Well, it's been a marvellous summer break. We had a family holiday in Aberdovey (11 of us!), I got loads of DIY done, and I've enjoyed many fabulous bike rides and Karate sessions. I've also enjoyed a lot of beer!
Throughout the two months, I have tracked my fitness 'progress' but haven't felt inclined to write up this blog. However, with the return to work imminent, I thought now would be a good time to update the blog and to keep a public record of how I build on my fitness as I approach 50.
Monday 19th August
Today, Martha, Lucy and I went over to Wilmcote to get some work done for Jane and Yvonne. I spent about two hours trying to fit a new bolt to the shed doors (after they had been damaged by some extreme car driving earlier in the year.) Then I was up the ladders for some tree surgery. Lucy and Martha were busy at Yvonne's with similar garden duties.
I was glad to get home to scoff a Scotch egg (for protein, obviously) before hurling some weights about for an hour. I managed to get through all 6 exercises (including deadlifts and shrugs) as well as 300 reps of bodyweight exercises (dips, press-ups and leg raises). After that, I cooked dinner for the family and drank lots of water.
Weight training
Up early for bacon and eggs with tomatoes from the greenhouse. Today, Lucy and I went to B&Q to buy a new Lawnmower. After that, I went back to B&Q to collect my reading glasses from lost property.
I spent an hour making a mess of putting up a blind in the bathroom. Eventually, I had to take it down and fill the holes I drilled. I'll have another go later in the week...
Tonight's dojo session was a fantastic combination of basics, kata and some ippon kumite with Sensei Ronnie Christopher in charge. It was a mid-paced session with attention to detail so I didn't get too sweaty. It was a very useful session, particularly for developing Nijushiho. I was lucky enough to have Sensei Joey for a partner and he kept me under pressure throughout.
My left knee was aching by the end of the hour.
Back home for two huge bowls of spaghetti bolognese!
The knee was worryingly painful this morning. I strapped it up for the ride into work. When I got to work, I was limping. I left the strap on throughout the day but it didn't seem to get any better.
It was nice to see the staff again and to talk about our holidays. My mate Michael has obviously been training hard with daily runs up to 10K. He looks fitter than I've ever seen him. Inspirational!
After a day in front of various screens, I took myself off to the college gym. I had the place to myself so I blasted some heavy tunes and did my back, chest and shoulders workout. The only time my knee hurt was when I warmed up for 8 minutes on the treadmill.
I cycled home slowly, with everything aching, but in a good way.
I made a huge chicken and mushroom stir fry for the family, drank lots of water, painted over the filled holes in the bathroom, and was in bed by 10:30.
College Workout
I was on a late shift at college today so I didn't have to rush around this morning. After breakfast, I got the drill out and put up the new blind in the bathroom. After this, I jumped on the bike and went into work via the Post Office. I was disappointed to find that my left knee was still aching painfully by the time I got to college. I was actually limping for the first hour or so. To make matters worse, I had some pain in my right shoulder when sitting at my desk. This is probably a result of the bench presses in the gym yesterday. Or I'm just old.
On the cycle home, I discovered that the transmission on the mountain bike is in its death throes. It was slipping in and out of gear. I spent some time at the side of the road fettling the gears back into place. I nursed the bike home carefully. When I got home, after 7:30pm, I decided a few beers with my dinner were in order.
Alcohol. No exercise.
I cycled in to work, pushed some papers about and then cycled home. I was using the road bike today - I didn't want to risk riding in on the mountain bike with its dodgy transmission.
Tonight's Karate session was run by Sensei Jason. I did the warm-up and then he launched us into some fast basics with plenty of emphasis on kime (power and focus.) We ran through Bassai Sho for a while before I took over the beginners group and we hit some pads instead! Jason followed Martha and me home and then Jason and I went off to see MotorKill at the Billesley Rock Club!
Motorkill are a very entertaining band. It was such a shame that only a few people turned out to see them. Not many more than 30 fans were in the upstairs venue.
![]() |
They deserved a larger audience |
I enjoyed a few pints of Guinness while Jason downed gallons of 0% lager! He kindly dropped me home at about midnight.
Karate, Beers
My Karate session in the afternoon was also lacking people - only seven attended. However, those seven brought the correct budo attitude with them! The energy was high, everyone was trying their best, and they were fast and strong almost from the very start of the session. This meant that I could spend less time revving them up and more time on their technique. We looked at ushiro geri, Kata Heian Yondan and finished with some ippon kumite. A good session that left me feeling very positive about my Saturday students and put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.
In the evening, We were joined by Dodgy Debbie and neighbours from both sides. I got the fire pit started, poured a glass or two of beer and lit the barbeque. I cranked up the stereo and we argued over what we should listen to (the obvious answer was classic rock) while tucking into chicken, burgers, salmon and sausages. I was mindful of the two lessons I was teaching the next day so I switched to glasses of water after a little while. We all sat around the firepit in the dark until at least 11pm. What a great night!
Karate, Beers
In the morning, I drove over to Kenilworth to take the 11am karate class. As usual, I turned up far too early...
The class was a bit chaotic - mainly because the class has several confident young people who are very chatty, ask lots of questions (not necessarily about Karate), and aren't afraid to tell me they are hungry, thirsty or need a sit down! We also found ourselves discussing dead pets and what to ask for when we write to Father Christmas. It was a bit bonkers! At the other end of the dojo, the red belt and the purple belt impressed me and it won't be long before they are ready for grading.
Back at home, I had lunch and a sit down on the couch. I was embarrassed to find myself nodding off in the afternoon like an old man. I'm still in my forties!
Lucy was using the car, so I cycled over to Tudor Grange for the evening session. We had a good number of students turn up including a brand new family (two daughters and their dad.) I stuck to the tried and tested three Ks - Kihon, Kata and Kumite - to make sure the newcomers got a general idea of what Karate at Ruach is all about. I wished I'd had some pads available so they could try some punches and kicks.
Finding the right balance for the lesson was tricky - I had brand new students, white belts, orange, red, green, yellow, brown and black belts! In school terms, it was like having a class of pupils, some of whom can't read or write, and some who were analysing Shakespeare plays. It was a tricky one, but we got through it and everyone seemed to go home happy.
At home, Lucy presented me with a wonderful dinner and I, of course, felt I deserved a couple of glasses of ale!
Karate, Beers
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