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Monday, September 30, 2019

How to Achieve a Black Belt in your Forties (62 days to go)

Weight: 10st 6lbs
I cycled to work and back and then completed a weight training session. I cooked a big protein-rich dinner.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 5lbs
I cycled in to work in torrential rain. I was completely soaked from head to foot!
At work I had chicken and salad, nuts, an orange and a banana with plenty of water.
I cycled home.
Tonight's Karate session was a memorable one. Sensei Kai, the guy who won the kumite in the last club competition at Ruach, came along to join in with us. Sensei Gary had no hesitation in making it a fighting session. After a Sensei Russell warm up, we were put into groups and we had a proper gumshields-in kumite contest! It was all quickfire stuff: As soon as a point was scored, the next man was in with the loser staying in the middle. I was with Sensei Kai, young black belt Omar and another 1st kyu Big Shaun.
I started off okay. I managed to win several fights at the start because the same man was losing every fight so had to stay in the middle. However, we decided to give him a break and I ended up facing Sensei Kai. I lost that fight, and then every single fight I had against him after that. I started to get more and more tired and my confidence came crashing down. Soon, everyone was beating me. Big Shaun got more and more aggressive and came crashing into me with powerful mae geri kicks. I have a huge lump on my shin to show for it! (I have strong views about people wearing trainers in the dojo, especially when sparring...)
I was trapped in the middle for a long while but refused to step out. I relished the workout and the challenge and was convinced that the next fight could be a win for me.
After this intense half of the lesson, we were then put on another kumite exercise working with a partner. I was lucky enough to be partnered with Sensei Kai. One man had to have his back against the wall and could only defend. The other guy had to score a point with a punch to chudan. It was awesome training! I got even more bruises, got winded at least twice, and accidentally received some low blows (not my opponent's fault.)
After a quick bit of kata, the session was done. I was utterly exhausted but had endorphins and adrenaline racing through me! Martha had my water bottle because she had forgotten hers so I couldn't even have a drink tonight!
Sensei Kai came to see me at the end to shake hands. It kind of reminded me of when I used to spar with Sensei Jody.
Afterwards, Martha was a little upset and ended up in tears of frustration. There were no other adult females in the dojo tonight so she spent the hour sparring with children. She was desperate to get stuck in but never had the chance. I suggested that competitions are the way to fight people of her own age.
Back at home, I started to really notice the knocks I'd taken. The leg was properly hurting, the bruises began to make themselves known, particularly on my arms, and, most worryingly, my back was aching.
I'm considering having a break from circuit training tomorrow. I'll see how I feel in the morning.
In the evening, I chatted online to Sensei Jody to find out the best way to tackle Sensei Kai. I hope to do a little better next time.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

I cycled to work in the rain.
I did a circuit with the sports lads in the morning session. My leg was really aching where Big Shaun had given it several big boots - higher up at the top of my left thigh. My back was twinging too. However, I got through the session okay.
After the afternoon lessons, I got together with the usual crew of staff and, in the absence of Mr Roger who was off-site, I devised a martial-arts based circuit including a bit of pad work for kicks and punches. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves although they are all too nice to say otherwise! I cycled home hot and sweaty. I cooked a chicken, mushroom and tomato curry and watched the finale of Peaky Blinders series 5.
Circuit training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 4lbs
My leg isn't good at all. I cycled in to work but wasn't able to put much pressure on the pedals. I just kept it in an easy gear and span lightly.
On the ride home, my leg was still in pain so I decided that the scheduled 10K run was a bad idea. I got back to the man cave and did a weight session instead. The leg protested at times, particularly during the deadlifts, but I got it done.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 5lbs
I cycled in, keeping pressure off the bad leg.
It was Macmillan coffee morning in the Supported Learning department and there were cakes everywhere! Because it's my birthday at the weekend, I bought a tray of cakes for the staffroom and a tray for my students. Somehow, I managed to resist having any cake myself - even Lucy's flapjack! I was eating bananas, oranges and nuts while everyone else was enjoying fairycakes. It took a lot of willpower.
My leg was really aching on the ride home.
Tonight's dojo session was run by Sensei Ronnie Christopher. He's not the kind of man to whom you complain about an injured leg. I got stuck into the session as best I could. Unfortunately, it involved a lot of pad work (which is normally a great thing!) and a lot of kicks. My supporting leg buckled twice during the session but nobody noticed. Sensei Ronnie reprimanded me for not being more experimental with my kicks on the pads. I said "Oss, Sensei" and went to the back of the line up.
At home, I decided to rest the leg for 24 hours which meant no weight training, dojo or running tomorrow. I also found out that I was having dinner on my own tonight. Feeling a bit sad, I drank some beers.
Karate, no junkfood, 3 beers.

Weight: 10st 5lbs
Lucy and I did a big shop in the morning and then I walked the dogs in the park.
Martha and I went along to the afternoon dojo session. I'd explained to Sensei Gary that I was resting my injuries. He allowed me the great honour of teaching the lower grade students. It's difficult! They are very limited in what they know and are comfortable doing. I was trying to find ways of not making it boring. I'm not sure I succeeded!
In the afternoon, Jane and Eric joined us for my birthday dinner and I received some lovely presents from them and the girls. I was very spoilt, as usual.
I drank a couple of beers and then enjoyed a couple of glasses of red wine.
No exercise, alcohol, pudding

The rain was torrential when I woke up. At 7am the sky was dark with swirling sheets of water. Jonnie contacted me and reminded me that I could cancel the ride...it was very tempting to stay inside in the dry!
At 8:30, Russ arrived. He had ridden through the rainstorm and was dripping, soaking wet. Shortly after, James cycled up and then Fast Ant and Deadly Dan pulled up in the NWAlps race van.
The biggest shock of the day was that Fast Ant was wearing a full Lycra outfit. This had never been seen before! He was wearing an Eddie Merckx Molteni replica shirt and it suited him completely. I was rather envious.
We called for Jonnie and then the six of us set off into the lanes. There was standing water everywhere! Quite often, lanes were waterlogged from one side to the other and we had no option but to ride slowly down the middle and hope to avoid potholes. This affected the average, but it wasn't a day for worrying about average speeds.
Most of the work on the front was shared by Fast Ant and James. They are naturally quick and unintentionally kept the pace high. Jonnie and I were having a quite a workout just trying to keep up while the rest of the guys were having a nice chat. They really are super fit cyclists! 
We cycled down through Binton (I got on the front for this bit until, inevitably, Jonnie wafted past pedalling some massive gear downhill) and then on through Luddington and the edge of Stratford Upon Avon. We arrived at Wilmcote after 31 miles. It seemed a lot longer! Most of the ride had been against a headwind. Strangely, despite the miserable BBC weather forecast, it hadn't rained at all and so the six of us sat outside in the front garden enjoying tea, coffee and homemade cake with Eric, Jane and Yvonne.
We're cool and we know it.
With Yvonne after tea and cake.

After a short route meeting, we decided to head back over the 18 miles of High Cross in reverse. I led us out down Featherbed lane with the wind behind us. James and Fast Ant took over after we had climbed up Gospel Oak Lane. Again, the chaps on the front set a good pace and Jonnie and I found ourselves working hard just to keep them in view, let alone stay on their wheels!
With the wind behind us, the going was a little faster and before we knew it we were at Packwood House. This is when the rain started! It was heavy and soaked us thoroughly. However, it was warm rain on a warm day. It was like taking a shower while wearing Lycra!
We got ourselves on to the A34, surrounded by cars with the big Tesco junction to navigate. I asked the guys to stay on my wheel. I intended to guide them through the chaos as I had ridden this way many times before. Before I knew it, Jonnie was hurtling down the wrong lane with the lads following him! Happily, it was a just a good laugh and no one got into any dangerous situations!
Back at my place, we dripped water all over the dining room and drank some quality ales. I count myself very lucky to have such good mates who will come out and ride with me on my birthday despite such a terrible weather forecast.
A little later, Lucy and I met up with Jonnie and Sally for some birthday drinks in a local country pub (it had been Sally's birthday yesterday.) Happily, we bumped into Sensei Tony and his wife. We had a couple of rounds of energy drinks together!
Back at home, I opened the rest of my fantastic presents from Lucy. I've had loads of presents this year, as I always do, including Dave Hazard's 2007 autobiography Born Fighter. I can't wait to finish my book about the cycling world championships so I can get stuck into Sensei Hazard's book.
Freddie the Dog tried to eat the corner of Sensei Hazard's book.
As expected, I had another beer with my dinner followed by some more homemade pudding. Birthday's are great fun but really not any good for my training. And I've signed up for the club Karate competition next Sunday!
50 miles of cycling, junkfood, beers

Monday, September 23, 2019

How to Achieve a Black Belt in your Forties (69 days to go)

Weight: 10st 5lbs
76 days to go.
I cycled in to work, ate chicken and pasta, cycled home.
I did some weight training tonight and then cooked a protein rich dinner for Lucy and myself.
Weight training, no junkfood, no booze.

Weight: 10st 5lbs
I cycled to work, ate chicken sandwiches, cycled home.
Tonight's Karate session was handled by Sensei Joey, Sensei Russell and Sensei Gary. We got to do lots of basics and a bit of sparring towards the end. I didn't really feel I got into a high gear with sparring and then we were brought back down with a game of 'tag the tummy' to involve the lower grades.
I think I would have preferred a proper, gumshields in, point-scoring, freestyle type of lesson tonight.
Still, I got to practise some moves.
Back at home, I ate loads of homemade spaghetti bolognese.
Later on, I drove to the city centre to collect Lucy and Dodgy from a Muse concert. I didn't get to bed until about midnight!
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 5lbs
I cycled in to work.
In this morning's sports lesson, I conducted some fitness tests with the students. One of the tests was a measure of how many press-ups we could do in a minute. I'm pleased to say that I managed to beat all of these young blokes (aged 16-19) with a score of 71!
After that, I did a circuit with them comprised of many different exercises such as battle rope, skipping, pad work, sit ups, triceps dips etc. I went to lunch rather hot and sweaty!
Once the afternoon's ICT lessons were done, I headed off to Mr Roger's interval training session. It was a real killer as usual! He had us working with dumbbells including squats and military presses. The session ended with Man Makers! This horrible (and very effective) exercise combined all the other dumbbell exercises into one continuous, tortuous movement which we had to keep doing for 2 minutes. After that, I don't think any of us could have done anything else! I led the stretching before cycling home to cook chicken and vegetable stir fry.
Circuit training (twice!), no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 7lbs
I cycled in to work and back. My legs were still a little sore from yesterday's efforts, but I didn't feel too bad.
However, at home I suffered a motivational crisis. I just couldn't be arsed to go running. So I sat in my comfortable swivel chair in the man cave and imagined having the night off from exercise. Then I imagined having a few beers...maybe an ice cream. And then, I imagined myself failing my black belt grading in December and how that would feel.
I made a deal with myself: if I could run my 10K route in less than 63 minutes and 20 seconds then I would allow myself some ale.
I strapped on the running shoes and forced myself out of the door. To be honest, even though I hate running, I felt okay and was up to speed straight away. I kept focused on the prize and remembered why I was doing it (the black belt AND the beer!)
I got home in a time of 62 minutes and 9 seconds. 
Strava result from this evening's run.

After a glass of milk, an energy bar and a shower, I enjoyed my homemade dinner with two bottles of ale and a can of Guinness to finish!
10K run, no junkfood, 3 beers

Weight: 10st 5lbs
I woke up really early after a disturbed night of bad dreams. Drinking beer before bed isn't a good idea.
After breakfast, I felt like my old self again. I jumped on the bike and cycled in to work. At work I ate like a champion: fresh chicken and potatoes, nuts and fruit, and plenty of water. I cycled home ready for Karate.
Tonight's session was quite unique. Literally half of the lesson was spent stretching! I was lucky enough to be partnered with Sensei Gary and he made sure that my legs were properly stretched out. Working closely with the man, I could tell just how incredibly strong he is. Even though he is a very friendly guy and always smiling, he could snap you like a twig if he felt like it.
The second half of the lesson was spent drilling the fundamentals of karate: the stance and position of weight over the toes. We worked on technique and speed. A thoroughly rewarding hour.
Back at home, more healthy food! I ate fish, rice and masses of French beans.
Mouse and I stayed up late watching Into the Spider-Verse until I went to meet Martha from work.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.


Weight: 10st 5lbs
My alarm went off at 7:30. I was up for breakfast and then, an hour later, started a decent weight lifting session.
Today we dropped Mouse off at her university and came back after we had her settled in. At 5pm I took the dogs for a stroll through the park. It was a beautifully warm and sunny day with a light breeze so it wasn't too hot. It was a very peaceful hour.
Back at home, I enjoyed a beer in the back garden, a beer watching the t20 final and a beer with dinner!
Weight training, no junkfood, 3 beers.

Weight: 10st 4lbs
Up at 7:30. I'd had some trouble sleeping last night and had been awake between 2am and 4. However, I felt fine after I'd had breakfast (muesli and Greek yogurt.) I did a morning weight training session which was just a fraction heavier than yesterday's. Then I cycled up the road to watch the rugby with Jonnie and Harry. 
Jonnie and I had some midday beers along with tremendous bacon and sausage baps! 
Back at home in the afternoon and I did allow myself two more beers and some naughty food.
Weight training, junkfood, ales

In summary: I managed to exercise everyday but I drank a little too much this week (Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.) I can't let my love of ale stop me from reaching my goals!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How to Achieve a Black Belt in your Forties (76 days to go)

Weight: 10st 6lbs
I cycled in to work in the rain and got rather wet.
Lunch was tuna and wholewheat pasta.
After work, I did a weight lifting session and then made a healthy dinner with lots of eggs.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 6lbs
It was a struggle to get out of bed today. I must get to sleep earlier.
I cycled to work, ate chicken and salad and then cycled home.
This evening's Karate session was great - plenty of kihon, kata and kumite.  I practised Kanku Dai at least three times with some of the youngsters at the club - they are lightning fast and soon had me gasping for breath! I was rather sweaty by the time the session had ended. Must get fitter.
I went home feeling better about my karate but with no feedback tonight (there are a lot of students to get around) I don't know how well I was doing. I'm still considering postponing my grading until the spring but I'd still really like to try to get up to standard by December.
Home for salmon and brown rice.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 5lbs
I cycled in to work. After lessons, I went along to Mr Roger's circuit training session for staff. It was leg day! We started off with some interval running - light jogging and then sprinting, then light jogging, then sprinting etc.
After wiping ourselves out with that, the real hard work started! Mr Roger had us performing all sorts of weird and wonderful leg exercises such as Bulgarian split squats and sprinter step ups. We did some work with resistance bands and we ended up on the mats doing what felt like really painful yoga! After an hour, we were all feeling completely spent. I led the stretching at the end of the session before cycling slowly home.
I cooked a stir fry with brown rice and loads of chicken, mushrooms and peppers.
In the evening, Mouse and I watched Reservoir Dogs!
Circuit training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 6lbs
How did I manage to put a pound back on after all that hard work in the sports hall yesterday?
Anyway, Lucy and I had to get away quick after work so I drove us in the car today.
Tonight, we attended Mouse's awards evening at school and she received two awards (drama and English.)
Back home, I got on with some lifting.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 7lbs
I've put another pound back on! I'm eating healthily and exercising for at least an hour every day. What's going on?
Anyway, I cycled in to work and back before heading off to the dojo for tonight's Karate session.
Sensei Gary was running the session and the pacing was perfect: we started with very relaxed, slow stretching and the pace gradually built and built into a frantic techniques lesson involving dozens and dozens of kicks and combinations. The sweat was running off me! However, a couple of the chaps I was training with commented on how fit I seem to be at the moment. Maybe the running is starting to pay off after all?
Home to eat loads of food and drink lots of water.
Karate, no alcohol, no junkfood.


I cycled into Solihull to visit the bank and then cycled back home.
I walked the dogs around the park in the glorious sunshine and got my daily dose of vitamin D. After that, I went out on this week's 10K run. I'd set myself a target of 63 minutes and 40 seconds. I set off at a good pace and then did everything I could to not slow down! I got back home in a time of 62 minutes and 28 seconds. Good for me, but I know I can go faster.
This afternoon's Karate session covered basics and the very beginnings of kumite for the young lower grades. Once again, Sensei Gary managed to give the new students a gentle introduction, encourage the orange to purple belts, and really put the pressure on the brown and black belts. All at the same time!
I'm embarrassed to admit that during the basics part of the lesson, I got myself in such a muddle trying to get my breathing right, use my shoulders to move backwards and engage the hips, that I managed to smash my right fist into my left hand, bending my middle finger back rather painfully. It swelled around the knuckle but hasn't changed colour yet!
At the end of the session, Martha filmed me performing Kanku Dai:

With Sensei's input, it gave me a clear idea of all the things I've got to work on:

  • I'm performing the kata too quickly.
  • I need to finish each technique.
  • My punches aren't jodan or chudan but somewhere in between.
  • I'm not bringing my arm back far enough during manji uke
  • I seem to be bending forward for many of the techniques.
  • The jumping kick at the end wasn't actually a kick - just a bit of a jump forward.

I'm sure there are many other faults in my kata, please feel free to point them out in the comments section. All input helps!
Many thanks to Sensei Jody and Sensei Paul Hexley who also gave me plenty of helpful guidance after viewing the video.
Back at home, I drank three bottles of beer while watching the end of the day's cricket followed by Norwich's surprise victory over Manchester City.
After a super healthy dinner of homemade rice and chicken, I listened to some heavy metal in my man cave before heading off for an early night.
Karate, no junkfood, 3 bottles of ale

Weight: 10st 5lbs
Up at 6am.
My finger is really aching now, and has gone a bit red.
Martha and I attended the 8am squad training session. We were two of only six students who turned up. I guess the early start puts off a lot of people.
Sensei Gary had us stretching and then running. He left us running for a long time and some of the young people looked rather flustered by the end of it. Then we went over the very basics of kata; in fact, we went over the very basics of Karate:  the position of the feet and where the weight should be when we move.
Kumite was next. We did a lot of shadow boxing and focused on the way we move during sparring. Martha found that her belt was coming loose rather a lot (which is an old trick for when you need a rest!)
When we got on to actual sparring I had to dig deep to stay on my toes, I was really very tired. Unfortunately, there were no other adult males at training so I had to concentrate on control when partnered with the youngsters.
By the end of the session, the sweat was running down my face and back. And it was only 9am! What a way to start the day.

Red-faced and sweaty after the 8am session (quite possibly the worst photo of me ever taken.)
We went home via the Village Hotel to pick up my water bottle which I'd left there yesterday. A bloke in the car park insisted on shouting "Sensei" at me even after I'd explained that I wasn't a black belt.
I was glad to get home for a second breakfast.
After mowing the neighbour's lawn, I took the dogs out to the park. It was wonderfully warm and sunny but I resisted the temptation to remove my shirt (I didn't want to frighten any young children with my fat belly.)
Home for a lunch of homemade beef chilli and wholemeal pasta.
This afternoon's extended Karate session was a great mix of kumite partner work, hitting pads and kata. Pad work is always the highlight of the session. Unfortunately, my injured finger on my left hand hampered me a little but most of the black belts I worked with suggested I use the right hand only. Sensei Ronnie was in a good mood and had plenty of stories to tell (which won't be repeated here, obviously.) After two hours, I went home thoroughly worn out and happy.
In the evening, Jane and Eric came round, the entire family was there and we had a big dinner. I enjoyed two beers followed by an ice cream!
3 hours of Karate, 2 bottles of ale, 1 ice cream Magnum

Sunday, September 8, 2019

How to Achieve a Black Belt in your Forties (83 days to go.)

Weight: 10st 8lbs
I was up early for a healthy breakfast.
I set up a weight lifting session in the morning. I got through it at a good pace and then cycled into work feeling ready for action. At college, I made sure I ate loads of protein: chicken and peanuts.
Towards the end of the working day I started to feel a bit ropey. I don't know why. I felt a bit light-headed and restless. I cycled home carefully and decided to have a couple of glasses of red wine with dinner to help switch off from the day. After dinner, I had a 440ml can of cider which the kids had left in the fridge. I sipped that while watching the highlights of the Vuelta.
By the time I went to bed I was feeling like crap.
I had a dream-filled, restless night.
Weight training, no junkfood, 2 glasses of wine, 1 can of cider.

Weight: 10st 7lbs
Of course, what I should have done last night was have a Lemsip instead of booze. I woke up with a runny nose and a sore throat. So I had a Lemsip with my breakfast.
By the time I'd cycled to work I was a new man. I ate tuna and wholewheat pasta for lunch and chomped on nuts throughout the day. I drank water.
After I cycled home, Martha and I went off to the dojo. Sensei Russell was in charge again but this time he was instructing the brown belt students. We had a great session! Sensei Russell had us alternating between kata and kumite without any time to rest in between. I performed 7 different kata and must have sparred with at least 5 different opponents. Unfortunately, there were only two other adults training tonight, so I had to have some fights with youngsters.
By the end of the session, the sweat was running down my face. Once again, I've been made very aware of my lack of fitness...
Back home, Lucy had prepared a huge homemade beef chilli with loads of vegetables and brown rice. Perfect.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 6lbs
I cycled in to work, I ate healthy stuff.
After enrolment duties were completed, Michael and I went along to the college gym to take part in one of Mr Roger's interval training sessions.
It felt like the hardest one we've ever done!
After 5 minutes of cardio to warm up, we were subjected to deadlifts, bent over rows, sprinting on the spot, burpees, mountain climbers, alternate dumbbell presses and other such tortuous exercises for almost an hour. Michael and I pushed each other hard. I know I never would have worked this hard on my own! Within five minutes of the session starting I was seriously doubting my ability to complete it, I was so tired! Towards the end, I must have had an endorphin rush or something: I was pumped up, full of energy and laser-focused on my goal of achieving a black belt this year.
We made sure to stretch properly before leaving the gym. A great first workout!
I cycled home.
Tonight, I read the chapter on nutrition in Joe Friel's book The Cyclist's Training Bible. I discovered that I'm not eating anywhere near enough protein to allow my body to work at it's maximum potential. I then did some calculations and discovered that I need to be consuming something like two chicken breasts, three eggs and a tin of tuna every day! That's going to take some dedication.
Circuit training, no alcohol, no junkfood.

Weight: 10st 6lbs
I cycled in to work, ate healthy stuff, and cycled back home.
I reluctantly headed off for my weekly 10K run having set myself a target of 64 minutes. After much effort and talking to myself I managed to complete the route in 63 minutes and  34 seconds. Close! Next week, I'm aiming for 63m and 40s.
10K run, no junkfood, no alcohol


Weight: 10st 7lbs
I cycled in to work, ate loads of healthy stuff such as tuna and peanuts, and then cycled home.
Tonight's dojo session was top class. We spent a good deal of the first part of the lesson doing a proper stretch. I prefer to stretch on Saturdays because I don't wear a groin guard for that lesson. However, I managed to do a half decent stretch tonight even though I was hampered by my protective equipment.
The rest of the lesson was team kata practice. I was working with 1st kyu Sean and black belt Jason. We tried hard to stay synchronised in Kanku Dai but we couldn't manage it. It was good to go through the kata several times and to ask Sensei about some of the detail.
After the lesson, I had a chat with Sensei Jason and discovered that he used to train with Sensei Paul Hexley - my first instructor from nearly 20 years ago!
I went home to relax and to treat myself to two bottles of real ale!
Karate, no junkfood, 2 ales


Weight: 10st 8lbs
I got up early and ended up having two breakfasts! I had muesli with natural yogurt followed by bacon, eggs and tomatoes.
I had a banana before this afternoon's Karate session. Martha and I were in a for a bit of a shock this afternoon: We presented our modules to Sensei in the hope that he would be able to sign off some of the elements in it. He thoroughly tested us on our basics including a kicking sequence. I tried to move as fast as I could with the correct form while staying relaxed. We had some extremely useful feedback from Sensei but he couldn't sign our modules. We're not ready. He told us that we'd be able to tell when we were ready for black belt.
It was a struggle to stay positive on the way home. Martha took it particularly hard. Maybe the 1st of December is too soon to grade?
At home, I distracted myself with the cricket and Lucy made a wonderful homemade chicken curry which cheered me up. Poor Martha had to go to work!
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 7lbs
Up early to go cycling with Jonnie and James. 
We set off on the Stratford route heading south to the River Avon. It was a bright and sunny morning but quite chilly. I was glad of my base layer and James was wearing a jacket. There was hardly any wind, and what there was of it was blowing behind us. This meant that we made excellent progress down Binton, through Luddington and along the Ridgeway to the cakestop. Strava has us at a 15.7mph average! The bike computer, however, was more conservative at 15.4mph, Either way, it was still the fastest we had ever completed that first half of the route.
After refreshing ourselves with tea and cake and watching the first few overs of the day's play at Old Trafford, we pedalled east down Featherbed Lane towards Snitterfield. We maintained a good pace out of Snitterfield and made our way to the Widowmaker - a 1:6 climb in Langley. James and I unintentionally pulled away from Jonnie on the hill but there was no need to wait for him: On the next descent, made up of narrow bends and blind corners, Jonnie came whipping past, steering with one hand while making a flippant comment about being lucky in the turns!
The ride along the A4189 out of Claverdon was a stressful affair with fat middle-aged men in expensive cars getting quite irate about us using their road. They gave us a few hand gestures and I made sure I gave them some back. None of them were brave enough to get out of their big cars and face me man to man however.
We stopped briefly at the Fleur de Lys to deal with a mechanical issue on James' bike (well done, Jonnie) and then set off for Packwood House. It was when leaving Packwood that I realised that the average was still 15.0mph! I let the lads know the situation and we all went full effort to get back with the average intact. At times, I yelled out with pain because my legs were so full of lactic acid!
I'm pleased to report that we made it back with an average speed of 15.0mph over 50 miles.  At home, I recovered properly with a tin of tuna (protein) and some malt loaf (carbs.)
In the evening, we had lovely guests for dinner and we watched the last of the day's play in the cricket.
I did enjoy a few ales and a glass of wine but managed to resist the pudding!

Dinner, ale, wine, good people!
Cycling: 49.7 miles at 15.0 mile per hour, 1 slice of homemade cake, 3 ales and a large red wine.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

How to Achieve a Black Belt in your Forties (90 days to go)

The final week of teaching is always fun and I think Lucy and I celebrated a little too hard.
What I do remember is that during the two-hour Karate session on Sunday I made a hash of blocking a kick and took a full-on mai geri to the tip of my middle finger.
It was shockingly painful!
I was hopping around the dojo for a minute but then decided to carry on. When I woke up on Monday morning, the finger was purple, very tender and rather swollen. A couple of people at work were convinced it was broken. I was talked into going along to the minor injuries unit in Solihull. An X-ray showed that it wasn't actually fractured. Phew. Sorry for wasting your time, NHS.

Anyway, the last day at work came and went and then on Thursday, the family jetted off for 10 days of fun in the sun in Spain!
It was a relaxing time, very very hot, and great to have a change of scenery. Martha and I even got to practise a bit of martial arts on the beach:
The beginning of kata Kanku Dai or "Viewing the Sky." It seemed appropriate.
Although I drank beer and ate ice cream every single day (we went out for a three course dinner every night!) I still only put a pound on during the time I was there. No doubt it was down to all the walking (we lived about a mile away from the beach) and swimming that Lucy and I did.

Now that I'm back, the emphasis is on training. At the time of writing, the black belt grading is only 19 weeks away...


The emphasis wasn't on training at all.
It's now the 26th August and during the rest of the summer break, the emphasis was on beer and ice cream! When I got back from Spain, I did go for some bike rides, went along to the dojo and even lifted up some weights every now and then. I didn't run at all. Mostly, I relaxed in the garden, played records, started sipping beers in the sunshine at about 5pm and raided the fridge on a regular basis. As a result, I am now eleven pounds heavier than I was at the end of June!
Eleven pounds!
It was a bit of a nasty shock when I realised that the black belt grading is less than 100 days away.
I restarted my training programme on the 26th August:

Monday (day 1 of 97)
Weight: 10st 11lbs
A bank holiday. I met James and Roger at the Harvester on the Stratford Road and then we cycled off into the sunshine. We set a good pace on the way down to Temple Grafton, with the steep hill (The Average Destroyer!) on Croft Lane in Haselor proving to be no problem for James. He vanished up it at a tremendous pace and then rubbed salt in the wound by waiting for us at the top!
We did a short stint on the B439 and then turned left to the bottom of the Binton climb. I latched onto James' wheel and let him drag me all the way up to the Blue Boar. As a result, I got a gold cup on Strava!
We all enjoyed a slice of homemade cake at Wilmcote before setting off back to base through Ullenhall and Tanworth in Arden.
I covered 40 miles at 14.4mph. The other chaps did more miles than me because they live farther away.
In the evening, our neighbours invited us round for drinks in the sunshine. I hadn't anticipated this at the start of my training reboot! It would have been rude to say no...
I was offered a selection of lovely dark ales in 500ml bottles and all over 6% strength. I mustered up all of my will power and instead opted for two 330ml bottles of San Miguel and sipped them slowly to make them last.
Cycling, one slice of cake, two small bottles of lager

Tuesday (day 2 of 97)
Weight: 10st 9lbs
After work, Martha and I went along to the dojo. I was pleased to find that it was Sensei Russell in charge! As usual, he did a non-nonsense, high-speed session with something for every grade. By the end of it, I had taken part in 5 sparring fights (three of which were with black belts) and performed lots of kata (including Kanku Dai.) The sweat was running off me!
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Wednesday (day 3 of 97)
Weight: 10st 8lbs
I got up early and did a fast and light weight training session. I was having to work late today at college. I was helping with enrolment for the department. 
I cycled in to work.
I continued to eat healthily: Lucy makes wonderful lunches such as tuna pasta salad or savoury rice with vegetables. I also drink loads of water and keep nuts for nibbling at my desk.
I cycled home for a healthy dinner.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

Thursday (day 4 of 97)
After work, I went out for a 10K run. I suffered all the way around and couldn't wait for it to be over. I staggered home in a disappointing time of 65 minutes and 31 seconds which is outside of the time I set for myself this week.
10K run, no alcohol, no junkfood.

Friday (day 5 of 97)
I cycled in to to work and back.
I attended the Friday night Karate session. Unfortunately, it was a mainly standing around and watching demonstrations type of a lesson. These lessons are essential to development, but not quite what I was looking for after a day's work!
We blasted Basai Dai at the end which was good. 
Karate, no alcohol, no junkfood.

Saturday (day 6 of 97)
Weight: 10st 7lbs
After Lucy and I got back from this week's big shop, I made us a high-protein breakfast of bacon, eggs and tomatoes. An hour later, unhappy with my effort on Thursday, I forced myself to set off on another 10K run. I tried to stay on my toes as much as possible and was relieved to get round with an improved time of 63 minutes and 22 seconds - over 2 minutes faster than Thursday's time!
Martha and I went along to Sensei Tony's afternoon Karate session. We did some pad work before the lesson started (which hurt my STILL bruised and swollen finger) and I managed to work up quite a sweat. The lesson consisted of 5-step sparring for the lower grades. Martha and I were encouraged to continue our own training by concentrating on ju ippon kumite. 
I'm not quite sure what is expected of us in the grading. We went through the defences against the usual 6 attacks - oi zuki jodan and chudan and then the kicks. Sensei Ronnie has shown us several different counter attacks against kizami-zuki and gyaku zuki so we practised those too.
We were certainly working hard with both of us taking some hits and the sweat running off my head. My gi had to be washed as soon as I got home!
In the evening, Jane and Eric came over, and I stuffed my face with homemade chicken casserole with wholewheat pasta.
10K run, Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Sunday (day 7 of 97)
Weight: 10st 7lbs
James turned up at my house before 9am and then we cycled off to meet up with Jonnie and Roger. We set off on the Coughton Route - 48 hilly miles! As was expected, James is the strongest rider on the climbs and he set a good example today - the rest of us simply tried to hang onto his back wheel!
It was a very pleasant ride but hard work. The scenery was great, the sun was out, the chats were flowing and the day reminded us all what a great hobby cycling truly is!
We clocked up some good Strava times including gold cups along the Salt Way.
We were all very glad to arrive at the cakestop after 33 miles in the lanes at an average speed of 14.1mph..
At the cakestop. Looking forward to Ed riding with us again.
After tea, two types of cake and some more banter, we clambered back on the bikes and headed north for 15 miles of climbing.
When the route turned west, we faced a headwind. To cope with this, we took it in turns on the front - the idea was that each man takes a 10 second turn in the wind before peeling off and letting the next man through. Where it went wrong: the man on the front was going too fast, or the man on the front rode for 2 minutes instead of 10 seconds! Also, there was an incident of random braking on a descent which sent Jonnie speeding up the right side of our little peleton almost crashing into the man who was trying to peel off the front!
Despite all the problems, this technique kept the pace high and, even though we decided to tackle The Farm on the way home, we still managed to maintain our 14.1 mph average speed.
Today's ride: 48 miles at 14.1mph.
Back at home, I scoffed some chicken and vegetables while watching yesterday's Vuelta highlights.
After a shower, I headed off to the advanced class at the Tudor Grange dojo.
My legs had almost 50 miles in them and felt heavy. I made sure I gave them a good stretch before the lesson started.
Sensei Ronnie set the bar high today. He wanted the best from everyone and he really let them know about it. He demanded that we were aggressive, gave each technique 100% and that we were switched on and sharp at all times. 
It wasn't a lesson that left you feeling good about your Karate. It was the kind of lesson that makes you think about how you could improve. Sensei let us know that, as brown belts, our fitness isn't what it should be. He said we weren't aggressive enough, he said we need to think about and develop our combinations.
Some people may have come away from that session feeling bad about themselves. I came away wanting to put things right. 
My black belt grading is exactly 3 months away. I can't remember feeling more determined to succeed in anything.
At home I scoffed loads and loads of chicken and vegetables. I need all the protein and vitamins I can get!
Cycling, Karate, no alcohol, 2 slices of cake