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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Week 7 - Riding with Craig


I cycled in to work and back.

In the evening, I did an hour of weight training. I found the 3 sets of barbell shrugs a real challenge, but got through it with much heaving and straining. Unfortunately, something in my left shoulder shifted and it was aching and stinging for the rest of the night.

Weight training, no junkfood, no booze


I stepped on the scales today. I've lost exactly half a stone since restarting my training plan. I now feel a little more motivated to keep going.

I cycled in to work and back. It was very windy on the way home and my legs were aching. In the last few minutes of the ride, I was surprised to find the whole of my left arm had started aching. It got worse at home, even in a hot shower. It was obviously something thing to do with the left shoulder strain from yesterday's weight training session.

The aching calmed down a bit in the car, and by the time I got to dojo it was okay. 

The first half of this evening's Karate session was all about hitting the pads. We had 15 seconds each to go crazy on a large kick pad. I know that Karate is meant to be about finishing a fight in one counterattack, but it was still good fun, and the kids went wild for it!

The last half of the session was dedicated to kata. At first, we went through Nijushiho, which was great and very much needed. However, we then started to do "kata races" where we had to do a basic kata as fast as possible, not worrying about technique, and the person who finished last was singled out. Even though we were told not to concern ourselves with technique, my technique was then corrected in front of the other black belts! I don't see the point of this and I hope we don't do it again. As Master Funakoshi told us: Perform kata exactly...

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


The shoulder was fine when I woke up this morning. I cycled in to work and back. Lucy was out and about in the car tonight, so it was up to me to walk Fred the dog. By the time I got back, I had to make dinner (chicken and mushroom curry) and there were no more hours in the day left for weight training or any other form of exercise. Oh well.

No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol


We drove in to work today because I had some parcels to take to the Post Office on the way home.

When we got back, I steeled myself, put my running gear on, pressed play on my Spotify, and set off on a 10K run - my first since the end of June. I didn't feel too bad at first. I was glad to get out and not have my knee explode under me! Since my left knee started aching in July, I have drastically reduced the amount of weight I use for deadlifts and squats. I've also stopped running. Tonight was an experiment to see if the knee would hold.

The knee was okay, but my fitness wasn't! I gradually got more and more tired, with my quads burning and aching after about 4 miles. I staggered home in a miserable time of 67 minutes and 18 seconds - this includes slowing to a walk twice!

I was bright red and very sweaty. After a shower, my wife fed me a homemade bolognese with wholewheat spaghetti. I had two bowlfuls!

10K run, no junkfood, no alcohol


I cycled in to work, helped cover lessons for the tutors who couldn't make it in, attended a meeting and got some marking done. I cycled home and got ready for Karate.

Tonight, I volunteered to lead the warm up. Then I was asked to teach straight away, so I didn't get a chance to train. I worked with four beginners, still in track suits and t-shirts. I was very glad to see that they were all bare foot!

Back at home, I did some more stuff for work while Lucy served up two pieces of plaice, homemade chips and mushy peas! Lovely!

I had a sober Friday night because I have a very busy day tomorrow.

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


Up at 7, picked up at 9 by Tilly and Jake. We headed down to Wilmcote to continue to clear out Eric's magnificent garage full of tools. Before that, Jake and I put up a blind in the office. It was a lovely sunny day, the ladies sat outside in the sunshine while Jake and I covered ourselves in spiders and sawdust. Tilly got stuck in and cleaned up some tools too.

We loaded Tilly's car full of tools and audio books, and then the kids drove me home in time to get ready for the dojo.

Lucy and I cycled to the Village Hotel so she could go swimming and I could teach my Karate session. This afternoon, I blasted the class through basics, then onto kata, with pads and heavy bag to finish.

After the lesson, some black belts plus wives and girlfriends had an instructors' meeting in the bar...

Much later, I tried to start watching Fear the Walking Dead, but I was too 'tired' so had to go to bed.

Karate, no junkfood, beers


I woke up at 3:11am with a crashing headache. I manged to doze off for a bit and then my alarm went of at 7am. I felt pretty rough.

After aspirin, tea, chocolate Hobnobs and muesli I was ready go. James turned up and then our mate from work Craig came along too. It's been a long time since I've ridden with Craig. We used to ride mountain bikes together when I was part of the AMBS, but that was at least 10 years ago...

Craig is currently part of a weight loss group. He has given up the booze and is now actively exercising to change his body shape. We were glad to have him along for the ride. Unfortunately, it rained almost all the way down to Wilmcote! When we arrived, we were very wet but thankfully not cold. 

However, I did get cold sitting around in the living room in my wet clothes. I was glad to get back into the lanes to get the blood pumping around my shivering body. 

Yes, it was the slowest ride for a long time, but it was great to ride with Craig again, and great to have someone 'new' join us on our Sunday ride.

I spent the afternoon ironing before heading off to the dojo. I was in charge for this session. I blasted all learners through some kicking basics before splitting them up into groups for kata. We finished with some kumite - basics for the lower grades, brown belts and black belts doing some stuff from fighting stance. I signed lots of books and there were lots of smiling faces. Unfortunately, there were still lots of outdoor shoes being worn!

Back at home, I decided it was beer o'clock!

Karate, junkfood, beers


A much better week - not too many beers, more self control and plenty of Karate!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Week 6 - 15mph


I cycled in to work. It was a lovely warm day. I was wearing two layers and was too hot by the time I got to work.

Today was the first day of real lessons with the groups of 2023/2024. It was great! I met some lovely students, had a few laughs, got some stuff done, and the working day went quick a flash!

I cycled home and then picked up some weights for an hour. I was pleased to find that I could set a new personal record for the military press. It feels great to keep pushing myself forward.

Next, I cooked a stir fry for the family before washing up and then working in the man-cave for a while. 

In the evening, I loaded up Final Fantasy 8 - my all time favourite RPG and one I haven't played for a while. I still love it!

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


I woke up in the dark. Not having sunlight in the morning has a very noticeable detrimental effect on my mood. Still, I soon cheered up with breakfast and then a bike ride into work. Lessons were good again. I like my new timetable so far.

Tonight's Karate session had a rather slow start: lots of standing around waiting for instruction. However, the second half was much better: some kumite! I was pleased that I managed to land a reverse kick on my sparring partner after feinting with my opposite leg. The black belts left the dojo shaking hands and beaming. It was great to have Sensei Joey back too.

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


I cycled in to work. Unfortunately, there was a staff shortage and I ended up with 25 students in a room designed for 15, with more trying to get in. Happily, I know that we are interviewing candidates for teaching positions in the department. The afternoon was a lot calmer.

Tonight, I did an hour of weight training and ate chicken and pasta.

Weight lifting, no junkfood, no beers


I cycled in to work. today's timetable only gives me half an hour for lunch. In that half an hour I had to enrol a student AND get ready for the afternoon lessons. I simply didn't have time to open my lunchbox! I had planned to go for a 10K run tonight, but after the cycle home I was simply far too hungry and tired. After some peanut butter and a ridiculously strong coffee I managed to lift weights for an hour instead.

I had sausages, baked beans and eggs for dinner - not recommended by health experts, but lots of protein!

Weight training, no junkfood, no booze.


Today was Eric's funeral. It was a very emotional day. The family came together and looked after each other. After a day spent being the designated driver, I raised a glass to The Boss with a large Scotch after everyone had gone to bed.

No exercise, no junkfood, alcohol


Sensei Jason joined me for today's Karate session. He was happy to let me continue with my lesson plan. Nearly everyone was wearing a new belt, so the emphasis was on learning the new kata. There was the usual problem with lateness, and the other big problem of students wearing outdoor shoes to train in. We finished with pads and heavy bag work. I was holding the pads and it seemed that every student wearing shoes managed to kick me in the arm! Still, it was a fast-paced enjoyable lesson and I enjoyed chatting with the students when I signed their books.

In the evening, I serviced and cleaned Cassie's dad's bike, dropped it off at his house and had a nice chat with him and his family. It was the first time I had met them.

Later, chicken dinner, beers and music on TV!

Karate, no junkfood, beers


It's said, mainly by Deadly Dan, that there's no such thing as the wrong weather, only the wrong clothing. Today, I certainly got my choice of outfit wrong! I set off on the bicycle ride wearing a hat, scarf, full-finger gloves, base layer, jersey and a waterproof jacket! After ten minutes, I was running with sweat!

At least today's route was flat. We had decided to ride our Honiley Route in order to take advantage of the 13mph wind from the East. We tooled along having a chat, but we also kept a decent pace. This was definitely helped by Jonnie's sudden leap on to the front while we pushed along the A4141. James and I gladly got behind him as he pulled us along the A road.

I kept an eye on the pace and noted with interest that we seemed to be getting faster as the ride went on. James hurled himself down the decent out of Norton Lindsey, pedalling all the way. I got in to a tuck but couldn't catch him. I predicted that he would set a new PR and I was right - 55 seconds, equalling my best for the same section which I set in the summer of 2016.

Not long after, Jonnie stopped for a wee, which gave me the opportunity to remove my hat and scarf!

At the cakestop, I chose coffee cake while the lads went for the lemon drizzle. I drew the chaps' attention to the fact that our average speed was 14.9mph...

Back in the lanes, I kept the pace high, encouraged James on to the big ring, and tried to do as much on the front as I could. Jonnie was strong out of Shelfield, before I took over on the main road between the churches. Unfortunately, I got it wrong and ended up off the front with the lads behind.

The average speed reached 15.2mph not longer after Wilmcote, but by the time we had struggled up Tom Hill, it was back down to 14.9.

We wasted no time in giving it the beans in the last three miles, and we were happy to achieve our goal of a 15mph average over 40 miles. Well done chaps!

Later on, after I'd finished loads of ironing, Jake, Tilly and Jane joined the rest of the family for homemade pie. Jake and I had a couple of beers to go with it.

Cycling, junkfood, beer


Still lacking some willpower, still drinking too many beers at the weekend!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Week 5 - A New Chain, a Grading, 3 Barbecues and a Sting on the Head


I spent the day inducting new students to the college. Then I went home to do an hour of weight training and to make dinner for the family.

Weight training, no junkfood, no booze


More induction.

After work, I went along to the Tuesday night Karate session. Sensei Gary blasted us through free-flow combinations. Then I was asked to teach the beginners. 

Home for a lovely dinner.

Karate, no junkfood, no booze.


Another roasting hot day!

After helping Michael with induction, I went home to get lots of eBay parcels ready. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do any exercise before I had to get the barbecue started. As I may have mentioned before, it is simply impossible to man a barbecue without a beer in one's hand!

No exercise, no junkfood, beers


I drove in to to work with a bit of a sore head. 

After work, I set to work on my Specialized bicycle and replaced the chain. After lubing it, I got my lycra on and headed out. I cycled along to the Tudor Grange Cycle Track. It was fairly quiet for the most part, although one bloke still insisted on walking his dog around it!I told him that he was walking his dog on a cycling race track, but he didn't say anything. He just walked around it like a zombie with his dog off the lead. I had to make sure I didn't hit the dog as I went past them on each lap. Idiot.

I got home after 15 miles at 16.7mph

Cycling, no junkfood, no booze.


A satisfying day at work - enrolling a student, getting our functional skills data organised, a quick meeting with the FS team, and some banter with Michael.

Sensei Gary asked me to cover this evening's Karate session. Sensei Jason was there but he asked me to carry on with my lesson plan and was happy for me to take charge.

I ran through a mock grading, from white belt through to black belt. I could have done with Martha's help but she refused to put her gi on and wanted to train in a strappy vest! She got herself in a bad mood so I had to carry on without her. At the end of the session, everyone had done combinations, kumite and a bit of kata. An hour isn't quite long enough to get everything done.

Karate, no junkfood, no booze


In the morning, Mouse and I took Lily and Fred out to Sheldon country park. We looked at aeroplanes landing, and I tried to catch grasshoppers. It was a roasting hot day! I bought ice creams for the girls and water for Fred which he didn't want.

This afternoon's Karate session was a grading. Sensei Ronnie was there and kindly gave me a role to play in the grading. I had the huge honour of handing out the belts. Afterwards, Sensei Ronnie explained, in great detail, how he decides who passes their grading, along with the importance of brown belts training in the advanced class.

This evening, Lucy, Jonnie, Sally and I went over to visit James. James did a great barbecue and had loads of quality beer on offer! We had a great time, I overdid it with the beer (as usual) and I didn't want the night to end.

Back at home, I watched the incredibly disappointing ending to The Walking Dead. It was fantastic TV for the first 5 or 6 seasons, then the quality went down from there. I'm still sad that it's over, however.

Bed just after midnight.

Karate, no junkfood, loads of beer


I woke up about 6am and felt awful. After water, aspirin and breakfast, I was ready to face the morning. I met the lads at Jonnie's place at 9. Jonnie, Roger, James and I cycled out into the rain. It was a warm rain, it was a very hot day. We rolled along on our Bushwood High Cross route. Fairly flat for 35 miles. Not too taxing. During the descent to Snitterfield, I felt something get inside my helmet and wedge itself there. Then a small pain started... I was third in line, with Jonnie behind. I braked gently so that Jonnie didn't smash into the back of me. By the time I flung off my helmet, it was too late. I had already been stung. Bee or wasp? I don't know what it was, I just know that it hurt! Jonnie was kind enough to come back to see what the mater was.

I rode on but the pain in my head got worse and worse. It was like stinging nettles but in a really concentrated area, and considerably more powerful. I could hardly wait to get to Jane's' for a sit down...

When we arrived at Wilmcote, we steeled ourselves for our first visit without Eric being there. Jane, as strong and brave as ever, poured the tea and coffee, and served the lads homemade cake. I declined the cake - I'm still trying to shift some flab.

After almost an hour, we set off into the lanes. Now it was even hotter! The big talking point was how fit Roger was! He was doing huge pulls on the front and looked really strong. A big difference to how he was 2 weeks ago. We were all very impressed. A strong rider who just happens to be in his seventies, we were very glad to get behind him on the way home.

The lads must have felt sorry for me because of my bee sting: they let me win the sprint for home.

At home, my wife requested a barbecue. I did loads of ironing, got the washing in, trod dog shit all over the house, cleared up all traces of dog shit, washed my hands, and then fired up the barbecue. And of course, there is no fire without...beer.

Cycling, no junkfood, beers


Another disappointing week as far as my training plan is concerned.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Week 4 - A Gradual Return to Training


The family gathered at Wilmcote. Jake and I spent most of the day tidying and cleaning Eric's garage.

I had a few beers in the evening with Luke. 

No exercise, no junkfood, booze


Same as Monday except I drank with Lucy, not Luke.

Just a small part of what Jake and I are sorting through.

No exercise, no junkfood, booze


I cycled in to work. The fantastic people I work with were very supportive and helped me get through the day. They were all very concerned about Lucy.

At home, I made dinner, did an hour of weightlifting, and didn't drink beer.

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


Lucy came back to work today. We drove in. 

Back at home, Lucy insisted on making a fantastic meat and vegetables dinner. I did an hour of weight training and resisted a beer.

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


I cycled to work in the mist. I cycled home in the sunshine.

Tonight's Karate session was run by Sensei Gary. He worked the higher grades incredibly hard at the start: We were asked to perform several freestyle combinations in quick succession. It wasn't long before I was gasping and struggling to keep up. A clear indicator that I need to improve my fitness.

Then I got to do a bit of instructing myself - phew, a chance to recover!

Back at home, I found myself reaching for a beer. Cheers!

Karate, no junkfood, 3 beers


On Saturday, Martha and I cycled down to Halfords to see what they could offer in way of a new bike for her, now that hers has been stolen. We settled on a Voodoo Marasa. I like it because it is a rigid frame with hydraulic brakes. 2x9 gears are more than enough for her to get to work on a flat cycle path! The deal they have on at the moment requires that the buyer part-exchanges their old Halfords bike for a 25% discount. That would be a saving of £125! Martha, in front of the sales assistant, suggested I trade in my 1974 Raleigh Carlton! 

Back at home, I set about trying to find a suitable bike on Facebook Marketplace. I found one and contacted the guy selling it - he was local but very slow at replying to messages! In the afternoon, I taught my regular Saturday afternoon session at Ruach Karate. Sensie Gary was there and soon took charge, running the class through basics, kata and then kumite drills. 

Afterwards, I cycled along to where the guy was selling the bike. I was ready tp pay him, I just needed his house number. He was so slow at messaging that I had given up and gone home before he had replied to me! We arranged for me to collect the bike tomorrow.

Healthy dinner, no alcohol, early night.

Karate, no junkfood, no booze


Up early for instructors training with Sensei Ronnie Christopher! We were on the mats at 8:30. Today, the emphasis was on kumite and fitness. It was a fantastic lesson - the kind of lesson I would design for myself given the opportunity. I worked with a group of six black belts, three of whom were senior to me. We had to wear the full-face crash helmets which meant I had to borrow one from Sensei Joey who was observing today (thanks Sensei!) Even Sensei Ronnie had a crash helmet on!

Then, we got stuck into a fast and furious line up. We ran through kizami, gyaku zuki, mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, mawashi geri and ushiro geri at what seemed like 1000mph. After each of those 6 techniques, we were required to perform 20 press ups or around 30 stomach crunches. At the end, my arms were fine but my abs were burning! A fantastic session, one of the best I can remember in almost 25 years of Karate. I wish I could start every day like this!

Still buzzing from the workout, I drove round to collect the old bicycle from the guy on Facebook Marketplace, and then drove home. Lucy commented that I was like a kid with ADHD - a bundle of energy ready for the day!

The old bike was actually a bargain for £10. I could have easily restored it and Martha could have used it for work for the coming months, possibly years. But she wasn't interested and wants a new bike!

Soon, Lucy and I were back in Wilmcote. I enjoyed tea and cake before getting back to sorting Eric's garage again. It was a very hot and sunny day so I was moving slowly in the heat. Still, I managed to get a lot done. I'd say I was about 25% of the way through by 5pm. 

I drove Jane back to our place for a lovely homemade curry. Tilly and Jake were there too. I managed to resist a beer.

Karate, junkfood, no alcohol


Not a week to be too concerned with training. It was all about family coming together and supporting each other. I drank a little more beer than I intended to, and there were two days with no training at all. I'm sure next week will be an improvement.

Week 3 - The Boss


So, remember when I weighed myself last Monday and was surprised to learn that I had lost 4 pounds in a week? Well, last week I managed to put those 4 pounds back on. So I'm exactly the same weight as I was 2 weeks ago. The same weight as I was when I restarted my "training".

Zero progress. 

It's not surprising really, considering the amount of fine ales I've been enjoying this summer.

After breakfast, I cycled in to work for a short while, then cycled back (9.2 miles). After this, Lucy and I did a bit of shopping in Solihull. I marvelled at the size of my belly in my reflection in shop windows. Back for a fantastic lunch of homemade Cornish pasties (good for weight loss, right? Right?)

In the afternoon, I did an hour of weight lifting. I increased the weight of the dead lifts a little, and was concerned when the left knee felt a little tight. I need to continue to take it easy until the knee has fully recovered.

In the evening, I made a top notch spaghetti bolognese for the family with loads of tomatoes, mushrooms and peppers. 

And then, just to shock my liver, I drank water and tea all evening. No beer! Tonight, I started reading the Jonny Bairstow autobiography. It's very well written and already quite emotional.

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


The last day of my summer holiday. Up at 7 for a healthy breakfast. I decided to get busy straight away so I cycled down to the Post Office to drop off some parcels. When I got back, I cleaned my shower room and then went out in the sunshine to spend an hour and half washing and vacuuming the car. It's still ugly, but now it shines.

After lunch, an hour of weight training. I didn't set any records today, and I only increased the squat weight by a tiny amount. Sadly, the left knee is still a little sore when squatting. 

In the evening, I went to visit Jake. We had a lovely evening reading comics, drinking beer and dining on his fantastic homemade casserole.

Back home and off to bed to read more of the Jonny Bairstow book. 

Weight training, no junkfood, 3 beers


It's a great book, but the Bairstow autobiography gave me a humdinger of a nightmare last night. Still, I slept okay considering, and was up at 7 ready to return to work! It was an easy reintroduction to college life. The morning consisted of listening to presentations on Microsoft Teams, many of which were not really relevant to our department. In the afternoon, we were free to carry on with lesson/course planning and preparation. We were out of the door at four!

Back home to sling weights around for an hour and then to cook up some Mexican scrambled eggs with loads of mushrooms and peppers.

Weight training, no junkfood, no booze


Up early for the first day of enrolment. I was on the late shift so I took the opportunity to do another hour of weight training after breakfast. I felt a bit a twinge in my right trapezius muscle towards the end. I then cycled into work and arrived at 10:30.

It was manic.

We worked non-stop all day, meeting new students, welcoming back former students. Making sure they were on the right course, issuing timetables and ID cards. I didn't even get time to eat my lunch! But I did get time for two coffees and a bottle of water.

I cycled back home, jumped in the car and picked Martha up from work. She bought an impressive new bike lock from Halford's before we got home for a huge dinner of chicken and pasta!

In the evening, I watched and listened to the Birmingham Phoenix win their final game of the Hundred this year.

Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol


I woke up at about 5am. My right shoulder was aching and I couldn't find any position in which to get comfortable. I eventually gave up and went downstairs at 6. My shoulder was aching all day but it got better the more I moved around.

I cycled to work today. It was a busy day at college with lots to do, but still a lot calmer compared to yesterday! I cycled home in the mood for some Karate.

At the dojo, Sensei Ronnie was in charge. Martha led the warm up and then we got stuck in! Unfortunately, I was asked to teach. I took the brown and black belts through Kata Empi (Enpi?) After a bit of this, Martha felt sick and had to sit down for the rest of the lesson!

I taught a different group a couple more kata and then Sensei had us line up for some basic kumite drills. I got to do a bit at last!

At home, Martha quickly recovered and scoffed two helpings of fajitas! I stuffed my face with chicken, peppers and brown rice. Just what I needed!

Karate, no junkfood, no booze.


Up early for two breakfasts! I had bacon and eggs followed by a huge bowl of muesli. Yes, I am overweight but I'm not about to start cutting down on proper food! At the moment, I'm just trying to keep a lid on sugary foods and alcohol, and to make sure I exercise every day.

I spent the morning updating my eBay account. I had fishcakes for lunch. In the afternoon, I went along to teach my Saturday Karate group. There was a bit a trouble at the start: a big sweaty chap was doing some sort of circuit training. He made a lot of grunting noises. At 3pm, when I was about to start my lesson, I asked if he would give us the room. He was rather reluctant to leave. With the whole class watching, it took me a couple of minutes to convince him to be on his way. I hope we don't see him again next week.

The lesson went well and according to plan. The Saturday group is still not showing the necessary spirit needed to achieve a black belt, but I'm optimistic that I can help them develop their confidence in the coming months and years.

Back at home, I went shopping without any money, came home, had a lovely dinner of salmon and rice, and then went shopping again.

In the evening, Lucy and I watched Yellowstone, which is growing on us.

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol


It was Roger's birthday and we rode our bikes down to Wilmcote to have cake and tea with Eric and Jane.

Eric was in a mischievous mood and joined in the banter with us. When we were ready to leave, he shook hands with a firm grip and held on to my hand a little longer than usual. He locked eyes with me for a second before I left. 

And that was the last time I saw him.

In the afternoon, we got the terrible news and all rushed down to Wilmcote to be with Jane.

Eric taught me a lot of things in the twelve short years I knew him. Many of those things were related to wood, DIY and tools. We did many jobs together, mainly around my home, and we sorted out many of his computer-based problems! He showed me music and musicians I had never previously heard of. He told me about people I will never meet. He also reinforced the value of friendship, family and taking care of each other. As Jane said, he was easy to love.