I cycled to work and back.
I did a mini-MOT on myself when I got home:
Weight: 10st 7lbs
Blood Pressure: 122/73
Heart Rate: 57
This means I've lost another pound in weight; 5 pounds lost so far this year!
I picked up the weights tonight for an hour's lifting session before dinner.
Cycled into work and back.
Martha and I went along to the dojo for our Karate lesson. Sensei Gary worked the brown and black belts really hard in some kumite (fighting) techniques with lots of one-step sparring. We all had to be very aware and on form tonight! Great session. All the brown belts I spoke to wished we did more of this stuff.
Cycled to work and back.
No circuit training tonight (there was a major meeting going on at work) so I did some lifting at home. I'm increasing the amount of weight I'm lifting to the point where I have to really have to work hard to keep my form. Feels good!
Rest day! I decided that this old body needed a rest. I've done some form of exercise for at least an hour every day since 4th January. Today (28th January) I felt a bit weak and lacking in energy. So I had a rest. I still rode the bike to work and back but it's a total of 9 flat miles so it doesn't really count!
No exercise today.
I continued to eat healthily and didn't drink any beer.
Couldn't cycle to work today because I had to work at a different campus in the afternoon which meant carrying folders with me. So I had to use a car and queue up on the A45 with the rest of the cagers!
Tonight's martial arts lesson was taken by Sensei Mark. As usual, the emphasis was on spirit, effort and traditional karate values. No talking, no fidgeting, no long water breaks, and definitely no taking it easy! I was inspired to keep practising my kicks in the kitchen when I got home! A great session.
I went for a run in the dark. It was bitterly cold and for the first 2 miles I really struggled to keep going. My fingers were numb and my whole body was cold. I was wearing two layers: a thermal base layer and a technical t-shirt, but this didn't seem to be enough. Gradually, however, I stopped focusing on how cold I felt and let my mind drift. Eventually, I found myself eating up the distance and I didn't feel cold anymore. By the time I got home, 54 minutes later, I felt warm and strong and could easily have continued! Maybe this jogging lark isn't too bad after all!
Who am I kidding? It still sucks compared to cycling...
I continued to eat healthily even though the evil Lucy tried to tempt me with Chinese takeaway!
A cold and wet morning, with a steady drizzle and standing water all over the roads. A perfect morning for snuggling up under the duvet for a while.
So instead, being a cyclist, I leapt out of bed and onto the bike and rode up to Jonnie's place. We headed off to Wilmcote, chatting and taking it easy but still being mindful of our average speed. The standing water presented no problem to Jonnie and he still hurled himself downhill like a lunatic (today reaching speeds of 34mph!). The fastest I dared to go today was 26mph, and then I was quickly back on the brakes!
After refueling with banana bread (today is a cheat day!) we climbed back home for a respectable 31.3 miles at 13.7mph.
After cleaning the bike and consuming a traditional cyclists tea break (with homemade Eccles cake! - thanks Mom!) I did some ironing, had a shower and then Martha and I went off to our Karate session. The emphasis for the black and brown belts was very much on fighting this afternoon. We did lots of one-step sparring and then the lesson culminated in a match. Martha fought very well and was unlucky to lose against a girl who was a higher grade but whose kicks were inferior to hers. I was fortunate enough to win my scrap against a fellow brown belt.
At home, reveling in my cheat day, I enjoyed some Toblerone and a couple of ales!
Writings about Shotokan Karate and cycling. Also comic books, films, pudding, beer and Dungeons and Dragons.
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Sunday, January 31, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
How to Lose a Belly When You're 41 (part 4)
Monday 18th January 2016
I woke up with a banging head - three pints of Guinness is apparently too much for this old man!
I suffered for most of the day but still managed to cycle in to work and do a martial arts based warm-up with my sports group before circuit training.
Cycled home and did a mini MOT on myself:
Weight: 10st 8lbs
Blood Pressure: 127/74
Resting Heart Rate: 51
I've lost another pound in weight which means I've shed 4 pounds so far this year. I'm happy with that.
I picked up the weights for six different lifts at 5x5. By the time I sat down to a huge dinner of scrambled eggs and potatoes I was aching all over!
Cycled in to work and back.
It was a strange session in the dojo tonight. There was a fairly new sensei taking the class (unfortunately, I don't know his name.) I introduced him to Matthew - our friend who has just started Karate. The new sensei did a good warm but, unfortunately, when he started the lesson, he left Matthew floundering among the green belts! I just hope this experience doesn't put Matthew off martial arts.
It was a fairly fast session with some basics, kata and a bit of one-step kumite. I didn't exactly work up a sweat but I was never bored.
Cycled in to work. The campus was shut at lunch time! There was some trouble with the heating/gas supply and we had to evacuate. I cycled home and was back in the man-cave by about 2pm.
I did a hard lifting session at 5x5 - my deadlift was strong today.
Lucy made a very healthy dinner of salmon, pasta, green beans and tomatoes.
In the evening, I decided a beer was in order so I sipped an ale while watching Sons of Anarchy and then enjoyed a Japanese single-malt as a night cap!
Felt rather sick today, not sure why. Still managed to get a good weight lifting session in before the D&D game tonight.
Tonight's karate session was basics and one-step kumite. Too much waiting in line to work up a sweat but I still had aching legs by the end of it.
I called for Jonnie at 9pm and we set off in to a slightly misty but not too cold morning. The ride started well. We both felt strong and chatted away all the way down to Snitterfield. By this point we had an average of 14.1mph. Which isn't too bad considering the roads were soggy at best, and sometimes had pools of standing water on them. The next 18 miles, however, were uphill. Without a stop for food (or even a wee!) we pushed on home. The day became gloomier and Jonnie was convinced it was getting colder.
Jonnie's legs held, mine failed. In the final 7 miles, I was dragging myself back, all strength and energy having abandoned me. Jonnie had to wait for me several times and by the time we got back to his kitchen and some hot tea, the average had collapsed.
It was a 35.7 mile ride at 13.3 mph (no stops).
In the afternoon, Lucy and I went to town and drank beer!
A bit groggy in the morning so I took it easy with some quality PS4 time. Before lunch, I ventured outside for another 54 minute run without stopping or walking. It was very hard going and I was sweating like a pig doing a jig at the gig of the century.
Tuna for lunch.
I went with Martha to karate tonight and Sensei Ronnie Christopher took the class. He worked us brown belts really hard - drilling some basic kata over and over and getting the stances right. My legs were burning by the time I got home!
So another week of exercising everyday, a couple of beers and no junkfood.
I woke up with a banging head - three pints of Guinness is apparently too much for this old man!
I suffered for most of the day but still managed to cycle in to work and do a martial arts based warm-up with my sports group before circuit training.
Cycled home and did a mini MOT on myself:
Weight: 10st 8lbs
Blood Pressure: 127/74
Resting Heart Rate: 51
I've lost another pound in weight which means I've shed 4 pounds so far this year. I'm happy with that.
I picked up the weights for six different lifts at 5x5. By the time I sat down to a huge dinner of scrambled eggs and potatoes I was aching all over!
Cycled in to work and back.
It was a strange session in the dojo tonight. There was a fairly new sensei taking the class (unfortunately, I don't know his name.) I introduced him to Matthew - our friend who has just started Karate. The new sensei did a good warm but, unfortunately, when he started the lesson, he left Matthew floundering among the green belts! I just hope this experience doesn't put Matthew off martial arts.
It was a fairly fast session with some basics, kata and a bit of one-step kumite. I didn't exactly work up a sweat but I was never bored.

Cycled in to work. The campus was shut at lunch time! There was some trouble with the heating/gas supply and we had to evacuate. I cycled home and was back in the man-cave by about 2pm.
I did a hard lifting session at 5x5 - my deadlift was strong today.
Lucy made a very healthy dinner of salmon, pasta, green beans and tomatoes.
In the evening, I decided a beer was in order so I sipped an ale while watching Sons of Anarchy and then enjoyed a Japanese single-malt as a night cap!
Felt rather sick today, not sure why. Still managed to get a good weight lifting session in before the D&D game tonight.
Tonight's karate session was basics and one-step kumite. Too much waiting in line to work up a sweat but I still had aching legs by the end of it.
I called for Jonnie at 9pm and we set off in to a slightly misty but not too cold morning. The ride started well. We both felt strong and chatted away all the way down to Snitterfield. By this point we had an average of 14.1mph. Which isn't too bad considering the roads were soggy at best, and sometimes had pools of standing water on them. The next 18 miles, however, were uphill. Without a stop for food (or even a wee!) we pushed on home. The day became gloomier and Jonnie was convinced it was getting colder.
Jonnie's legs held, mine failed. In the final 7 miles, I was dragging myself back, all strength and energy having abandoned me. Jonnie had to wait for me several times and by the time we got back to his kitchen and some hot tea, the average had collapsed.
It was a 35.7 mile ride at 13.3 mph (no stops).
In the afternoon, Lucy and I went to town and drank beer!
A bit groggy in the morning so I took it easy with some quality PS4 time. Before lunch, I ventured outside for another 54 minute run without stopping or walking. It was very hard going and I was sweating like a pig doing a jig at the gig of the century.
Tuna for lunch.
I went with Martha to karate tonight and Sensei Ronnie Christopher took the class. He worked us brown belts really hard - drilling some basic kata over and over and getting the stances right. My legs were burning by the time I got home!
So another week of exercising everyday, a couple of beers and no junkfood.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
How to Lose a Belly When You're 41 (part 3)
Monday 11th January 2016
I got on the scales this morning not really knowing what to expect. Happily, I'd managed to lose 3 pounds last week - I'm now 10st 9lbs. Good, at least I know that my training works.
I cycled to college. The first lesson of the day was a fitness training session with the Sports and Leisure group. We did a warm up, some martial arts stuff (pad work) followed by a circuit of about 10 different exercises. After this, we did a strength/fitness test: press-ups in one minute. I'm happy to report that I beat a class of 16-20 year old boys by performing 66 press-ups in one minute. None of the lads could top that!
Cycled home and then did a mini-MOT on myself: blood pressure: 129/71 and resting heart rate: 55. I then forced myself through an hour-long weight-lifting session and did 6 different lifts at 5x5. Was aching and happy afterwards. Went to bed hungry...
Cycled in to work. 'Enjoyed' a lunch of nuts and fruit. Cycled home in the pouring rain.
Another good Karate session where we worked on our new kata (mine is Bassai Dai) and tried to get up to speed on our new combinations. I'm struggling with Ushiro Geri and realised today that I need to practise it A LOT!
Sensei Mark has us working constantly - we never spend too long doing the same thing and we're never standing around chatting. I like his style of teaching because it keeps me on my toes (sometimes literally) and I'm always slightly out of breath throughout the whole hour which means I'm burning off some fat too!
On the bike into work. After lessons today I attended the circuit training session with Roger. This week, we tried something different: we didn't use any equipment apart from skipping ropes. We did 45 minutes of different bodyweight exercises (many of which I had never seen before) in thirty second bursts, punctuated by 30 seconds of skipping, with no breaks! By the end, my shirt was sticking to me with sweat and it was a challenge to simply put one foot in front of another. Needless to say, the cycle home was a slow one!
At home, Lucy had prepared a marvellously healthy beef stir-fry with loads of vegetables.
Cycled to work and back. At home, I had a fantastically healthy dinner of fresh plaice, wholemeal pasta and green beans (thanks Lucy!).
After tonight's Dungeons and Dragons session with 7 players had ended and I'd dropped them all home, I started my weight lifting session at 10pm. I did 6 different lifts at 5x5 including squats and deadlifts. I'd had enough by 11pm.
Snow! Not much of it though, to be honest. The cycle path was a bit slippery but the roads were clear. I rode the mountain bike into college under blue skies! The days are getting longer!
Before I started work, I entered Jonnie and myself for the Tommy Godwin Challenge which takes place a few days before my birthday this year. That's two rides I'm now officially entered for (the other, of course, is the dreaded Mad March Hare!) I also intend to ride the Dynamic 100 and am considering the Tour of the Black Country with the NWAlps boys.
After a fast ride home I showered and changed and went off to tonight's Karate session. The instructor tonight was Sensei Ronnie Christopher. He spent the entire lesson emphasizing the importance of strength, speed and correct fighting attitude. According to him, the class started in neutral and only got as far as third gear...must do better!
Watched three episodes of Sons of Anarchy tonight. It made me want to drink whisky...but I didn't.
I went for a run in the dark this evening and managed to keep going for 54 minutes without walking or stopping. That's the longest I've ever lasted and estimate that it was just over 5 miles. I'm happy with that!
Tonight's dinner was a very healthy homemade chicken and vegetable curry - I had two massive helpings. Thanks Lucy!
Up at 7:30am but Jonnie had already texted to discuss the slippery conditions. I agreed that it would be a bit dangerous for us MAMILs in the lanes this morning. NWAlps weren't riding either. I ended up playing the PS4 for a couple of hours instead!
Lazy boy.
Lucy and I walked the dogs for 40 minutes. During this time it was so cold that, even though I was wearing gloves, I lost all feeling in my hands. I'm now very glad I didn't go riding after all!
In the afternoon I attended the Tudor Grange karate session. Matthew, the 15 year old son of a family friend, met me there for his first ever martial arts lesson. He was very brave and joined in straight away. As usual, Ruach Karate made sure he was put at ease and made to feel welcome. He really enjoyed the session and I'm sure he'll be back next week.
I came home to a special treat - my first beer in two weeks! I enjoyed a pint of Timothy Taylor's Landlord while Lucy prepared dinner.
It's a hard life...
In the evening, we met a friend at the Red Lion for the pub quiz. I'm ashamed to say that we came last! Plus, three pints of Guinness after 2 weeks of no drinking makes me feel quite tipsy...
I got on the scales this morning not really knowing what to expect. Happily, I'd managed to lose 3 pounds last week - I'm now 10st 9lbs. Good, at least I know that my training works.
I cycled to college. The first lesson of the day was a fitness training session with the Sports and Leisure group. We did a warm up, some martial arts stuff (pad work) followed by a circuit of about 10 different exercises. After this, we did a strength/fitness test: press-ups in one minute. I'm happy to report that I beat a class of 16-20 year old boys by performing 66 press-ups in one minute. None of the lads could top that!
Cycled home and then did a mini-MOT on myself: blood pressure: 129/71 and resting heart rate: 55. I then forced myself through an hour-long weight-lifting session and did 6 different lifts at 5x5. Was aching and happy afterwards. Went to bed hungry...
Cycled in to work. 'Enjoyed' a lunch of nuts and fruit. Cycled home in the pouring rain.
Another good Karate session where we worked on our new kata (mine is Bassai Dai) and tried to get up to speed on our new combinations. I'm struggling with Ushiro Geri and realised today that I need to practise it A LOT!
Sensei Mark has us working constantly - we never spend too long doing the same thing and we're never standing around chatting. I like his style of teaching because it keeps me on my toes (sometimes literally) and I'm always slightly out of breath throughout the whole hour which means I'm burning off some fat too!
On the bike into work. After lessons today I attended the circuit training session with Roger. This week, we tried something different: we didn't use any equipment apart from skipping ropes. We did 45 minutes of different bodyweight exercises (many of which I had never seen before) in thirty second bursts, punctuated by 30 seconds of skipping, with no breaks! By the end, my shirt was sticking to me with sweat and it was a challenge to simply put one foot in front of another. Needless to say, the cycle home was a slow one!
At home, Lucy had prepared a marvellously healthy beef stir-fry with loads of vegetables.
Cycled to work and back. At home, I had a fantastically healthy dinner of fresh plaice, wholemeal pasta and green beans (thanks Lucy!).
After tonight's Dungeons and Dragons session with 7 players had ended and I'd dropped them all home, I started my weight lifting session at 10pm. I did 6 different lifts at 5x5 including squats and deadlifts. I'd had enough by 11pm.
Snow! Not much of it though, to be honest. The cycle path was a bit slippery but the roads were clear. I rode the mountain bike into college under blue skies! The days are getting longer!
Before I started work, I entered Jonnie and myself for the Tommy Godwin Challenge which takes place a few days before my birthday this year. That's two rides I'm now officially entered for (the other, of course, is the dreaded Mad March Hare!) I also intend to ride the Dynamic 100 and am considering the Tour of the Black Country with the NWAlps boys.
After a fast ride home I showered and changed and went off to tonight's Karate session. The instructor tonight was Sensei Ronnie Christopher. He spent the entire lesson emphasizing the importance of strength, speed and correct fighting attitude. According to him, the class started in neutral and only got as far as third gear...must do better!
Watched three episodes of Sons of Anarchy tonight. It made me want to drink whisky...but I didn't.
Running Gear! (Not that different to cycling gear...) |
I went for a run in the dark this evening and managed to keep going for 54 minutes without walking or stopping. That's the longest I've ever lasted and estimate that it was just over 5 miles. I'm happy with that!
Tonight's dinner was a very healthy homemade chicken and vegetable curry - I had two massive helpings. Thanks Lucy!
Up at 7:30am but Jonnie had already texted to discuss the slippery conditions. I agreed that it would be a bit dangerous for us MAMILs in the lanes this morning. NWAlps weren't riding either. I ended up playing the PS4 for a couple of hours instead!
Lazy boy.
Lucy and I walked the dogs for 40 minutes. During this time it was so cold that, even though I was wearing gloves, I lost all feeling in my hands. I'm now very glad I didn't go riding after all!
In the afternoon I attended the Tudor Grange karate session. Matthew, the 15 year old son of a family friend, met me there for his first ever martial arts lesson. He was very brave and joined in straight away. As usual, Ruach Karate made sure he was put at ease and made to feel welcome. He really enjoyed the session and I'm sure he'll be back next week.
I came home to a special treat - my first beer in two weeks! I enjoyed a pint of Timothy Taylor's Landlord while Lucy prepared dinner.
It's a hard life...
In the evening, we met a friend at the Red Lion for the pub quiz. I'm ashamed to say that we came last! Plus, three pints of Guinness after 2 weeks of no drinking makes me feel quite tipsy...
Sunday, January 10, 2016
How to Lose a Belly When You're 41 (part 2)
Monday 4th January 2016
We've got a bowl in the living room that was filled with chocolates during the Christmas period. Today, I must have found my hand reaching out towards this bowl at least a dozen times. I could hear the Christmas cake in the kitchen calling to me...
I kept busy by doing little jobs: a trip to the post office, some ironing, replaced a brake light bulb in Lucy's car, vacuumed the man-cave. However, sugary things were never far from my mind!
I did an hour's weight lifting tonight, making sure I was lifting slightly heavier than in 2015. The exercises I chose were as follows: Barbell curls, dumbbell curls, front raises, side raises, shrugs and overhead press. All were 5 sets of 5 reps.
Surprisingly, I got through it without any problems, I even threw in some body weight exercises: 100 leg raises, 100 push ups and 100 tricep-dips.
Not a bad start!
I cycled in to work today.
Back at home, I picked up the weights again but this time put the emphasis on legs: I swapped yesterday's barbell curls and overhead presses for deadlifts and squats. By the end of the session, I'd pulled a muscle in the back of my left leg but it was only a twinge really.
I cycled in to work again today, but this time my legs were aching!
After lessons, I attended Mr Roger's circuit training. I had to run, use a skipping rope, lift weights, do body weight exercises etc - all against the clock! It was a very intense and sweaty 60 minutes indeed.
Woke up feeling bright and energetic after a great night's sleep. I'm sure it's the fact that I'm not full of beer and chocolate that contributes to a good rest.
My legs, however, were aching terribly! The deadlifts and squats on Tuesday coupled with the circuits last night had finished me off. I wasn't too bad riding the bike to work today, but sitting down and standing up were another matter entirely!
Today, I was back on the weights again, this time missing out the leg exercises...
Cycled to work and back.
After work, it was time for the first martial arts lesson of the year. Wearing my new, stiff, crisp brown belt I was ready to learn new things and take on new challenges. However, Sensei Mark wisely decided to teach a 'back to basics' lesson! He drilled us up and down the hall practising kicks, punches and blocks, all in a proper zenkutsu dachi long stance. It was a great session and a sensible one as a reintroduction to Karate after the holiday.
While the NWAlps climbed the Waltonberg, I tied on my running shoes and took to the streets. My first run of the year started well. I got to the 40 minute mark feeling fine, but after that I started to develop a bit of pain in my legs and chest. In the last two minutes of the run, legs turning to jelly and chest heaving, I found myself looking at my watch every 30 seconds! I finally slowed to a walk after 52 minutes. Not too bad for the first run of the year, although my pace was very slow. I'd estimate the distance to be no more than 5 miles.
Unfortunately, I no longer have a phone capable of downloading Strava so I can't track my run - I'm not sure how far I actually traveled!
The evening presented my first real test of willpower: the family visited Jane and Eric for dinner in Wilmcote. Jane put on a healthy spread of turkey and vegetables which was great as long as I didn't have any cauliflower in cheese sauce. I managed to ignore the open bottles of wine on the table too. However, when she brought out not one, but two homemade puddings from the kitchen, I had to excuse myself and leave the table! Later, chocolates were passed round but I managed to resist those too!
Today was Jonnie's first time on the bike in two months. We set off fearing the worst from the weather. We were very pleased to find the day bright, sunny and not too cold! The roads were soaking wet with standing water everywhere which meant I took it easy on the descents (Jonnie hurled himself downhill as usual). We adopted a fairly leisurely pace because Jonnie's legs were suffering. However, we still covered 31.1 miles at 12.7mph. I expect Jonnie will be back at his old 15+ mph pace very soon!
After homemade vegetable soup, it was time for dojo and Martha's first session of the year. Sensei Ronnie Christopher took the lesson and again it was a back-to-basics kicking lesson with three lower grade kata included. Martha was told she was 'brilliant' in today's lesson. I don't know who was more proud - me or her!
This week I've managed to avoid all junk food - crisps, chocolate, cakes, biscuits (everything I like really!) - as well as alcohol. And I really really really miss beer!
It feels good to be back in training.
We've got a bowl in the living room that was filled with chocolates during the Christmas period. Today, I must have found my hand reaching out towards this bowl at least a dozen times. I could hear the Christmas cake in the kitchen calling to me...
I kept busy by doing little jobs: a trip to the post office, some ironing, replaced a brake light bulb in Lucy's car, vacuumed the man-cave. However, sugary things were never far from my mind!
I did an hour's weight lifting tonight, making sure I was lifting slightly heavier than in 2015. The exercises I chose were as follows: Barbell curls, dumbbell curls, front raises, side raises, shrugs and overhead press. All were 5 sets of 5 reps.
Surprisingly, I got through it without any problems, I even threw in some body weight exercises: 100 leg raises, 100 push ups and 100 tricep-dips.
Not a bad start!
I cycled in to work today.
Back at home, I picked up the weights again but this time put the emphasis on legs: I swapped yesterday's barbell curls and overhead presses for deadlifts and squats. By the end of the session, I'd pulled a muscle in the back of my left leg but it was only a twinge really.
I cycled in to work again today, but this time my legs were aching!
After lessons, I attended Mr Roger's circuit training. I had to run, use a skipping rope, lift weights, do body weight exercises etc - all against the clock! It was a very intense and sweaty 60 minutes indeed.
Woke up feeling bright and energetic after a great night's sleep. I'm sure it's the fact that I'm not full of beer and chocolate that contributes to a good rest.
My legs, however, were aching terribly! The deadlifts and squats on Tuesday coupled with the circuits last night had finished me off. I wasn't too bad riding the bike to work today, but sitting down and standing up were another matter entirely!
Today, I was back on the weights again, this time missing out the leg exercises...
Cycled to work and back.
After work, it was time for the first martial arts lesson of the year. Wearing my new, stiff, crisp brown belt I was ready to learn new things and take on new challenges. However, Sensei Mark wisely decided to teach a 'back to basics' lesson! He drilled us up and down the hall practising kicks, punches and blocks, all in a proper zenkutsu dachi long stance. It was a great session and a sensible one as a reintroduction to Karate after the holiday.
A fat ninja |
While the NWAlps climbed the Waltonberg, I tied on my running shoes and took to the streets. My first run of the year started well. I got to the 40 minute mark feeling fine, but after that I started to develop a bit of pain in my legs and chest. In the last two minutes of the run, legs turning to jelly and chest heaving, I found myself looking at my watch every 30 seconds! I finally slowed to a walk after 52 minutes. Not too bad for the first run of the year, although my pace was very slow. I'd estimate the distance to be no more than 5 miles.
Unfortunately, I no longer have a phone capable of downloading Strava so I can't track my run - I'm not sure how far I actually traveled!
The evening presented my first real test of willpower: the family visited Jane and Eric for dinner in Wilmcote. Jane put on a healthy spread of turkey and vegetables which was great as long as I didn't have any cauliflower in cheese sauce. I managed to ignore the open bottles of wine on the table too. However, when she brought out not one, but two homemade puddings from the kitchen, I had to excuse myself and leave the table! Later, chocolates were passed round but I managed to resist those too!
Today was Jonnie's first time on the bike in two months. We set off fearing the worst from the weather. We were very pleased to find the day bright, sunny and not too cold! The roads were soaking wet with standing water everywhere which meant I took it easy on the descents (Jonnie hurled himself downhill as usual). We adopted a fairly leisurely pace because Jonnie's legs were suffering. However, we still covered 31.1 miles at 12.7mph. I expect Jonnie will be back at his old 15+ mph pace very soon!
After homemade vegetable soup, it was time for dojo and Martha's first session of the year. Sensei Ronnie Christopher took the lesson and again it was a back-to-basics kicking lesson with three lower grade kata included. Martha was told she was 'brilliant' in today's lesson. I don't know who was more proud - me or her!
This week I've managed to avoid all junk food - crisps, chocolate, cakes, biscuits (everything I like really!) - as well as alcohol. And I really really really miss beer!
It feels good to be back in training.
Monday, January 4, 2016
How to Lose a Belly When You're 41 (part 1)
This is the photo that scared me.
I was happy enough just doing what I do, not overly concerned that I didn't manage to get my weight under 10 stone at any point last year.
However, seeing the above photo, taken on 27th December, scared me because it made me realise I'd been fooling myself for months:
I'm fat!
The sight of my flabby body straining against the T-shirt is something I'm determined never to witness again.
And so, the plan:
2016 will see me actively training to achieve my black belt in 2017. I'll attend three karate lessons each week, and practice at home. I'll stretch. I'll read about my chosen martial art.
I've got 2 organised bicycle rides planned: the Mad March Hare (the one I swore I'd never do again) and the Dynamic 100. It's 100% Jonnie's fault that we're riding the MMH again - he says it's tradition. It also doesn't help that my brother sent a photograph of himself on a training ride (which I received just a few minutes before the above fat photo was taken) saying that he was going to kick our asses on the MMH. So I had to sign us up.
The Dynamic 100 is a summer century (100 miles) sportive in beautiful countryside which starts and finishes walking distance from my house. What's not to love?
Start lifting weights again - and some proper heavy weights. The shoulder feels 95% so it's about time I tested it out with some respectable kilograms!
Run. The best way I've found to shift weight is to get out in the street and run. This year I'll be running a six mile course but trying to do it a bit faster each week. Wish me luck!
Circuit training. I love the circuit training sessions we do after classes at work with our ex-military member of staff Mr Roger. I'll make sure I don't miss any of those. (I also enjoyed covering for Mr Roger when he couldn't make sessions last year. Maybe I'll get to do more of that?)
Cut down on the beer. I love beer, but it doesn't love me.
Cut down on cake. See above.
I did a quick MOT on myself today which produced some interesting results:
I'm 10st 12lbs. Two summers ago I was 9st 10lbs...
My BMI is 24.4 which is just within the healthy weight range. Just.
My blood pressure is 127/71 which is classed as normal/ideal.
My resting heart rate is 49 which is apparently expected of an Olympic his early twenties.
Very confusing results indeed! However, the fact remains that I'm going to get rid of the beer belly this year and hopefully have some fun doing it!
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