Weight: 10st 0lbs
I cycled in to work. Today was the worst day of teaching I've had since I left City College and came to SBC. There was a lot of conflict and a lot of emotion. I was so glad to get home for some weight training.
It was my brother's birthday today. He's not talking to me at the moment but I raised a glass to him anyway.
Weight lifting, no junkfood, one 330ml can of beer
Weight: 10st 0lbs
I woke up dizzy. Really dizzy. After trying to sit up in bed I had to lie back down again and wait for ten minutes. Eventually I could achieve a siting position but felt really quite sick. The dizziness gradually eased off and I was able to move about. By the time I'd had breakfast I was just left with a bit of lightheadedness and a fast heart rate.
I cycled to work for a much nicer day. The dizziness had disappeared completely by lunchtime. I cycled home and couldn't wait to get to the dojo.
Tonight was a mock grading for those hoping to grade for their black belts on Sunday. We started with fast and furious basics and it was quickly apparent that my fitness training has been lacking. I was sweating and panting and struggling to keep up. I was suddenly unbelievably tired! Only my determination kept me going. I was relieved when Sensei eventually slowed things down for kata.
I was pleased with my kata. Of the three Ks it's definitely my strongest point. I felt that I got through the kata okay although Sensei did identify a missed step in Heian Yondan.
Then on to the kumite.
In the ju ippon I picked up yet another injury to a finger! This time, my little finger on my right hand was bent right back as I defended against a kick. Again, the pain was shocking but I chose to carry on rather than fuss about with ice packs. A little later, I was countering a reverse kick by grabbing his leg and sweeping. He unintentionally elbowed me in the jaw. This caused several small cuts inside my cheek where it had smashed into my teeth. I completed the rest of the mock grading with the taste of blood in my mouth.
Some more kata followed and then we were on to freestyle kumite. I didn't do too badly. My opponent was a strong young man, but only 16. He was wide open and I could have ended the fight with a strong jab to the face. However, I didn't want to hurt the chap so I kept things light. Keeping it light was not what Sensei was after and he let me know it! I was encouraged to go in fiercely with an ear-splitting kiai! I just hope I get an adult opponent in the actual grading.
Martha impressed me in the kumite. She seemed to have the better of her opponent and I could hear her splendid mawashi geri kicks landing with sickening thumps. The only thing that let her down was her smiling and giggling during the fight! I think this was down to nerves. I hope she remembers to keep her expression serious on the day.
We finished with another performance of Heian Yondan and this time I think I got it right.
I went home very tired, very sweaty and looking forward to the grading.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol
Weight: 10st 1lb
My hand was rather swollen today. The pain made it difficult to ride my bicycle in the morning. Who knew I used my little finger so much?
I organised a circuit for the sports lads but didn't join in myself (I had a mixed group of 16 students so had to be watchful this morning.)
After lessons I went along to Mr Roger's interval training session. Six of us got stuck into a strength and fitness circuit including deadlifts, bent over rows, dumb bell presses and snatches. We then did another circuit of purely core focused exercises. I'm lacking in core strength and found a lot of the exercises almost impossible - especially the v-sits! I then led the group in some stretching before cycling rather slowly home.
I cooked a chicken stir fry.
Circuit training, no junkfood, no alcohol
I cycled in to work and back. I couldn't face running so I did some weight lifting instead.
The cuts in my mouth are making it awkward to eat.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol
I cycled in to work. It was a nice morning and an okay afternoon. I succumbed to the temptation of staff room biscuits and had four or five over the course of the day.
I cycled home.
Tonight's Karate session was run by Sensei Tony.
He had a packed class (a large proportion of which turned up late!) with lots of beginners and lower grades to deal with. He ran everyone through a mock grading and he spent as much time with everyone as he could. He drilled us in all the kihon combinations we would need for the grading: we performed each combination four times, turned, then four times back, turned, and then on to the next combination! I was tired. Really really tired. By the time we got to ushiro geri I could barely get my legs to work and I was unsteady on my feet. When Sensei finally let us get water I just leaned on the back wall and gasped for breath.
I'm not fit enough.
The only way I'll get through my grading is if I try to pace myself and hope that Sensei doesn't notice that I'm not giving it 100%.
Sweating profusely, I faced up to my opponent for some kumite. We only had time for ju ippon tonight which was okay because I'm in desperate need of some practice. My opponent was a young black belt (I think he's at university or studying A-levels.) He was very fast and he caught me several times. Or rather, he could have caught me but he pulled some attacks. We went through the ju ippon techniques at least twice on both sides so we had plenty of practice. I managed to counter a few of his attacks and caught him a couple of times. I couldn't get him with my punches but I got him with yoko geri and ushiro geri. Unbelievably, I hurt my finger again when trying to block one of his kicks and it was actually bleeding this time. My hands are like swollen bags of pain at the moment.
We ended the class with more exhausting kihon followed by kata, one after the other, without breaks. I felt like I could pass out, my heart was thumping in my ears.
After the session, Sensei Tony gave us some of his wisdom and encouraged Martha to give it her all.
Martha was feeling confident on the way home, I was worried about my fitness.
Half an hour later, we picked Lucy up and headed off to see Uncle Jonnie. It was his birthday today and it was only right to have a beer with him whilst talking nonsense. We'll have a proper celebration next week.
Home for a late dinner.
Karate training, 4 biscuits, one pint of ale.
The pain from my cut cheek woke me up a couple of times in the night.
Today was a rest day before the grading.
Lucy and I went shopping. I walked the dogs. I did some ironing. We moved stuff around in the back garden.
In the afternoon, we went to sit in the warmth and comfort of the Navigation pub where she sipped wine and I enjoyed a pint of Guinness.
Home for a carbohydrate-rich dinner of tuna pasta bake.
I didn't worry about nutrition today - it's too late to try to get leaner or lighter or whatever. I just need to relax and be confident for tomorrow.
I spent some of this evening thinking about my history with martial arts. It started when I was 25 and I was fed up of being fat and unfit (and drunk.) I attended my first Shotokan Karate class in Great Barr where I met Sensei Paul Hexley. Those early lessons were a real trial - my muscles were so weak I used to shake just going through the warm ups!
Sensei Paul became an inspiration with his hard-hitting no nonsense approach to Karate. He made a point of demonstrating each kata to the class and getting involved with every kumite session. I sparred with him many times and never seemed to avoid his mawashi geri!
A 26 year old yellow belt with shaky muscles (and hair.) |
I wish I could get my yoko geri up there now! |
After I moved to the other side of Birmingham, I still tried to keep up with my training. Eventually, I gave in to laziness and took a break from martial arts. When I tried to return to train under Sensei Paul I was saddened to learn that he had stopped teaching. We still stay in contact, however, which I'm very grateful for.
Next, I trained with Sensei Clive in Japanese Ju Jitsu. I spent 18 months doing this extremely effective and useful martial art. It took some getting used to: after Sensei Paul's hard-hitting dojo, this martial art was more about staying relaxed and manoeuvring your opponent into a position where you could throw them. Everything got a lot easier after I stopped trying to punch everyone! I'm pleased to say that Sensei Clive is still a good friend and is encouraging me to get my black belt in Karate.
Another move meant that I ended up in Moseley and looking for another dojo. I found a modern type of Karate (which I can't remember the name of) based in a local church hall. You didn't have to wear white, nobody was called Sensei, you didn't have to bow and there was music playing throughout the session! Strangest of all, the instructors used to encourage the whole class to come with them to the pub across the road after each lesson. I never went with them so I don't know what that was all about. One thing that I did like about this modern take on Karate was that everyone had to bring their own focus pads and mitts with them. We hit the pads in every lesson and used non-traditional punches such as uppercuts and hooks. I admit that I miss doing those padwork sessions! This dojo closed down and then I found myself without a martial art and, for a little while, without direction.
Another move, and this time a permanent one.
Martha and I had a shared love of Japanese culture so I suggested we take up martial arts. I found Ruach online and we went along to our first session in October 2013.
When we first started, we only trained once a week! |
Yes there were times when I wished the dojo was harder and that I didn't have to spar with children, and it was a long time before I actually got to spar with anyone (I was a purple belt I think!) However, this club has nurtured and supported both Martha and myself as we headed determinedly towards our black belt grading. And the teaching is second to none. I've taken many teaching techniques from Ruach and transferred them to my own classroom.
And then there was Sensei Jody! A big-hitting Karate monster from South Africa who always singled me out for the special treatment (often painful) and soon became a friend. He was only at the club for a short while but his approach changed things for me and I'm sure the club is a little different for his having been there.
As I've mentioned before, he gave me a parting gift when he left England and I hope to be able to talk more about that tomorrow.
Unfortunately, Sensei Jody has been injured for almost a year now and hasn't been able to train. I hope he's back in a Karate dojo very soon.
So tonight I've had a healthy dinner and taken it easy with the family. I contacted Sensei Jody and got some good advice from him. A good night's rest is all I can do now.
Rest day, some junkfood, one pint of Guinness