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Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Achieve a Black Belt in Your Forties (13 days to go!)

Weight: 10st 2lbs
I cycled in to work.
In the afternoon, I noticed that my two smallest fingers on my right hand had gone completely numb. I had no idea what was causing it. I cycled carefully home. By the time I'd set up my weights session, I had the feeling back in my digits.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

I woke up feeling a little under the weather. I decided to go in to work in the car with Lucy.
Again, in the late afternoon, my two smallest fingers went numb. This time they went purple too. The only way I could have injured myself was on the punch bag when I was training with Sensei Ronnie on Sunday. How strange.
Purple and numb.
I'd rallied a little bit by the time we got home so I did a weight lifting session.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 1lbs
Lucy, Jane, Tilly, Jonnie, Jess and I travelled to Cambridge for a funeral. After saying goodbye to a much-loved family member, we had a drink with our family and friends. 
No exercise, no junkfood, alcohol

Weight: 10st 0lbs
I'm the lightest I've been since the end of July (I put on 11 pounds over the summer!)
I woke up feeling a bit rough so I jumped in the car with Lucy. I did some weight training after work but felt more and more ill as the evening went on. I had a Lemsip before bed.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 2lbs
I felt absolutely terrible and I was losing my voice. Again, I used the car, not the bicycle to get to work.
I went along to the dojo to watch Martha training. I sucked cough sweets and blew my nose a lot.
Sensei Gary was kind enough to invite me along to the seminar with Sensei Hazard but I will be at a wake tomorrow.
No exercise, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 0lbs
I felt a bit better in the morning, but not by much.
We attended Uncle Graham's wake at Camp Hill Rugby Club. A minute's silence was observed and Camp Hill quite rightly won the match. I drank a few beers with family and friends.
I was back home at 5pm for Lemsip and homemade dinner.
No exercise, no junkfood, alcohol

Weight: 10st 0lbs
I woke up feeling better than I have a for a few days. I still have a ridiculously croaky voice however!
I jumped on the bike and joined Jonnie, James and Roger in the lanes. We did our flattest route: the Honiley Route. There was a light rain all day, the lanes were absolutely soaked and full of debris and mud. It was great to be out in the fresh air with the chaps and Roger did a great job of looking after me at the back of our little group. I went along okay, it just took me a little while to recover after climbs.
I was very grateful for all the hard work that James and Jonnie were doing on the front.
Waiting for Roger to have a wee.
At Wilmcote, all the boxes were ticked: homemade cake, hot tea, and cricket highlights on the TV! It was with great reluctance that we put our wet shoes back on and cycled back into the rain.
I got home after 40 miles at 13.9mph.
After some soup and wholemeal bread, I did some ironing and then headed off to dojo. 
Sensei Gary was in charge today and I got to perform 8 kata all at full pace followed by some self defence stuff. I was a bit sweaty and my throat was raw by the end!
And then, and I really don't know why, I decided to have a couple of beers with my dinner. Why I ruined all my training by drinking alcohol is a complete mystery. It just seemed like a good idea at the time...
Cycling, Karate, junkfood, alcohol

Monday, November 18, 2019

How to Achieve a Black Belt in Your Forties (20 days to go, again!)

I cycled into work and back and then did a good weights session. I cooked a protein-rich dinner and had an early night.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 2lbs
I bounced out of bed feeling great!
I cycled in to work. It was a stressful day today with an actual very real threat of violence outside of the college. I made sure I was in the middle of it in case I was needed. Happily, I wasn't.
I cycled home.
At the Karate session, I was very pleased, honoured and embarrassed to receive the Student of the Month award for my efforts at the Shirley dojo on Saturdays. I should have received the medal on Saturday but I was in London at the weekend.

Wearing my medal, with a few of my best friends.

After a photograph, I got to do some sparring with Sensei Kai and Sensei Joey. Two very different karateka and both adding to my kumite experience.
Then, a very welcome announcement - Sensei Gary has put the grading back by one week! I get another 7 days to get myself fitter and faster before I'm tested.
We finished with some team kata.
Home for loads of healthy protein (fish) and an episode of Vikings!
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol

Blood Pressure: 124/87
Resting Heart Rate: 48 bpm
I cycled in to work. For this morning's fitness lesson, I showed the lads how to measure their blood pressure and resting heart rate. I used myself as an example and was pleased to have some good results (although the diastolic reading is a little raised.) Then I took the sports group out on a 2 mile run. I think the chaps are getting a little fitter, or I'm getting better at nagging at them. I still find it hard to believe how often these teenage lads slow to a walk during our 2 miles. Some of them even refuse to run uphill!
The afternoon lessons were great fun and very satisfying.
After the students had gone home, I went along to Mr Roger's fitness training class. This week was all about the dumbbells! Every exercise involved hurling dumbbells about. I tried to lift as heavy as I could, but I did find myself exchanging my heavy dumbbells for lighter ones as the exercises went on. We trained for a little under an hour before I slumped at my desk to scoff rice and chicken.
I cycled home, aching all over.
I made a healthy chicken and mushroom stir fry for the family.
I've been aching all evening, especially in my shoulders. It must be good for me, right?
2 mile run, fitness training, no junkfood, no alcohol.


Weight: 10st 2lbs
The weather was horrible. Driving rain all day. I decided that jumping in the car with Lucy was the best option today! After work, Lucy convinced me to go for a run. I really didn't want to go and was looking for any excuse to stay in the warm. Anyway, I ended up plodding the streets for 6.3 miles. I was incredibly lethargic but I didn't slow to a walk at any point. I wobbled home in an embarrassingly pedestrian time of 69 minutes.
I hate running, I felt physically terrible when I got back, but I was so glad I did it!
10K run, no junkfood, no alcohol

I cycled in to work. It was a brilliant day at college with a good morning lesson and lots of paperwork done in the afternoon. I cycled home and got ready for Karate.
Unfortunately, I was asked to teach this evening. I had the white belts, orange belts and two absolute beginners to inspire and try to develop. It was hard to think of things for them to do. I hope it wasn't too boring.
So I didn't actually get to do any training myself!
After dinner, the fact that I hadn't done any exercise today wouldn't let me relax, so I set about doing a weights session.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Weight: 10st 3lbs
A walk in the park with the dogs in the morning.
This afternoon's Karate session was a very stop-start affair with Sensei Tony making sure that everyone understood what they were doing and that they were performing each technique correctly.
At the end, I stayed behind to tire myself out with some Jion and Heian Godan.
Tonight's dinner was homemade chicken and chickpea curry with lots of spinach. Training fuel!
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 2lbs
Up at 7am for a three-egg breakfast.
After taking the dogs out for a very cold walk in the park, I headed off for my first Karate session of the day. Initially, my heart sank when Sensei asked me to go through kata with some white belts, but it was only for a short while and I was doing some proper training soon enough!
We warmed up with plenty of high-speed basics before moving on to a kumite competition. I was pleased to win all of my fights but I was only up against young teenagers. I was the only senior adult training at Cocks Moors Woods today.
I got home to eat a banana and do some ironing. An hour later I was back in the dojo, this time at Tudor Grange.
We did Karate circuit training! This involved ippon kumite, ju ippon kumite, freestyle kumite, kata, press-ups, sit ups and bag work. Phew. And my partner? No less than chief instructor Sensei Ronnie Christopher, World Champion medallist, and the man who will be overseeing my grading in exactly three weeks time! At the end of the first circuit I was out of breath and feeling dizzy. Then we went round another three times!
We did some kata in between each circuit too! By the end of the two hours, I was gasping and desperate for a sit down. I had been determined to keep up with Sensei in the sit ups and press ups and had given my all in the bag work. I was exhausted.
I realised at the end of the session, when Sensei gathered the students round to give them feedback, that the man wasn't even breathing hard. I know that Sensei is more than ten years my senior. His fitness is outstanding.
I went home to fill up on homemade Sunday dinner with the family and to somehow resist the lovely beers lined up in the kitchen!
3 hours of Karate training, no junkfood, no alcohol.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How to Achieve a Black Belt in your Forties (20 days to go)

Monday 28th - Thursday 31st October
It's half term. Lucy is away on a short holiday in Europe.
I lift weights every day and eat healthily, but I also treat myself to a couple of beers every evening.

Friday 1st November
Lucy is back.
In the morning, I do some weight training.
In the evening, we have a house party with loads of family, friends and fireworks!
I drink loads of beer, eat junkfood, and dress up as Batman!

Saturday 2nd November.
Get up early to watch South Africa defeat England in the rugby world cup.
I wish I'd stayed in bed.
The rest of the day was a complete waste, with comfort food and a few ales.

Sunday 3rd November
I walked the dogs in the fresh air.
In the evening, I had a bit more comfort food and three ales.

Monday 4th November
Weight: 10st 6lbs
Back in training, back at work. I cycled in to college and back.
At home, I did a satisfying weights session and then scoffed loads of eggs in my dinner.
Weight training, no junkfood, no alcohol

Weight: 10st 5lbs
I cycled in to work and back and then went to the dojo.
Sensei Gary quite rightly gave me a telling off for not training at the weekend! I assured him that I wouldn't miss another session. 
Sensei Mark took the higher grades for a kumite lesson. He had us practise the changes made to the ju ippon drills that were introduced to the club on Sunday. 
Yes, 4 weeks from the grading and the club has changed the ju ippon attacks! There is now a short step before launching into the techniques properly. This enables the attacker to close the distance much faster and more efficiently. Sensei Mark gave us plenty of opportunity to go over this change and practise against a partner.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol

I cycled into work. 
This morning, I did a very challenging circuit of 10 exercises with the sports lads. We went around in pairs, performed each exercise for 30 seconds and we went round twice. I was red faced and perspiring by the end of it!
At 4:30pm, I went along to Mr Roger's interval training session. This time, he wasn't focused on getting us strong or making us sweat. This week he had very kindly focused on the skills that I need as a martial artist. We practised balance, footwork, stance and reaction times. All extremely useful stuff although I was a little disappointed not to break a sweat.
I cycled home and made a healthy curry of tomatoes, chicken and mushrooms made with all fresh ingredients.
Circuit training, no alcohol, no junkfood

I cycled to work.
The ICT department took two of our groups for a visit to the Apple store for a free lesson on how to make films using their iPads. It was a good day out!
On the cycle home, I had a bit of a motivational failure: I just couldn't find the strength of will to go for a run. I settled for an hour of weight training instead.
Weight training, no alcohol, no junkfood

Weight: 10st 3lbs
I cycled to work, tried to stay awake in a meeting and then cycled home.
Martha and I went along to the dojo for another session with Sensei Mark.
The session was great - lots of chopping and changing to keep things interesting. 

Some of the fantastic Karateka at the Friday Tudor Grange session (with our young white belt student of the month.)
At the end, Sensei asked me to perform Jion for my module. He was very kind and said some very nice things about my kata. He signed off the final element in my module.
Karate, no junkfood, no alcohol.

I got up early to complete a weight training session.
A family member isn't well so in the morning I travelled down to London on the train to see what I could do. I don't like the place. I know it has a rich history and lots to see but I find it cramped, noisy and unfriendly. 
As it turns out, I couldn't do any good so I got on the 6:05 train from Marylebone. I lasted until 7pm sitting on the floor of the packed train. Then it was just too much so I felt sorry for myself and cracked open the beer I'd been carrying around with me all day!
Back at home, the family were brilliant and cheered me up with chicken and noodles, Strictly Come Dancing and 2 more beers!
Weight training, no junkfood, 3 beers

There was a mix up in communication today: Sensei Gary told me there was no early morning training but it turns out that there was a session at 8am run by Sensei Lloyd! Oh well, I took the dogs for walk in the sunshine instead.
Martha and I went along to the 1:15 session at Cocks Moors run by Sensei Joey. Despite some badminton players being rather reluctant to get off the court, it was an enjoyable session which covered the three Ks and kept everyone entertained. Martha and I went home for 40 minutes of rest before heading off to Sensei Ronnie's 2 hour session at Tudor Grange. 
We worked hard at the details of our basics. He singled me out because my movement backwards needs to be improved. Of course, at 1st kyu, we don't perform our basics backwards, but we could be asked to do anything in the grading!
The advanced half of the session focused on the new ju ippon step attacks which we practised on Tuesday. It soon became apparent that it put the defender at a massive disadvantage. It's so hard to make allowances for the extra step and still get the block and counter in. Plus, Sensei has stipulated that the step should be a small one but all the black belts were using it as an excuse to launch themselves halfway across the dojo when they attacked! And using timing against these attacks? Forget it!
I've got 3 weeks exactly to find some sort of defence and counter against these new attacks. There were times today when I considered postponing my grading until April, but then I remembered that everyone is in the same situation: we've only just been shown this change and we all only have 3 weeks to work with it. Surely Sensei will take that into account on the big day.
Martha and I went home for loads of homemade shepherd's pie and piles of green vegetables!
3 hours of karate, no junkfood, no alcohol