I woke up with a banging head - three pints of Guinness is apparently too much for this old man!
I suffered for most of the day but still managed to cycle in to work and do a martial arts based warm-up with my sports group before circuit training.
Cycled home and did a mini MOT on myself:
Weight: 10st 8lbs
Blood Pressure: 127/74
Resting Heart Rate: 51
I've lost another pound in weight which means I've shed 4 pounds so far this year. I'm happy with that.
I picked up the weights for six different lifts at 5x5. By the time I sat down to a huge dinner of scrambled eggs and potatoes I was aching all over!
Cycled in to work and back.
It was a strange session in the dojo tonight. There was a fairly new sensei taking the class (unfortunately, I don't know his name.) I introduced him to Matthew - our friend who has just started Karate. The new sensei did a good warm but, unfortunately, when he started the lesson, he left Matthew floundering among the green belts! I just hope this experience doesn't put Matthew off martial arts.
It was a fairly fast session with some basics, kata and a bit of one-step kumite. I didn't exactly work up a sweat but I was never bored.

Cycled in to work. The campus was shut at lunch time! There was some trouble with the heating/gas supply and we had to evacuate. I cycled home and was back in the man-cave by about 2pm.
I did a hard lifting session at 5x5 - my deadlift was strong today.
Lucy made a very healthy dinner of salmon, pasta, green beans and tomatoes.
In the evening, I decided a beer was in order so I sipped an ale while watching Sons of Anarchy and then enjoyed a Japanese single-malt as a night cap!
Felt rather sick today, not sure why. Still managed to get a good weight lifting session in before the D&D game tonight.
Tonight's karate session was basics and one-step kumite. Too much waiting in line to work up a sweat but I still had aching legs by the end of it.
I called for Jonnie at 9pm and we set off in to a slightly misty but not too cold morning. The ride started well. We both felt strong and chatted away all the way down to Snitterfield. By this point we had an average of 14.1mph. Which isn't too bad considering the roads were soggy at best, and sometimes had pools of standing water on them. The next 18 miles, however, were uphill. Without a stop for food (or even a wee!) we pushed on home. The day became gloomier and Jonnie was convinced it was getting colder.
Jonnie's legs held, mine failed. In the final 7 miles, I was dragging myself back, all strength and energy having abandoned me. Jonnie had to wait for me several times and by the time we got back to his kitchen and some hot tea, the average had collapsed.
It was a 35.7 mile ride at 13.3 mph (no stops).
In the afternoon, Lucy and I went to town and drank beer!
A bit groggy in the morning so I took it easy with some quality PS4 time. Before lunch, I ventured outside for another 54 minute run without stopping or walking. It was very hard going and I was sweating like a pig doing a jig at the gig of the century.
Tuna for lunch.
I went with Martha to karate tonight and Sensei Ronnie Christopher took the class. He worked us brown belts really hard - drilling some basic kata over and over and getting the stances right. My legs were burning by the time I got home!
So another week of exercising everyday, a couple of beers and no junkfood.
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