I forgot to weigh myself this morning.
I cycled in to work and back. At home, I did a weight lifting session - slightly heavier than last week.
No junkfood, no booze.
I forgot to weigh myself again.
I cycled in to work and back. I had to attend an entirely useless meeting at Handsworth for 2 hours which meant that I cycled a total of 23 miles at 13.3mph.
Finally back at home, Martha and I went to dojo. Tonight, Sensei Gary drilled us through brown and black belt basics followed by kata (Bassai Dai for me.) He put me at the front of the class because I was the "Gold medal winner"!
Home for healthy grub and to watch Sagan get disqualified after smashing Cav into some railings.
I'm aching for a pint of ale...
No junkfood, no booze.
10st 4lbs
Obviously, my weekend indulgences mean I'm not getting anywhere with my flabloss program. To look on the bright side: I'm not getting any fatter!
However, the title of these blog posts mean I must make a change. I need to get rid of the belly and I've only got 12 weeks before I'm 43!
Today was my long commute but I finished work much earlier than usual. I rode a total of 23 miles but the rush hour traffic on the way home meant that I was reduced to 12.7mph.
At home, I couldn't resist 3 lovely ales while watching the Tour de France and Game of Thrones.
No junkfood.
A very hot day. It was as high as 27 degrees with hardly any wind. I cycled to work, suffered through the longest, most boring meeting ever (over 2 hours with no break, no tea or coffee, and no windows to look out of!) and then cycled home.
I really, really, really didn't fancy doing a run tonight. It was just too hot. Lucy suggested I pour a beer and read comic books in the back garden. Instead, I strapped my running shoes on and went out to do a 10K run.
I knew I would suffer so I set off at a deliberately slow pace. Within half a mile I was pouring with sweat and trying to convince myself to turn back. Any time I encountered a bit of shade or a bit of a breeze it was the sweetest relief. At about 5 miles I was getting desperate so I told myself I could slow to a walk - something I had never done on a run before. I promised myself I would walk as soon as I got to the next lampost...the next corner...the next tree...
I managed to complete the full 10K without having to walk and did it in just over 66 minutes. Not fast, but certainly not my slowest. At home, my face was glowing bright red and my entire body was running wet with sweat. I walked directly into the shower without bothering to take my kit off first! Heaven!
No booze, no junkfood.
2 weeks until the beach.
Cycled in to work for officially the last day. I ended up helping a student through his unit work for 4 hours and interviewing another student at the same time. The lady who was supposed to be interviewing "wasn't in the mood." I cycled home with my legs turning to jelly after my 10K exertions yesterday.
At home, I did a good weight-training session before getting stuck into 3 real ales!
10st 3lbs
So I have lost a bit of weight! Can I lose the final 3lbs before I set foot on the beach?
Nigel called round for me at 10am (he was in a recovery phase after topping up his hydration levels with 6 pints of beer last night.) Unfortunately, Jonnie couldn't ride with us today - he was away for the weekend.
We cycled the Honiley route but turned off to join the lovely sweeping descent to Snitterfield which we use on the High Cross route. During today's ride, I had a bit of bike rage. An Audi driver (surprise, surprise) went past us at 50mph on a country lane while blasting his horn. I gave the appropriate hand gesture and was pleased to see that he slowed down. I increased the pace so I could catch up with him and we could discuss the incident like gentlemen. Unfortunately he stayed just ahead of me and eventually sped off up the lanes. Some people are just cowards, I guess.
The cake and tea were of excellent quality as always. At the 24 mile mark we were averaging 15.4mph. However, after the tea stop, it's a 15 mile route uphill to get home!
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Heading for home in the sunshine |
Back at home, Nigel and I sat with Lucy in our lovely backgarden and enjoyed a couple of ales each. And then another one. And then another one...
After 4 ales in the sunshine, Nigel wobbled off home but then I had to find the motivation to get ready to go out!
Lucy and I went for a lovely anniversary dinner at the Navigation Inn in Lapworth. I found a Purity ale on tap - a very well kept Mad Goose. This went down splendidly with my beer battered cod and homemade chips!
The chef did a great job with our dinners, but couldn't bring himself to make pudding. |
Unfortunately, the chef was too busy to make pudding (their words, not mine!) so we went home for choc ices and cake and to fall asleep in front of the Tour de France highlights.
I woke up with a bit of a sore head but was determined not to let that spoil my day. I spent a lot of time organising the man cave and selling stuff on eBay before heading off to the 4pm Karate session run by Sensei Ronnie Christopher. When I arrived, before the lesson had even started, Sensei gave me a 7 minute lecture about where I went wrong in the club competition. After trying to absorb all of this excellent advice about fighting from the double world champion, I was then put through an hour of kata training! Still, it was a great afternoon of Karate and it certainly cured what was left of my hangover.
Back at home, we were joined by some lovely friends and family and we had dinner in the backgarden. I drank a few more ales and played some records.
What a fantastic weekend!
It certainly was a great afternoon of beer drinking in the sunshine - pleased that the average was over 15mph