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Sunday, March 17, 2019

How to Lose a Belly When You're 44 (part 19)

Weight: 10st 3lbs
Blood Pressure: 140/66
Resting Heart Rate: 54
I cycled in to work and back.
Tonight, I lifted weights for an hour before making huge plates of scrambled eggs and homemade potato wedges for Lucy and myself.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 2lbs
Blood Pressure: 142/69
Resting Heart Rate: 54
I drove in to work today because I thought I had a meeting after college and I wanted to rush home for Karate. It turns out that I didn't have a meeting after all - it's next week (I think I need a PA to keep track of all this stuff for me.)
Tonight's Karate session was great - we started off with lots of black belt kihon including the kicks we need to know for our grading. The second half of the lesson saw Martha and me teaching Tekki Shodan to a purple belt. All valuable experience!
We went home and I scoffed salmon with veggies and rice. Training food!
Training fuel!

Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 3lbs
Blood Pressure: 142/73
Resting Heart Rate: 52
I cycled in to work.
After lessons, I joined Mr Roger and three other members of staff for some circuit training. Mr Roger had devised 10 body-weight exercises (such as squats, press ups, leg raises etc) and asked us to do 10 reps of each. We had to do a circuit of all 10 exercises, 10 times! We only had an hour in which to complete the 1000 reps. I'm pleased to report that, despite being a sweaty, exhausted gasping mess, I managed to be the first to finish in a time of 54 minutes. I did some stretching and then cycled home to make a healthy dinner for the family.
Circuit training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 3lbs
Blood Pressure: 151/68
Resting Heart Rate: 58
I cycled to work and back.
I went for a run tonight. I ran for 55 minutes without stopping or walking. I was rather slow and only covered just over 5 miles.
Running, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 3lbs
Blood Pressure: 147/70
Resting Heart Rate:54
I cycled in to work.
Some bad news at work - one of my students has had to leave college because her strict parents have found out that she has been exchanging text messages with a boy from another class. The parents have pulled her out of college under the pretence that she will now go and work for her uncle. She's only 17 and she loved her freedom at college. She has a wicked sense of humour, gets on well with everyone and was going to pass her English, maths and ICT qualifications. But she has to leave college because of some ridiculous culture thing where she can't have contact with the opposite sex.  Stupid parents. The poor kid will probably be married off to some guy she's never met by the end of the year. (This, of course, is all my own opinion and not that of the college.)
I was feeling genuinely emotional throughout the whole morning. I tried to do a cheerful, fun lesson but I don't think I was very successful.
In the afternoon, I had to give a presentation to other members of staff. I was way out of my comfort zone, found myself ahead of my PowerPoint presentation, and made a bit of a mess of things. Forget it. I cycled home.
In the dojo tonight, I was ready for some action. Instead, it was a useful but very stop-start technical lesson. I struggled to get my left leg into the correct position because of my bad ankle which I'd injured in October last year (yes, it's STILL swollen.) Sensei Ronnie picked up on it and came to see me about it after the lesson. He advised me to get some trainers to wear. The he called all the brown and black belts round and asked them to start wearing trainers too.
This worries me. I don't think I can do Karate in trainers. I've been involved in martial arts for the last 19 years and I've never worn trainers. I think it would affect my Karate too much to start now, especially when I was thinking of going for my black belt this year. Plus, wearing trainers with a gi looks crap...
So, I went home still in a foul mood. I drank four beers and temporarily felt a little better.
Karate, no junkfood, 4 beers

Weight: 10st 2lbs
Blood Pressure: 140/64
Resting Heart Rate: 57
Lucy and I took Mouse out to Warwick University for her interview. I had a bit of a headache and was feeling a little sluggish after last night's beers.
Back at home, I had a huge healthy lunch and then set about lifting up some weights.
Lucy and I watched Game of Thrones after pasta for dinner.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 4lbs
Blood Pressure: 147/66
Resting Heart Rate: 52
It was a very windy day, but mostly dry and sunny.
Jonnie, Roger and I set off into the lanes determined to cycle over 50 miles despite the strong headwind coming at us from the start. We were riding our Coughton route today and that meant a block headwind for the first 12 miles! When we finally turned south-east, our average was a pathetic 12.2mph. By the time we got to Wilmcote it was up to 13.3mph. The strong wind behind us had allowed Jonnie and me to get some gold Strava cups as we rocketed along the Salt Way. 

Before cake...
After refuelling with tea and cake, and watching a brief hailstorm pass through Wilmcote, we got back on the bikes and headed home on our High Cross route. We made sure that we rode together all the way home, no solo efforts off the front and no dropping off the back. We rode to the slowest man at all times and eventually got back to base after 54 miles at 13.0mph. 
After tea and Strava, I headed back to rinse off the bike and to do my share of the housework.
In the evening, I decided to have a few beers with my dinner.
Cycling, 1 slice of cake, 3 beers.

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