I cycled in to work and back. In the evening, I went for a run in the sunshine. I went a little bit farther than last week (1.96 miles) and the knee was okay.
I made a chicken and mushroom stir fry for the family.
I cycled in to work. Martha is currently too ill with a cold to train at the dojo, so I stayed at college and used the gym. I did my 40 minute workout focused on chest and shoulders. Then I cycled home. Lucy made chicken and rice for dinner. Perfect training fuel!
College workout
We woke up to heavy, persistent rain. I chose to leave the bike at home and I jumped in the car with Lucy. After lessons, I went along to the college gym to do my 40 minutes. I really had to work hard to complete my bench press sets. I'm not increasing the weight, just the volume.
Back at home, I made a healthy vegetarian dinner for the family.
College workout
After work, I did a heavy lift for an hour in my man cave. I did side and front raises, curls, overhead presses and squats. I also did a total of 300 bodyweight reps between sets.
Weight training
After work, I dropped Lucy and Debbie at the train station and then went for a run. I ran for 21m 12s without slowing to a walk. The knee was okay. After that, Jonnie and I went to meet Jason and Gary to watch Fred Zeppelin in concert! It was a great night although Jonnie and I maybe overdid it with the Stella!
Run, beers
My karate lesson was better this week. We blasted some basic kicks, then did a combination. We practised the combination with pads and a partner before having a little kata competition.
In the evening, I collected my wife from the train station (back from the Chelsea Flower Show!) before enjoying a few beers with my homemade beef chili con carne.
Karate, beers
It was a bit wet when Jonnie, Mark, James and I pedalled off on the Purity Temple route. Happily, it only rained for about 10 minutes, and then the morning got brighter and warmer all the way to Wilmcote. We headed up and over the Average Destroyer and James was in cracking form on the climbs. After leading us up that, he then took over again and blasted us along from the Blue Boar. By that time, we had the wind behind us and we were going nicely!
I'm pleased to report that this week's cake was a fantastic carrot cake! Thanks Jane!
While we were at Wilmcote, the sun really came out. Myself and Mark decided to shed some stuff and leave it with Jane: I got rid of my winter gloves, leg warmers, scarf and overshoes. Mark left his jacket (it's a thick one!)
Of course, we'd gone less than a mile when it started raining again!
The ride was full of the usual good-natured banter, the highlight being a fictional music album created by James and Jonnie that actually made me cry with laughter!
The sprint at the end was a big effort for me and I was under pressure from both James and Mark. I managed to get to lamppost 13 first, but it won't be long before Mark comes past me at the end of a ride! I had made a rather large effort and had to ride slowly along a side road to wait for my heart rate to slow down.
Back at home, Lucy "suggested" that a marquee might be a good idea for the party this evening. I got it down out of the loft and started piecing it together in the back garden. I was rather fatigued and even went a bit dizzy if I stood up too fast. It took me an hour and a quarter. After this, I went to pick up James and Lily and brought them along for the party to celebrate James's birthday and his becoming a grandad. It was a great time and the marquee was certainly a good idea! Lucy did a brilliant job with food and making sure everyone was comfortable and happy. I just got slowly drunk with family and friends!
Cycling: 39 miles, junkfood, booze