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Monday, October 29, 2018

How to Lose a Belly When You're 44 (part 4)

Not a good week as far as a healthy lifestyle is concerned: I think I drank a beer most days and the cakes and treats came out at the weekend.
However, I still managed to motivate myself to get to training.
Martha and I went along to dojo on Tuesday for a good session.
We went along on Friday too. Sensei Russell changed his usual format due to the amount of new students who turned up that night. This session is becoming very popular and I have to be careful not to crash into someone when performing kata.
Saturday's session with Sensei Gary was lots of fun as usual. At one point, he had me trying to 'teach' Heian Godan to a roomful of beginner grades! I've found that, without a lesson plan, a Smartboard and a classroom support worker, teaching Karate is really hard! I instantly forgot the names of the techniques I was trying to demonstrate and found it impossible to keep track of what everyone was doing. At one point, the students were moving before I had given the count.
Maybe I'll get another go at it and I can try to do a better job.
Still, it was thoroughly enjoyable!
Sunday was the usual big bike ride. Nigel and Jonnie were both injured and Ed was on holiday. That left my old mate Roger on his brand new bike! Roger had ridden the 2015 Mad March Hare with us and has been an enthusiastic rider for all of his life. Today he was testing his brand new Lapierre bike on a long ride. 

Roger's new bike. I think it's French.

We cycled down past the Purity Brewery to Temple Grafton and then across to Wilmcote for homemade cake and cups of tea.
After that, we had to slog it out uphill into a headwind for the remaining 15 miles. We covered 35 miles at a relaxed pace. We stopped off for tea and coffee at Wedge's Bakery.

I don't think this week has helped me get any closer to a black belt, but at least the ankle is starting to feel better. I might even try a run next week.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

How to Lose a Belly When You're 44 (part 3)

Blood pressure: 150/76
Resting heart rate: 52
Weight: 10st 7lbs
I'm a fat bloke with dodgy blood pressure.
I cycled in to work. I suspended one of my favourite students. I cycled home.
I got stuck into some weight training as soon as I got home. During the deadlifts I felt a twinge in my lower back. I went on carefully until I'd finished all 5 sets. However, when I moved onto some shrugs, just picking up the bar was enough to get a serious pain in my back. I dumped the bar.
I stomped about in my man cave feeling frustrated. I tried one last time, concentrating on good form with my lifting belt as tight as it would go. It was no good, the pain was still there.
I gave up.
I made a healthy dinner for the family and took it easy.
20 minutes of weight training, no alcohol, no junkfood.

Blood pressure: 149/77
Resting heart rate: 59
Weight: 10st 5lbs
I woke up with a bit of an ache in my back, but nothing too serious.
I cycled in to work.
Work was mental. We suspended a total of eight students in one morning.
I cycled home.
Martha and I went off to dojo. It was my first attempt at training since I sprained my ankle last week. The warm up involved lots of running which I found rather painful - I was doing more hopping and skipping than running. Then on to basics followed by kata. I found the pain slowed me down but I managed to complete all of the drills. We ended with a bit of one-step kumite. I had no choice but to take it easy and take the power out - I could have easily rolled the ankle again and be back at square one.
Martha impressed me tonight - she looked confident and aggressive.
Karate, no alcohol, no junkfood.

Blood pressure: 143/76
Resting heart rate: 59
Weight: 10st 5lbs
I cycled to work, suspended yet another student, cycled home.
Tonight, I read through Master Funakoshi's Twenty Guiding Principals of Karate before starting my weight lifting session. Inspired by the Master, I focused on my form, gave it my all, and managed to complete exactly the same program that I failed on two days ago. The back held and I felt strong.
I made a chicken stir fry for the family.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

Blood pressure: 154/72
Resting heart rate: 57
Weight: 10st 4lbs
I cycled in to work. I had a great day's teaching and didn't have to suspend anybody! I cycled home.
I usually go for a run on Thursdays but my ankle is nowhere near ready. I did another weight training session instead.
Again, the back held, the ankle held, and I felt strong.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Blood pressure: 150/74
Resting heart rate: 60
Weight: 10st 4lbs
Disappointed with my blood pressure results after being a good boy for four days, I cycled into work. It was rather cold and my hands went numb. I met two sets of parents for disciplinary meetings and then I cycled home.
I went off to the dojo. Sensei Russell did his usual fast-paced, no nonsense lesson with plenty of basics and kata. I like the way he focuses on reverse kick - everybody's area for improvement! I tried to join in with the sparring but it was impossible and rather dangerous: I couldn't move quickly enough with my sprained ankle. I went down to the other end of the dojo and sparred with some youngsters instead.
By the time the session ended my ankle was throbbing mightily and I could barely kneel down for Sensei ni rei.
After ironing two of my karategi, I enjoyed Lucy's homemade casserole followed by a cup of tea. I stayed up until midnight playing Final Fantasy 12. I love the gambit system!
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Blood pressure: 134/81
Resting heart rate: 45
Weight: 10st 4lbs
It's five years to the day that I started training at Ruach Karate. It's also exactly five years since I first rode the Specialized! To mark the occasion, I gave my bike a proper good clean, a polish and some new lubrication. It took me over an hour and the thing looked brand new by the time I'd finished.
I went along to the Saturday Karate session. The ankle slowed me up badly but I still gave it my best.
After a little while, I was asked to work with a young man with some challenging behaviour. He's a lovely kid, but there's too much standing around for him to focus. To try to get him interested in what we were doing I had to invent games. He has a fantastic imagination and seemed to be talking to himself about zombies. I made a game where I was the King Zombie, he was the Robot Zombie, and he had to do what I told him to. It seemed to work for a minute or two at a time and then he needed to be a new character. During the course of the training session he was Electric Zombie, American Zombie, Chinese Zombie, Karate Zombie, Giant Zombie, Lazy Zombie, and Ninja Zombie! Phew!
Trouble is, in the middle of all our games, Sensei Gary was also instructing the class - so I had to have one ear on Sensei and the other on the young man I was helping.
At one point, Sensei asked me to demonstrate a kicking kata that he had just drilled us on. Unfortunately, working with the young man meant that I'd only managed to learn about half of it! I muddled through in front of the class as best I could.
"Anthony, it's easier if you relax."
"Oss, Sensei."
Tonight, Lucy, Jonnie, Sally and I headed down to Wilmcote for the Village Hall quiz. We drank beers, ate fish and chips, had a laugh, and we even managed to win the quiz against about 12 other teams!
I went to bed at about midnight feeling rather tipsy and bloated.
Karate, no junkfood (apart from chips), 4 bottles of beer.

Blood pressure: 151/74
Resting heart rate: 58
Weight: 10st 4lbs
I crashed back into consciousness at 5:10am. My stomach was churning and there was some little bastard in my skull using a pick axe to hack his was out through my eyes.
I tossed and turned and eventually staggered downstairs at 7am for aspirin and breakfast.
I cycled round to Jonnie's place at 9am. It was a bit chilly, and rather misty, but the sky was bright and there was hardly any wind. The lanes were shiny. There was some discussion as to whether they were icy or simply wet. "Stick to the dry bits," was the sage advice from Jonnie.
I struggled on the downhills today. The hangover and the shiny lanes did nothing for my almost none-existent descending skills. Jonnie had to do a bit of waiting as I tiptoed down the hills to Temple Grafton. By the time we arrived in Wilmcote, after 20 miles, the average was a hungover and nervous 13.4mph.
Refreshed by two slices (each!) of homemade lemon cake and cups of tea, Jonnie and I removed our jackets, and I took off my hat, scarf and gloves, and then we headed out towards Snitterfield. By now, the sun was high in the sky and warming us up nicely. The BBC predicted a high of 16 degrees before we got home.
We kept the pressure on and managed to slightly improve on our average, despite the way home being generally uphill.
We arrived back at Jonnie's in the glorious sunshine and refreshed ourselves with some terrible mass-produced lager (which I was very grateful for, actually.)
Back at home, I took the dogs for a walk, marvelling at the beautiful warm weather in the middle of October. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts!

Dog walking in the sunshine. No filter!

In the afternoon, I ate chicken and noodles, did some ironing, and drank some ale.
In the evening, we ate steak pie and watched Daredevil on Netflix.
What a cool weekend!
41 miles of cycling, junkfood (cake) and beer

Sunday, October 14, 2018

How to Lose a Belly When You're 44 (part 2)

I couldn't face riding the heavy mountain bike to work so I dashed in on the Specialized.
Another highly stressful day. A lot of the staff in our department, staff who have been there at least as long as I have, agree that this year has seen the worst behaviour from students that we can remember. A lot of the young people we're asked to teach are disrespectful, self-centred and unbelievably aggressive. We're having a hard time reaching the teenager under all the layers of protective nastiness. Energy drinks, cigarettes, grime music and junkfood all add to the difficult job of managing behaviour.
And mobile phones. Don't get me started on phones...
I cycled home and let my frustrations lose with some weight training while listening to Pantera. It felt marvellous. Then, aching all over in a good way, I cooked a healthy, protein-rich dinner for the family.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Blood pressure: 150/79
Resting heart rate: 59
Weight: 10st 4lbs
My blood pressure is crap.
I cycled in to work, worked a less stressful day (I only had to phone 3 parents today), and then cycled home excited for dojo.
Martha and I headed off for Karate despite the fact that she was suffering with a cold and sounded quite hoarse. I was enjoying a fast-paced kata and kumite lesson until disaster struck: I was sparring with a black belt when I rolled my left ankle rather badly. I've turned an ankle several times before and, after a bit of limping, was usually able to walk it off.
Not this time.
I felt something pop out of place, I hit the deck, and then felt something pop back into place. The pain was like an electric shock up my body which settled briefly in my stomach, making me feel sick.
Ruach Karate and Cocksmoor Woods Leisure Centre were very helpful and came to my aid straight away. I was helped to a bench and given an ice pack and lots of advice.
I'd like to point out that Ruach Karate is not to blame for my injury. Anyone can roll an ankle whenever they're doing anything involving running or walking. I did this to myself and no amount of health and safety precautions could have prevented it. Injuries are all part of the Karate life - it's difficult to think of any adult karateka who hasn't suffered some sort of knock in the years I've been tying a belt around my waist. Thankfully, Ruach is VERY good at looking after the children in the club.
Thanks to Sensei Gary Beggan and the orange-belt nurse for acting so quickly and professionally.
I managed to drive home and then I put my feet up to watch Defenders with Mouse. Gradually, my ankle swelled up and ached more and more. I've already given up the idea of cycling to work tomorrow.
Half a Karate session, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Blood pressure: 141/72
Resting heart rate: 63
Weight: 10st 3lbs
The pain in my ankle woke me up at about 5am and I couldn't get back to sleep after that. It throbbed mightily until I eventually hobbled downstairs at 6:20am. The ankle had really swollen up and I was limping badly - holding onto things as I went!

I took this during morning break at college.
I didn't let it stop me and felt I still managed to get some okay lessons done today. The staff at work were quite insistent that I get the foot checked even though I could wiggle the toes and I could walk on it. People on social media were telling me to visit A&E too. Eventually, Lucy, Leanne and Rachel ganged up on me and Lucy dropped me off at Solihull Hospital to get checked.
Predictably, the ankle was fine - just swollen, not broken.
The service at Solihull Hospital was excellent - I was out within an hour and a half, everyone was professional, and it was a good experience. Well done, the NHS.
Also predictably, I went home, cooked dinner for the family, and then got a bit spannered with my girlfriend. Hic!


I managed to cycle to work and back. Got home late, drank beer and listened to Iron Maiden.

A bit of an impromptu party with Jonnie and Sally. Stayed up drinking until 1:30am!

Dog walking in the daytime. It's a 1.7 mile walk and the ankle was aching but not hurting.

More dog walking, this time in the rain. The Weekend Warriors had planned to ride today, but the rain was heavy and relentless.
The ankle was a little sore, but nothing too bad.

Well, I've rested the ankle for almost a week and I'm now determined to get back into training.
I'd estimate that, if everything goes to plan, I have about 320 days to get black belt fit...
Tomorrow is Day One!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

How to Lose a Belly When You're 44 (part 1)

Right, this has got to be it.
This has to be my last chance to get rid of my flabby body once and for all. 44 should also be the age that I achieve my black belt. If I want to be a black belt then I'd better start behaving like one! It's the beer and cake holding me back so I need to cut back on that stuff while I keep pushing forward with my exercise.
Here we go then, 12 months of consistent, sustained effort and dedication to my training. Goal: 1st dan black belt before I'm 45.

Blood pressure: 155/76
Resting heart rate: 53
Weight: 10st 6lbs
I cycled in to work on Lucy's heavy, slow mountain bike. It's as though it's made of lumps of scaffolding with iron wheels bolted on to each end. The reason? It's my only option! The Specialized has a puncture which I didn't find the time to repair yesterday, the Carlton is now too dangerous to ride because of the warped back wheel, and Harry has borrowed my mountain bike. Oh well, I'm sure it's a good workout for the legs.
Work was high-stress chaos and I didn't find time to eat anything until almost 5pm! I had no choice but to stay late to try to tame the chaos of my desk and to make sure I was ready for lessons tomorrow.
Then I rode home on Lucy's lumbering tank of a bike.
I cooked a healthy vegetarian meal for the family and was in bed by eleven.
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Blood pressure: 133/74
Resting heart rate: 58
Weight: 10st 5lbs
Back on Lucy's heavyweight bike. It was a warm morning and I was far too hot in my thermal base layer and waterproof trousers! I arrived at work a sweaty mess.
Today was even more hectic and stressful than yesterday. It's a good thing I have some fantastic staff working with me.
I lumbered home on the steel pig and then Martha and I dashed off to dojo.
Tonight's session started rather sedately but gathered momentum until eventually I was lucky enough to find myself involved in some sparring with Sensei Lloyd. The first thing I noticed was his speed! It was as though he instinctively knew which technique I would counter with and his block was already there. Then his strength - he doesn't seem to have a soft bit on his body - it's all rock hard muscle! His arm felt like a concrete post when he was swatting my attacks away. Finally, his fitness - as he was relentlessly attacking and backing me up against a wall, I was gasping for breath but he was grinning at me! The whole experience was like trying to spar with a brick wall falling down on top of me. What a fighter! And I know he was taking it easy on me!
I was genuinely winded afterwards and even on the drive on the way home, Martha asked if I was okay. I felt like I'd been in a real scrap, but we'd only been exchanging techniques...
Healthy dinner and a cup of tea, in bed before 10pm.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Blood pressure: 145/75
Resting heart rate: 56
Weight: 10st 4lbs
I cycled in to work for a highly stressful, demanding day made worse by people's incompetence and lack of planning. After eleven hours of that, I was glad to get out of there.
I got home at 7:30pm to discover that, even though it was my turn to cook, my lovely girlfriend had the dinner ready.
I chilled out on the couch for the rest of the evening. I met Martha from work at 11pm and then crawled into bed ready to do it all again tomorrow.
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Blood pressure: 147/72
Resting heart rate: 53
Weight: 10st 4lbs
I cycled to work. I sat through an emotional assembly given by the mother of a knife crime victim. Then I separated two students who wanted to fight about knife crime. I cycled home.
My fitness plan is spread between two types of exercise: Cycling and Karate which I love, and weight training and running which I only do to compliment cycling and Karate. Cycling is my hobby, and Karate is my way of life. I only do the other two to train my body.
I hate running. I really, really hate running. However, according to my Strava account, I use up 421 calories per hour on the bike, but I burn 819 during an hour run. Also, running is rather more convenient than cycling. I just put on my shoes and shorts and I'm off. I don't have to snap on layers of Lycra, lubricate my gears or check my tyre pressures.
But I still hate it: it hurts and it's boring. I can't even have music on when I run because those little earphones just fall out of my big ears.
Tonight, I was aware of a pain in my quadriceps after about a mile. Trouble is, the pain got worse and worse and worse until, after 5 miles, I had to slow to a walk. After about 30 seconds of walking, I tried to run again but my legs had stiffened up and I now felt like I was tottering about on two wooden planks. I couldn't run anymore so I called Lucy to tell her I'd be late home. I walked the last mile in some discomfort. I set my slowest time ever for a 10K: 74 minutes, 41 seconds.
At home, frustrated and demotivated, I spread out on the couch, drank 3 beers and watched the whole of The Outlaw Josey Wales.
10K run/walk, no junkfood, 3 beers.

Blood pressure: 137/67
Resting heart rate: 61
Weight: 10st 3lbs
I cycled in to work and had a nice day with one of my ICT groups. They're a bit quiet but I hope they'll start to get some more confidence before Christmas.
After work, I'd arranged to meet my old cycling buddy and former work colleague Roger. He rode the Mad March Hare with us in 2015. Debbie, Lucy and Craig came with us too. We met in a Wetherspoon pub where I found a delicious Chocolate and Vanilla Stout by Titanic. It was a lovely drink, a nice treat, but not something I could drink regularly - it was like drinking pudding! Anyway, after three of those, and hearing Roger's good news about buying a new bike and wanting to get back on the road again, I was feeling quite giddy. All thoughts of my black belt were cast from my mind and I went home to drink more beer, eat junkfood and stay up late.
My determination and willpower lasted less than 5 days.
I'm pathetic.
No exercise, 5 beers, junkfood.

Blood pressure: 152/79
Resting heart rate: 54
Weight: 10st 3lbs
Predictably, I got up feeling terrible after an equally terrible night's sleep.
By the time I got to Karate this afternoon, I was feeling a bit better. It was a technical lesson and I was asked to try to supervise one of our more challenging students: a nice young chap with different needs. I don't think I did I very good job. I was also asked to demonstrate some kicks for the class. I don't think that went very well either, but that's because my legs are still aching and sore from Thursday's failed 10K run. It was a good session which covered kihon, kata and Aladdin.
Back at home, after a bit of housework, Lucy and I had a fantastic homemade dinner followed by a film. Watching the film also involved drinking 3 bottles of ale and munching on chocolate-covered Brazil nuts...
I picked Martha up from work at 11:30pm.
Karate, junkfood, 3 bottles of ale

Blood pressure: 132/72
Resting heart rate: 61
Weight: 10st 6lbs
Up at 7:30am. None of my usual cycling buddies were available to ride so I set off into the lanes on a solo ride. It was a beautiful start to the day with lots of hazy sunshine and hardly a puff of wind. However, it was rather cold! I could see my breath when I wheeled the bike out of the garage. I'd estimate it to be about 2 degrees when I pedalled off up the road.
I went along the Coughton route and only took one wrong turn during the whole ride. I got chatting to a couple of cyclists on the way, one of whom used to build frames for Reynolds!
I found it hard going, the legs always seeming to be on the edge of cramping up, but I eventually rolled into Wilmcote after 35 miles. Unfortunately, I'd accidentally left my phone on silent for the morning and this had worried the family. I'd had 11 missed calls from Jane and Lucy, Jane was in tears and Eric had gone out in the car looking for me... Sorry everyone.
After cake, a banana and a cup of tea, and after listening to The Country Music channel with Eric, I was ready for the ride back.
I felt okay, tried to keep the pressure on, and eventually rolled home after 51 miles of cycling in the beautiful sunshine.

I tried clicking the Add Friends button. It didn't have the desired effect.

I had a healthy lunch and did some washing up.
Eric came round to watch Liverpool draw 0-0 with Man City. I drank three beers. Lucy made a wonderful dinner. I ate apple pies.
Bed before 11.
50 miles of cycling, junkfood, 3 beers

Monday, October 1, 2018

How to Lose a Belly When You're 43 (final report)

Blood Pressure: 144/76
Resting Heart Rate: 47
Weight: 10st 5lbs
It's a familiar story - a weekend of beer, cake and pudding results in a three pound increase in weight.
I cycled in to work in the cold - my fingers started to go numb today, but it's still too early in the year for the ski gloves.
Unfortunately, I had to stay late at work which meant that, by the time I got home to make dinner for Lucy and myself, there was no time for exercise. I had a cup of tea and went to bed at 10:15pm.
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol

Blood Pressure: 150/76
Resting Heart Rate: 50
Weight: 10st 4lbs
I discussed my blood pressure with Lucy this morning. She doesn't seem that concerned about it, but I still intend to visit a doctor if I haven't got it under control by the end of November.
The cycle into work was another cold one. My hands were starting to go numb by the time I got to college. Maybe two pairs of gloves tomorrow?
The day at work was rather stressful - with plenty of chaos before the lessons had even started.
I was glad to get out of there today.
The cycle home was pleasant in the warm sunshine.
Tonight's Karate session had a slow start - lots of unfamiliar combinations up and down the hall, then some light target practice with an opponent. My opponent managed to cut my foot with his toenail. It was bleeding but I didn't notice until later on. The last ten minutes were definitely the best - Sensei Gary took over and got us hitting the pads. I managed to land some good hits with my roundhouse kick.
Martha and I headed home for masses of homemade bolognese with wholewheat pasta (after I cleaned my wound and applied some Savlon.)
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol

Blood Pressure: 138/69
Resting Heart Rate: 59
Weight: 10st 4lbs
I cycled in to work in much warmer weather. It was a high-stress, very busy day at college. I found myself having to work late again. I cycled home (via Sainsbury's) in the sunshine. I didn't have time for any weight training before making dinner for the family. I suppose I could have done some lifting once my dinner had gone down but I couldn't find the motivation.
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol

Blood Pressure: 139/74
Resting Heart Rate: 56
Weight: 10st 2lbs
I cycled in to work. There's a wobble coming up from my 1974 Raleigh Carlton and it's getting worse. I now think it's the back wheel that's buckled or warped.
Today was another full-on day's teaching with plenty of drama (and paperwork.)
I cycled home in the sunshine and then, with much reluctance, set off on the first 10K run I've done for months. I actually thought to myself, "Why am I doing this?" The thought of running non-stop for over an hour made me feel quite sad, especially when I considered all the pleasant things I could be doing instead. Somehow, I found the motivation to go. I endured the pain and boredom and got round without stopping or walking. It took me 65 minutes and 48 seconds to stagger 10 kilometres.
At home, aching and breathless, I had a couple of beers with my dinner.
10K, no junkfood, 2 beers

Blood Pressure: 144/71
Resting Heart Rate: 56
Weight: 10st 3lbs
A severe sore throat woke me up at 3:30am. Lucy and the girls, as well as most people at work, have been suffering with a cold. The staffroom sounds like a doctor's waiting room. I've been feeling rather smug because I'd managed to avoid it - I'd attributed my continuing good health to fruit and exercise every day. However, I'm now suffering along with everyone else.
I tossed and turned until my alarm went off at 6:20am. After a Lemsip and a ride into work, the cold appeared to go away. I was very relieved and cycled home in a good mood.
Tonight's karate session was entirely kicks focused. We got to kick a pad which is very satisfying. Martha and I headed home with aching legs.
To my surprise - a surprise party! The girls had decided to celebrate my birthday a day early due to us having different things booked tomorrow - including two of them going to work. I was given some wonderful presents. My favourite was a Will Smith album from Hydro.
After pizza, beer and ice cream, my weight loss efforts for the week were well and truly over!
Lucy and I stayed up late watching Killing Eve.
Karate, junkfood, beer

Blood Pressure: 133/73
Resting Heart Rate: 55
Weight: 10st 5lbs
With Jonnie away riding in France, Nigel and Russ came over for my birthday bicycle ride. We set off just after 9 and it was cold! We kept the pace high, I think we were just trying to get warm. However, I did think the pace was a bit too high...
We went along the High Cross route and the weather was beautiful: clear blue skies and brilliant sunshine in contrast with the cold air. Russ and Nigel hadn't met before but they were soon chatting away in the lanes. I love the way cycling brings folk together.

It was a lovely sunny day on my birthday, and we all wore black to celebrate.

At Wilmcote we were presented with a choice: chocolate cake or carrot cake! We all opted for carrot cake and we agreed that Jane had done a fantastic job! Nigel and I even had a second slice.
We headed back in the warming sunshine. I could feel the sun on my back and even peeled down my leg warmers in the last seven or eight miles.
Unfortunately, I was right about the pace and it had been a little high at the start of the ride. Nigel hasn't been riding much this year and his legs couldn't match his ambition on the way back to base. We rolled home at a leisurely pace and were glad to get back to my place after 35 miles to enjoy coffee and chats.
I opened even more presents including a cycling t shirt and some much needed degreaser for my bike!
In the afternoon, I went along to my favourite Karate session: the 3pm training lesson at the Village Hotel in Shirley. Sensei Gary was in charge and he wasted no time in drilling us in plenty of Kihon (basics) up and down the hall. He knew it was my birthday and he invited me up at the front with him to help work with some of the young people training hard. What an honour! He even put me in charge of the heavy bag for a while and I had a fantastic time doing my best to inspire the karateka to attack the bag with the techniques we'd been practising. For anyone looking to start Karate, the Saturday session is the best place for a first lesson. Book your place here.
In the evening, Lucy, Eric, Jane and I went to the Solihull Theatre to enjoy Dire Streets - a Dire Straits tribute band. As usual at the Solihull theatre, the performance was great and the service from the staff was excellent. A great evening out.
When we got home, Lucy and I sat up late with Mouse and her mates. Hydro was there too.
Karate, junkfood, beer.

I woke up late (about 9) and didn't bother taking my blood pressure and stuff.
Lucy and I worked in the garden replanting a tree/bush. It was hard work and I was sweating buckets! Then I took the dogs for a walk in the sunshine.
I tried and failed to find the motivation to go training. I was slightly hungover and I still had this horrible cold. I ate cake and tidied my man cave instead.
In the evening, Lucy made a wonderful homemade pie for dinner and I drank some birthday beers.
No exercise, junkfood, beer

I'll be back in training tomorrow, and I'll show you and everyone else how to lose a belly when you're 44.