I cycled in to work and back. I had a beer while waiting for Lucy to get ready, and then, with Mouse, we went off to a family birthday celebration in a pub! Jonnie and Sally were, as always, very generous and made sure we had plenty of food and drink. Everyone went home happy!
No exercise, no junkfood, loads of beer
I woke up feeling terrible after a poor night's sleep. At first, I thought it was the effects of last night's party. Unfortunately, it soon became clear that I was suffering some cold symptoms - sore throat, aching, bit of a cough. Oh well, Lemsip instead of coffee this morning. At this point, I was still determined to carry on with my training, so I jumped up on the bike and cycled in to work. As usual, my fingers were frozen by the time I got there!
I felt worse as the day went on, and the bicycle ride home was very slow. In no condition to lift weights, I watched cricket on TV before making a simple dinner for the family and ferrying Martha to and from her dog grooming course at college.
Off to bed early, with a Lemsip.
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol
Still sick. The sore throat is the main symptom, but I'm also tired and achy. It was -4 when I went out to scrape the frost off the car. I left the bike at home...
I felt pretty crap all day and my lunch was a cup of Lemsip and a banana. The students were awesome today, though. We did have a few laughs and got loads of work done.
At home, I made a healthy dinner (Mexican eggs and potato wedges) and watched episode 4 of the still impressive The Last of Us with the family.
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol
I felt considerably better today.
I cycled in to work. In the afternoon, I umpired some cricket with the sports lads and then cycled home.
In my man cave, I did an hour of weight training - the first bit of exercise this week! I was pleased to set a personal best for barbell shrugs.
Weight training, no junkfood, no booze.
Lucy and I used the car for work today. I was home in time to go to the dojo. I was asked to teach again, but I did get to do a few minutes of kumite drills with a purple belt.
At home, I stayed up playing Fallout 4 on the Playstation!
Karate, no junkfood, no beer
Up early for cycling!
Roger, James and I met at Jonnie's and headed off into dry lanes. There wasn't much wind and it wasn't too cold. A great February day for cycling! As per the last few rides, Roger spent a lot of time off the front, leaving Jonnie, James and I to follow behind as best we could! We were a lot faster than we needed to be - our training programme for the day specified a 13.5mph average but we were hurtling along at a much faster rate. At one point we had an average of 14.9mph, and this was without trying to set a good time.
When we reached the Blue Boar, we encountered a lot of traffic and a lot of roadworks. I happened to be at the front at this point. When we reached the long descent through Binton, I thought I had better get a move on to prevent the chaps having to pull out into traffic to overtake me. I put the pressure on and managed to get a couple of Strava cups in the process. Good fun!
By the time we got to the cake stop, we had a very healthy average of 14.6mph. Without the cake maker (she was out having coffee and cake at the village hall) I was 'mother' and managed to serve cake and the wrong drinks to everyone. I managed to avoid cake myself (not sure if the chaps noticed).
Back in the lanes, we decided to return home at a chatting pace but to keep the average above 14mph. This was easily achieved because of the work we'd put in earlier. James I chatted about books and films, and the miles ticked by. The four of us arrived back at Jonnie's with an average of 14.2mph after 39.9 miles.
As soon as I got home, I scoffed some leftovers, got changed and then walked the dogs in the park. After that, I set about painting the inside of the shed. I painted as long as I could until it got too dark to see what I was doing. Back in the house to do an hour of ironing.
Finally, it was beer o'clock and I put my feet up with three real ales and a fantastic dinner of homemade sausage casserole! Unfortunately, Lucy made me watch the Brit Awards - I can't remember ever witnessing such a shallow display of corporate nonsense and uninspiring music. I was glad to escape to bed to read Jason Fox's autobiography.
40 miles of cycling, no junkfood, 3 beers
A non-stop day. After a nightmare about watching a failed space rocket launch hurtling towards Earth, I awoke with a start at 2:15am. It was hard to get back to sleep, but when I did, I slept through my alarm and didn't get out of bed until after 8!
I got myself moving after coffee and muesli. I washed the car inside and out, but soon discovered a nail sticking out of one of the tyres. This resulted in an expensive trip to Kwik Fit...
With no time for lunch, I got back in the shed and managed to add another coat to the ceiling.
After this, I went off to the dojo for an excellent Karate session. I made the mistake of mentioning to Sensei Gary that I was glad to get to the dojo 'for a bit of a rest.' He then proceeded to work us really hard with a series of lightning fast combinations, press-ups, squats and sit-ups. I was glad to slow things down with a bit of kata for a few minutes! Everyone went home happy and sweaty. My gi went straight into the washing machine!
I fixed a puncture on Martha's bicycle and then, finally, got to sit down with beer, homemade curry, and an excellent episode of The Last of Us.
Karate, no junkfood, 3 beers
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