Weight: 10st 3lbs
Blood pressure: 127/69
Resting heart rate: 58
Not bad results although the heart rate is a little high for me. I'm very pleased to see weight dropped last week.
I had a crisis of faith tonight, and when I looked at the weights bar in my man cave I couldn't face the idea of picking it up. I found myself sitting on the couch with my girl watching Sons of Anarchy and sipping red wine!
I cycled to work and back on the road bike.
The karate session was fantastic tonight - it started with a really hard yoga-flavoured warm up session that left my muscles aching and shaking! The rest of the hour was given over to fighting techniques. The emphasis was on spirit and challenging each other. We practised ippons for most of the lesson, progressing from kihon ippons to jiyu ippons. We went as far as light turn-based sparring. I left feeling like I could do with a good fight!
I arrived home to find a huge bowl of chicken and rice waiting for me. Perfect!
Progress evening (the college equivalent of parents' evening.)
I tried to get to Mr Roger's circuit training in time but I spent too long with parents. This week is not turning out well for exercise.
I made matters worse when I got home by sipping beers with my girl and watching TV!
Cycling in on the road bike this morning, I felt a bit of resistance in the left knee. I clicked down into the little ring, kept the cadence high, and made my way at a leisurely 16mph (it's a perfectly flat route.) About 10 minutes later, I was cut up by a Porsche at a traffic island on the A34. I snapped the bike back up into the big ring and gave chase. I caught him at a set of traffic lights just as they turned green.
He gave me the finger.
Why do I deserve the finger if he's the one that cut me up? So then I gave him the finger and informed him that he was a wanker. The traffic was moving again but I managed to catch him just after the college. This time, he did that thing drivers do when they stare straight ahead and pretend they can't see you.
He wouldn't get out of the car. Some people are just cowards I guess.
I turned around and headed back to college.
It was a good sweaty workout powered by adrenaline and road rage!
Does walking count as exercise? Walking with a hip flask of brandy and stopping off for a pint?
Probably not...
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Mouse, me, Martha. Outdoors! |
Walking in Baddesley Clinton with some of my favourite girls. |
No exercise, lots of chocolate and booze.
On the plus side, my very generous mother has given me an iPhone so at least I can once again use Strava to track my runs and rides!
Today is the first anniversary of my father's passing.
To honour the occasion, my brother has entered both of us into the Birmingham 10K run on the 1st May. We will be running for charity - The Macular Society. Dad suffered with this condition in the latter years of his life and it was awful to watch him struggle with his worsening vision. My bro and I will be doing our little bit to help other people suffering with macular degeneration.
I'm sure Dad would approve.
This only leaves me with 5 weeks to prepare for the run!
Mom and my brother came to have dinner and my brother and I spent the rest of the day 'preparing' for our 10k by sipping fine ales and watching England beat Germany in the football!
A full-English for breakfast! After this, I wobbled out on the road bike with my iPhone to map out a 10k training run in the local area. During the ride, I encountered a chap in a wheelchair on the pavement. He was scuffing himself along very slowly using his feet. He didn't seem to be able to propel himself forward using his hands on the wheels. I asked him if he was okay and if he needed help. He simply said no. Then I asked him if I could call anyone for him. No again. I carried on for about half a mile and then called the police on the 101 number. They said they would see if an officer was available to take a look to make sure he was doing okay.
The plan is to run this 10k course at least 4 times before the event, hopefully increasing the speed a little each time. I'll still be doing the weight training, martial arts, circuit training and cycling. I'll have to get strict with the booze and junkfood too.
A walk with the dogs was quickly followed by a huge slice of Mom's Easter cake. It tasted awesome!
In the evening, I enjoyed the highlights of today's Twenty20 action with a few ales and a brandy! Hic!
This week has been a total failure as far as training is concerned. However, I now have a new target (the 10K) and a new tool (the iPhone).
Time for action!
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