve a black belt, but I'm optimistic that I can help them develop their confidence in the coming months and years.
Back at home, I went shopping without any money, came home, had a lovely dinner of salmon and rice, and then went shopping again.
In the evening, Lucy and I watched Yellowstone, which is growing on us.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol
It was Roger's birthday and we rode our bikes down to Wilmcote to have cake and tea with Eric and Jane.
Eric was in a mischievous mood and joined in the banter with us. When we were ready to leave, he shook hands with a firm grip and held on to my hand a little longer than usual. He locked eyes with me for a second before I left.
And that was the last time I saw him.
In the afternoon, we got the terrible news and all rushed down to Wilmcote to be with Jane.
Eric taught me a lot of things in the twelve short years I knew him. Many of those things were related to wood, DIY and tools. We did many jobs together, mainly around my home, and we sorted out many of his computer-based problems! He showed me music and musicians I had never previously heard of. He told me about people I will never meet. He also reinforced the value of friendship, family and taking care of each other. As Jane said, he was easy to love.
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