I woke up feeling terrible. This was mainly down to booze and a late night rather than the effects of the Mad March Hare. Lucy kindly drove me into work.
I had a terribly stressful day at college. The fact that I was hungover made it even worse. I dragged myself through the day on the edge of my nerves and was so glad to get home to watch the Walking Dead and have a recovery beer or two! I also cheered myself up with leftover cake. I didn't even think about weight training...
No exercise, junkfood, beer
I still felt ill! Again, I shuffled through the day, but this time it was considerably calmer and I managed to put some good lessons together. I made myself eat healthily but couldn't resist a couple of beers when I got home! I didn't have the energy to go to the dojo tonight.
No exercise, no junkfood, beer
I cycled in to work determined to get back on my training plan. On the ride home, I could barely believe the tiredness in my limbs. It felt like a massive effort just to keep the pedals turning. I ate healthily, didn't drink any alcohol, but simply couldn't face weight training. I cooked tonight which meant I could eat early and get a good night's rest.
I shaved off my beard tonight. Not one family member has noticed!
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol
I woke up feeling much better after a proper night's sleep. I cycled to work in the rain. I did some stretching with the sports lads and bowled one over of our cricket match. My right shoulder is still sore. One of my lads had a bit of a turn. After the first-aider had a look at him, he was picked up by his dad.
I cycled home full of determination. I tidied and vacuumed the man cave, made a strong coffee, put some heavy metal on my stereo and set about my first weight training session in a week. Martha came in to encourage me as I went for a new deadlift record! I was very pleased to set a new personal record at the age of 48, especially after all the booze and junkfood I've indulged in recently. It felt great to be back in training.
We ate really late so I stayed up until 11 to give my dinner a chance to be digested properly.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol
It worked, I woke up feeling good after a great night's sleep. I had a good morning teaching, and then a really boring afternoon in meetings. In the evening, I went along to the dojo. Sensei Jason was in charge - we blasted some basics and then I did some teaching for a bit. We ended up by doing kata with our eyes closed, which seems a pointless and dangerous exercise, but I'm sure that's because I just don't see the hidden benefit in it.
We had a really late dinner again, so I stayed up late watching Walking Dead!
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol
I got up at 7 to get a head start on the bike. During the week, I had a couple of bike parts delivered: a new Shimano R3000-ss derailleur and a Shimano WH-RS100 back wheel. This morning, I went down to Halfords on the mountain bike to pick up some new brake blocks and gear cable. While I was there, I bought some new quick chain links and a new tyre.
The rest of the morning was devoted to slowly and carefully putting these new parts on the bike. The wheel was easy - just a matter of swapping the cassette over. The derailleur required me to cut the chain which was easy to get wrong. I took my time and was eventually able to get it back together again without needing the quick links. I also didn't need the gear cable, so I have that in my tool drawers for when I do need to replace one. I decided not to fit the new tyre yet. The old back tyre is worn, but still has some life left in it.
After lunch, I set about cleaning the bike and then lubing it. I also gave it a bit of a polish. Then it was a case of dialling the gears in and testing them out on the very local roads where I live. The bike will shift into all gears, but there are some clunky changes and it doesn't shift as smoothly as it should. Everything in the transmission is new or nearly new so I just can't work out what the problem is. I decided to leave it for now - at least I can ride it tomorrow.
New derailleur, new wheel. |
Karate was good fun - a good atmosphere in the dojo, mainly because Sensei Gary is back! Lots of grading stuff tonight - fast basics, some kata and some kumite to finish. Afterwards, Guv and I met with Lucy and Kelly to buy Sensei Gary a drink for his recent birthday.
After a nice chat with friends, Lucy and I headed home to enjoy some time with family - Martha, Mouse, Tilly and Jake celebrated with us and Jane and Eric. We had a Chinese takeaway (and a few drinks) in honour of Jane and Eric's 57th Wedding Anniversary!
Karate, no junkfood, beers
With Jonnie away, James and Roger turned up to my house just before 9. We headed off on the Full Honiley route, which is 40 miles long but with hardly any climbing. With no minimum average speed to chase, we were free to chat and enjoy the ride. Also, it was the first time this year that we had ridden this route so it was nice to visit these country lanes again. On the descent out of Norton Lindsey I found myself having to brake to stay behind the lads - much later I checked my Strava and found that I had just set my 3rd ever fastest time down that hill, and I had ridden down it 86 times! The new back wheel must be heavier than the previous one...
On the way through the very quiet lanes in Snitterfield, we found that our conversation had come to a natural pause, and we rode three abreast listening to the sound of the countryside and the whirring of our wheels. As James said a little later, people pay good money for that kind of mental health therapy.
As usual, the cake was great and ride home was relaxed. We eventually got back with a pedestrian average speed of 13.7mph.
In the evening, Lucy and I went for a dinner party at our neighbours' house. There was great food and good beer. Back at home, I stayed up late with my PlayStation and had a bit of a party for one!
Cycling, junkfood, beer
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